Show FARMER OF DIAMOND BACKS kovel industry followed by a certain virginian men who raise terrapins for the city markets become enamored of the business for it is not only a pleasant but quite a profitable occupation said E fitzhugh of virginia to a washington post man recently 1 I know a gentleman who has a big terrapin farm down on the that enjoys a handsome income from the sales of his diamond backs lie has been at it for years and lias reduced things to a science my friend might be called an expert in the business long devotion to it has given him extraordinary cunning lie knows every terrapin on his place big little old and young as easily as a texas ranchman knows his long homed steers by their brand it may seem like a tale from munchausen to assert that a man could identify each individual of the hundreds in his aquatic corral but this is just aliat my friend jones can do and every bull heifer and count on the jones plantation is subject to instant recognition by the master he proved his peculiar skill in this way once and in a manner that ought to settle every doubting thomas for some time poachers had been invading liis terrapin grounds and finally he caught up with a couple of colored gentlemen who had half a dozen of his choices counts in their possession he got out a warrant against for larceny and alic case came on for trial before a local justice when jones took the stand he explained in a simple and yet convincing way how he was able to distinguish his property lie recognized them by their facial characteristic sand particularly by alie eyes he it known that some of these tide water tortoises leave a mild and benevolent look while others appear sullen and fierce its all in the expression of the eye theres no other way to differentiate them jones always maintained that a terrapin a kind and cheerful sort of gleam in his optics was much better eating than the ones that showed a morose and discontented nature as if embittered bitt ered against their fate but that is another thing entirely well the justice long in deciding that case he promptly ordered the terrapins turned over to the rightful owner and assessed the darkies in a good round fine they afterward owned up that they did do the stealing but eliat ended the poaching business on the jones place |