Show city and county cottings jottings Jot tings made suits at PROVO WOOLEN MILLS CO WABD sons will GRAIN in part payment for building material U Tco Wilson ia booming ap the RG W aratea to salt lake city ROCK canyon orchard ia bamona for choice fruits consisting of bartlett pearn orange peaches prunes plume grapes ate situated 2 from post office would be pleased to fill your orders W 0 beesley mercantile co of american fork are wrapping all their parcels in it looks like they are painting the town red daab TAKK your flour to the elite bakery in exchange for broad opposite post office an END the grand cloak opening at the B a jonea company THE A 0 smoot lumbar yarda want wheat oats barley and corn in exchange for lumber doors etc A complete new stock ia carried tt your fish and paa to howe talt indent the highest market prices ALL kiuda of produce wanted in ex for woolen goods PROVO WOOLEN MILLS CO ami recai pta carefully compounded at smoot drug co t amt nicest and cheapest lamps I 1 have seen this fall can be had at oble mana american fork daw D L has opened a real estate loan domce in swasey martins bank opposite the post ghou booma and boad boa d at the rate of 5 par week at mrs opposite opera boasa FAMILY trade solicited goods delivered promptly by the popular grocers bombard baxey paint I 1 paint 1 paint ready mixed paints at warda sona 1 per gallon can FROM to feat of logs wanted immediately G W mickel provo i bognann carry all the leading brauda of flour at lowest cribei AT the opening of the chleman mercantile co american fork they are selling pint fruit bottles 75 cents per doa qu arts 8 and half at is jour dauw tua late it styles of capes just in over strong at the 88 jonea corn pany big three met at spanish fork thia afternoon where an enthusiastic meeting was in progress as we co to press thia evening they hold forth at growers and bee keepers can gee supplies at the lowest prices at gao W mih Df iALuna in building material and contractors can save money by sending their ordera tor mill work to geo W miceala Mic kala prova utah t go to the excelsior hauae opposite the honsa oa J street for the beat 25 hd and the best scent meala in the city ANYTHING in the bakery line made to wedding cake at floras PO yoo ought to aee the immense stock of doming that the chipman mercantile C american fork ha received mens suits panta coat and vest for worth 6 anywhere daw IT seems that there an a certain claar of boya iu our city throwing atones and brot kine the elect riot lights globes all possible ellort should ba made to aa certain who these aters are the breaking of the globes not only auf tho woolen milla to great amount of bother in replacing them but cot abo company 0 for ove that is broken while down in the part of the abate some time a 0 o bays mr W Oh almers editor of the chico oal enterprise 1 I an attack of dyb antery having heard ot chamberlains colic cholera and diarrhoea remedy I 1 bought a battle A couple of cosea of it completely cured me now I 1 am a champion of that remedy cpr all atom ach and bowel complaints for sale by smoot dang co was a gentleman from lake view in our office who said please tell iho county coart that five hundred democrate Damo crate mora or lesa held a meeting m provo canyon today and registered a kick against the condition of that road they are neither rich nor well born and they want to know what they have dono to be compelled to travel such a road go to the hardware ironto Iro nOo for hay tools ate T JUST received a larga and varied block of genta fad ea na shoes at bed rock prices for cash gall and ba convinced 6 boora west oftay bior broa G choules d sw FOE horse blankets blan keta and lap rabaa the mercantile jo american fork is the placa to buy them dauw for fishing tackle at provo hardware aej iron company t ana newly el acted directors of th woolen met in bishop pres tons office in salt lake last saturday and elected W B breaton Pr eaton president thomasr Tho maaR cutler vice president W E bassett secretary and decd smoot manager A dividend of 3 per cent on the capital wa de dared and mido payable at one in the product of the mills A GEBAT boap we boor for eale residence property for marly owned by jama E of the railroad depot at 00 to euit purchaser address western loan savings company P 0 box 1537 salt lake city D tab ONLY R G W to salt lake 1 md return D L has some fine improved farms in utah county and choice residence properties proper tiei in city listed for ale anca and terms cheap and kaaa office 10 martin bank opposite poat office britannica agency at free to the public for examination in the wholesale and retain cery at their old stand 28 centre street they are reducing their large wholesale stock and i you want to ret come rare bargains in fancy and staple groceries call on fla well known firm |