Show weak 1 I was no good on earth dr miles strengthens the teak builds up the broken dow constitution and permanently every kind of nervous disease about one iwas afflicted with nervousness sleeplessness creeping slight palpitation of my heart confusion Ser lotts loss or lapse of memory weighted down with care and vorra I 1 completely lost appetite and felt my vitality wearing ant I 1 was irritable and tired sly freight was reduced to ibs in fact I 1 was no flood on eartly A menu me dr miles book new and startling facts and I 1 finally to try a bottle ot PR MILIS ro I 1 had taken one bottlo I 1 could as well as a lo yr old boy my returned greatly increased ahrn Z had taken the sixth bottle sly weight increased to 6 eni fim chiy nerves steadied completely su mamorv fully restored f felt jr gitles restorative is A great medicine I 1 assure you augusta mo WALTER R dr alloa la sold on a that the first bottle will benefit bottles fo it will he kent prepaid pre paid on receipt of price by tho dr buea medical co elkhart ind dr miles restores health A household treasure I 1 W fuller of N Y says that he always keeps dr kinds new in the bouse and hit bamily baa always found the very belt results follow ita use that be would not oe without it if procurable G A dykeman druggist Outa kiil N Y aada anal dr kings new Bia covery ii undoubtedly the best cough remedy that he hais used it in bia family for eight years and it has never tailed to do all that ia claimed for it why not try e remedy ao long tried and trial bottles free at excelsior drug and paint co K kular size andl 00 cut aratea via U P R K as follows bound trip regular special from fare trains L leave P M A M nephi mona santaquin San payson benjamin 90 spanish fork 90 springville Spring ville 75 provo 75 lake view 75 Pleasant Grove 50 American Fork 50 lohi 50 arrive at S L 4 35 9 30 tickets sold at above rates will be good for return october trains returning leave salt lake at a m and p m G W agent provo tie ties ties or RR ties wonted delivered the line 0 the U P railway at once apply to 8 S provo lost A ladys fold watch on snoday forenoon ne ir N L belsons nelsons Nel sons residence fourth ward finder will bal rewarded by leaving same at tb enquirer office weary mid worn when the tided fac ory operative the weary out doar laborer the tacked book keeber or dork becka a medical or expenditure of bodily force where shall be find it could the recorded experience of thousands of workers be voird th verdict would be that hostellers Ho stomach bitters renews strength stimulates the jaded mental powers to activity and relates undue tension aa noth la else daei digestion Diye stion a regular habit of boly appelbe ap pelie and dep are promoted by it and it is an admirable auxiliary in the rt covery of health by A fastidious stomach is not kofl oudeh by it aad to persons of both sexes in delicate health who occasionally casio nally fee tho need of an efficient tonic the whole rane of the erceia and the catalogue of proprietary medicines dhea not cresent a more useful baber or more decisive one it is ileo incomparable for fever and ane rheumatism and troubles for sale A 15 horse horizontal engine and upright boiler almost new can be purchased together or separately cheap by applying to P 0 box catt children cry for f A FEMALE eel bearing ripe eggs has been caught in the open sea off the french coast TURKS of the mammoth have been found of a length of nine feet measured along the curve terrified the ostrich is said to travel at the rate of twenty five miles an hour and clears twelve to fourteen feet at a stride AUSTRALIA is the only country in the world to which ruminating animals are not indigenous and yet cattle and sheep of various breeds thrive there amazingly A sure cure for piles itching piles are known dy eilf perspiration calsing intense itching wha warm form BS well RB blind bleeding or protruding yield at BC acl dr BoBan koB pile remedy ahia directly on parta affected temore allays itching and 50 acta Drug guta of basil free dr philadelphia pa sold by excelsior drug paint co it chers Gasto CW both the method and results when syrup of figs la taken it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste and acts gently yet promptly on the kidneys liver and bowels cleanses the system effectually dispels colda headaches and fevers and cures habitual constipation hyrup of figs la the only remedy kind ever produced pleasing to the and acceptable cep table to the stomach prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known syrup of figs is for sale in and 81 bottles by all leading druggists any reliable druggist who nay not have it on hand will procure it promptly cpr any one who wishes to try it do not accept any substitute california FIG CO SAH FRANCISCO OA alf MEW YORK HV ila H i fib V 19 until further notice 4 trains a day sj m ANDREW EGGERTSEN mgr successor to provo L M B co WHOLESALE AND RETAIL dealema IN lumber doors windows brinds and rustic siding T and G flooring Fal TOLt ancl lumber sawed and dressed to order scroll sawing and done utah valley iron paint combination wire and slat fence office and 1 ard opposite R K depot cpr raf P 0 1 r nu v u box telephone no 20 jook OUT OUT we have had such a bush of business that we could not prepare our regular bargain day sale for this week but will make up for it next week 1 by giving you extra bargains watch this space for y A irs s r f tyyne fesa fB sa s avi i ya la 1 inias 1 y t ia r i t toy bi A assa rt L jle SO AND 32 ST we are in favor of the free and unlimited coinage of silver at the ratio of 16 to land our c t ry v ir B j i a B r a a will be added one star to the galaxy of states that will outshine tair atau IS TO da 8 and grandeur but before that time does come you will need something in the line of bats pry goods groceries glassware crotea Cn Ulery woolen IN FACT YOU WILL NEED A HOST OF OTHER THINGS AND TEE BEST AND CHEAPEST PLAGE THEM IS AT arrovo irvid STORE nr j JS J S v ita lit K S rv i iff s highest of all in leavening power latest U S goat report mr J K booler secretary and trea bure of abe gorinne mill canal and esock corinna trtat in of cough remedy save i 1 I consider it the beat in abe market I 1 have used many kinds but find cham moat prompt and effectual in giving beliel and now keep no other in my house when troubled with a coush or cold civi this remedy a trail and we assure you that you will be more than pleased with the result for sale bv smoot dru c co the union people reduced tiie conference laie in fucili county to i basis of one lant si mile for the round trip fare irom prove will only be csc buy only II 11 f it IS tickets when baby was sick we gat her castoria when sho was a child she cried for cantli la when she became miss she dung to cantoria Cag toria when she had children aha eave them caforia Caa oria evening tiner classes prot V M pratt of salti lake now engaged in the B Y academy will conduct an evening writing class for the benefit of those who cannot attend school during the day the charge for forty two lessons is only prof pratt is a of abe Zio erian alt lege ahio his specimens of penmanship took ane first prize at the terri fair last fall arrange with prof kobler room 9 baham young academy |