Show 1895 john B booth president john henry smith vice ARO MH grsham man james clove lof lodice at brov ft i second dabi WAtt Pr TERMS OF BT edition in barta of B herper yer per mon thin advance ac bomi venrie ven riB advance to city beily delivered panday excepted except pd 0 centa par month in advance or 25 centa a week addrena oo 00 provo city utah where delivery la cdake complaint at the or Tei hoo no 27 esq a iTon lation hat fluery week that of all ih other in central and southern utah combined in utah onney it haa B circulation that ex of all the other territorial combis pd indicate a disorder of the kidneys and prompt measures should be taden to prevent serious trouble can be cowd in their may become dangerous danger oun DR J H is KIDNEY BALM Is what yon newl it will cure liver albor dera kidney brights and price i per bottle send 3 cent stamp for book of banta how to uve and cure tbt THE DR J H MCLEAN MED CO QT LOUIS arvio at brot co f i B DO YOU that 9 Ba temana drops godfreyh godfreys God freys cordial many bo called soothing bao most remedies tor children aro composed ot opium or morphine t so yon enow that opium and morphine are stupefying narcotic poisons po yon enow that n most countries druggists are not permitted to sell narcotics without labeling them poisons an yon know that yon should not permit any medicine to be riven your child you or your physician know 0 what it fa composed t so yon know that castoria la a purely preparation fand that a list ot its lagred lenta is publia had with every battla I 1 do yen jacw that bactoria Cac toria Is the prescription 0 the famous dr bombel that it has lieen in use tor nearly thirty years and that more castoria la now eav of all other remedies tor children combined I 1 doyon do yon know that tho patent office department of the united state and of other countries have issued exclusive right to tr pitcher and his assigns to use the word castoria and its formula and that to imitate them is a state prison offense io yon know that one of the for granting this protection waa because cantoria Ca etoria had been proven to be a harmless po yon know that 35 dobes ot re furnished tor 35 cent or ona cent a dose f do yon know that when possessed of this perfect your children bay bo kept veil and that you may have unbroken rest 7 welli ar worth the fac f y on vory of y grapper Oh lidren kyfor pitchers Pit chefs astorca as torSa whether you suffer from or are healthy and have INSOMNIA aga SLEEP NERVOUS DEBILITY a SOUND NERVES GENERAL constitution DYSPEPSIA alapin aPiN aa DIGESTION was SPIRITS IMPURE BLOOD adya GOOD constitution br behlers CELERY beer ab nb will cure cheso AND theao 1 for eale dy smoot arne oo 00 wagon and buggy wood and a large stock of iron tires drill steel etc the best cook stoves in the city filing Ms asi assip hosts acs casani ss haguel give us a call for anything in tho hardware line AID IRON COMPANY L D waters mer for over franr year axi irim Lows hs tor ove fletr years by million of lot their children while teething rith perfect BUO aeu it boothia the child sofiena the funn tu pain cures wind colic abid the beet remedy fr diarrhoea it will the poor lettla bold by in tery art of the world tweety centa ft bottle be fure and ask for mr tarap kod tak ther kind 5 f rf DR improved A MUD ONE PITA FOR A DOSE A 01 the bobola each dr is for beadth abe mila what the lacios to mike cat tatt ef fd clear the comple alon better aum cosmetics cosme tica bihy ihy krige nor to TOU iri rill nu arve or n fall box for aa hold swan old att rate A 0 o Is now beine treated under the DR JOHN SYSTEM BY A licensed non graduate BENJAMIN PROVO commercial and sayings BA CITY UTAH DIRECTORS reed smoot prest D tolaro TO larb vice preat john jonea jamea A besin roger farrer E E eldredge Eldred gs L 6 hilla J K p denoral banking business busi neBs transacted FIRST OF W H president Pre aident 8 S J 0 Q CANNON E F D A SWAN daywan Oa shiar exchange drawn on new york ban francisco and fall th principal cities of europe safety deposit boxes for rent fraai par annum arid ATCHISON AND SANTA n T abe which ass mss sn palao leeping aara ogden salt lalo ity ad andl allman palace chair oara between ogden salt lake city denver and chicago t A EQUIPMENT ARE YOU i V icedo anra aba SANTA FE ROUTE grandest and greatest railroad on earth cleaye ye ogden salt lae city or provo on the evening train in order 0 seu the beautiful in america sy y train blo grande prota 1 0 0 Oi arpie ia tr 60 W second south i abent department SALT LAKE UTAH i mackres MAC wrES L laj lowr i cops JUST WHAT you is what you always have surely have it if you make your of supplies froin us we keep only first class goods and the qua ity and value of every article bought from us can be depended on absolutely class stationery will cause yon more bother and annoyance than its worth if you saved four times the that you can ip buying this cheep stuff the be worth the trouble involved fine stationery is more than a luxury its a convenience veni ence and a necessity use none but ours the best idrovo BOOK stationery CO outwitting outfitting OUT FITTING DEPT AND FOS all kinds of milbre supplies N OTON biant powder caps and coee fancy groceries etc special attention to mail orders P 0 boi aalt CITY CAN I 1 OBTAIN 4 r TOT s prompt aniber and an bonet opinion write tr M fc CO who hate had denra experience in tha patent bui ceBa alon strictly A handbook of in lonna Uon and how to obtain thein er ree also a of leal anil books lent free taken through munn co ana iani are brought witoly out bot to the In this Bp lenda figued has bahir tha of aar work in the boria 83 a tear sample copies bent free year coaloa 23 centt bumbar contain beau platea in color and of new with planel to chow the bad contract A dares f CO liaw mill IN ALL KINDS OT LUMBER LATH SHINGLES GLASS PAINT fe OILS ami BUILDERS HARDWARE ALSO OP dooen WINDOWS and FRAMES ornamental CORNICE PORCH and STAIR WORK lr TURNING aud telephone no 32 CITY SAVINGS BANE aiu st salt lake city open saturday evening from 7 to 8 5 per interact on de oi 1 00 or mere and compounded four ft aper UTAH TITLE fo capital f full paid J E president W E mc vi e secretary and DOCTOR G I 1 SHORES PRICE 2 A BOX positively guaranteed to cure every CAM of nabal catarrh disease dj sease both ocal and constitutional treatment for using dr G W shorn damom curative remedies in alt catarrhal chronic 1 your hav catarrh asthma bronchitis hay fever or any complicated affection of th nob throat tubs or lungs use dr G W shores catarrh cure couch cure and tonic and blood purifier to cure the catarrh stop till couch cleanse and purify blood improve the appetite and digestion tf complicated with kidney allvar or bladder trouble uc dr G W snores and liver curt ana in all cass tak on of dr G W shores anti con tl pill at it buur trouble 1 chronic and deep seated write dr GW shore personally for his new symptom list and hay your case ay bod and e et expert advice trea or 0 w tonic and blood Purt flar cl canil nil and guntis he blood glat tt nas clyor cure dyspepsia aad all nervous dirt 1 arr bottle dr 0 W kidney end alvr car cirei all ills eases of the liver and bladder price tl per boulls dr 0 W shore cough currire Curr ure ai chuh cold and bronchial affections one aoi hlll to creep keep a bottle in the houi larz ilae bottles me dr Q W shores mountain oil steps the wont pain in one minute for hadacz hada cb toothache Bur burlea lra crimps or colic use it externally and internally ter nally prevents and cures diphtheria if sed if tint keep a betle handy price a bottle dr Q W shore pepsin dest Tor intestinal worms nd remove the little round nest where they hatch and ard it oever falls price a botte dr Q W WInter cra salv cure ad ils eases of the skin komoves red spots and black pimples from the face heal old tors in 3 to 5 day price as box dr Q W shores antl constipation pua care chronic constipation dicu headache aad attack price a bottle these camou remedies are prepared only by doctor G W shores alons salt lak aty utah for sale by smart co provo utah TAKE R G W ry leaving Provo p m oon tins at danver with the burlington ROUTE train lor kansas at joeeph 81 lanuis ard chicago T rough copman Sleeper Bi tree chair oara dining A la carte secure t at RG WRy office R F nealen W F Mc arit at ACL room 11 ovar no 10 W south at salt lake city utah KOTO ajae manufacturers of and dealers m first class flour and feed quality guaranteed corns mad Ts ous THE ENQUIRER during the past eleven years has given to every one of its subscribers who has paid for one year in advance one years free subscription to the well known magazine THE ENQUIRER was tho firt homo TO introduce abi popular agricultural magazine to the people of and will continue to ebud postage prepaid pre paid THE ENQUIRER and THE AMERICAN FARMER for one year to an subscriber re aiding anywhere in the united states who will for v wardlo y we havo recently introduced another feature to m department we that is of special interest to the ladies for only we will mail to any subscriber in the united states postage one year THE semiweekly and W an entertaining and instructive monthly magazine that baa already a home necessity among the badios of utah |