Show TES LEAGUE CLUBS TO AX call fr n Bleet Sni jtb the club platform BOW TO A CLU 1 tor ot aa many republicans as 1 the fal lowing paper a cetlin net lin gotlie of baie inz ahr t inhuman industrial avo american principles mad of thu raab aro beat lor the protection of life liberty ud the of 0 amerian people th st these inta rexta can be advanced t th organization ot a republican le in chii local ity hereby enroll for that par pose ana f arc e to attend a la abing at on the da of for uch tuch t an organization 2 at the utby elect a temporary and secretary adopt BB herewith or by the state league or substantially the same 3 elect officers KJ provided by tbt constitution ution elect aa only men who will when elected receive the united gup port af all tha almenta el menta in the dob 5 every officer elected in the clab hould bo a whose lican ism i WORK THE CLUB 1 it la tebet abst head be established at bouws faa that the roomi be accessible to the n during the day and evening 2 etke tha club rooms the center of political in the neighborhood fand tha school where the fotr can his political education 3 mako the policy of the dab so broad ahm every can work it kep oat of end on the arenlt of tha party 1 invite to ayery who with the republican party and who intends to support its candidates candi datos 5 see that every republican in the vicinity the club 8 haah reenor reen lR meetings of the club at beasl once a month 7 the officers offic erb should see that an in of work is pre pared for ever this afi pa t ana existence of the clab 8 the ceab never be made aab to the inter cf any indi sidnal 9 the dab astor 0 ft for office antil fir fi r he ia by the party convention OF A faw end will easily to local reu ir meta T the name this chuu be tha leaine of 11 the object of this leaine club hall be to advocate promote and maintain tha plse of republicanism as enunciated by the republican party to direct and interest in politico thoe who have hitherto deen more or ipsa indifferent to duties to ene urage attend itic at tb caucus primary meetings in ord r that honest and men mar be nominated to anard eni deferia de feril the purity of the ballot box to work in barnothy barno tny with and carry out the plan of republican league club or through the leacue of abig bbate aad the national republic ah and to euch ether wort as may best conserve cono erve aae interest of the republican party nationally and thereby exerting the moat poteat in behalf of III or OAK ba tb s club shall not ba used in 9 way to father th of any canadate canN date for the office previous to nom hu ahall reserve Us force to be cuenod ii behalf of all nom by republican IV any oyer of ae who ill a republican and in sympathy with the principles of tb republican party and A of its candidates ahall bo eligible to of thia club V th of club be a president two vice presidente a a tram aa executive committee of dve bembera and the president Pre aident and Sac retry ex cio all ahall be mer obera of tha club and cfall be elected by ballot at ench time 61 may be in the bylaw by law VI itic section 1 the regular of thi a ebne b bald at section 2 FITS mem ban ercul consi itna a at any or duly called nie etin of tia club VII section 1 by lwi aud resolutions of thia club shall require a majority vote of the at any regular for their adoption section 2 amendment to thia ahall only be previous ioui notice of taro w ex kit in writings and ahall require for their adoption an vote of two birdi of th ent at ft ra alar meeting the kioa to b hoelew than of ae cembara of the blob provided taftt no ahall at time bt mada thai will conflict with ib prat 0 the of the NB hairl leagai w th ka accas of thi blob hl b eoff ana b ft of ihfe Rs abil afta of this State and b ia fall balc artt |