Show THE CITY AFFAIRS pool tables must pay license BOYS prove woolen mills co makes of broken electric aught globes the city council wae in beaston last evening pr t nt mcewan lial laday knudesen udeen glazier ward and dirring Sir ring WAS elected president pro tm A petition from louisa banson asking for abatement of tier city taxes was granted the report of city justice J E biotti mra matilda city talef remitted 3 47 abe tax sale of property of mrs celia for the year 1894 waa released and her cita taxes for the year 1895 anto remitted to 34 centa the was to apply the water or BF much thereof as necessary to the clean inn of and kutink them in good condition the on and alley reported on the matter of purchasing hasine anu from mrs BilliL Rs recommend u that deeds be made out and the may or to sign bame and that a city warrant fir tha sum of 75 b drawn out and given to the mayor to complete iid report A lo 10 ted reed wag present and called the councils attention to the fact that the street lamps were baine broken and asked ibe council to take to have the evil abated city attorney was prea nt and spoke bome timo on the dim culty of catching the boyn who run to hiither and do each acts mcewan snored abat the matter of apprehending abd tbd breaking lamps be placed in the bands of the city marshal with to oae all dill iRence possible to catch boys who break lamps carried on motion of mcewan third etheel order frd opened cita attorney called attention ot tho licensing of pool tables tie waa of the that pool tables were running and no license on same ads been paid for halladay wanted tue matter referred to le committee on judiciary the majority of the council were against reference and the owners of pool tables will have to cay license on fume as provided by ordinance mcewan and knudson ljra appointed a with city surveyor searle to determine what ha 1 beat bo done in regard to marcink official plats for provo city attorney iid that hf c iula not get the transcript for the case of va 1 provo city heard batore justice da for the reason that the justice would not furnish eama until fees were paid for same tha council ordered that be paid to justice do boisy moisy that being the amount of feea for same claims to the amount of 55 wort allowed and the council adjourned until oct no people suffer ao much from physical disabilities aa those whose business little or no muscular ei artion tho lack of choie be liver to become sluggish and result is constant constipation iton biliousness anit briick to prevent ibn edke liver it opeus the liver active and hakea onee cou dilion as comfortable ae those who have exercise |