Show al sh K ta afa vy Cs ab te dept pT AT ia ST IN THE hathenbruck BUILDING WITH A W 1 WE ARE MAKING specialties OF stylish dress filiks and ALSO A COMPLETE LINE OF B to F ii aad laces in all hew styles and colors keep your eye on us w will interest AT LAW ba bank bonding PROVO CITY OTAH K M WARNER I 1 J KNIGHT LAWYERS rooms 13 14 and 15 union block PROVO CITY UTAH SAMUEL A KING AT LAW booma 6 and 7 bank building PROVO UTAH n fi AT L AW rooms 11 and 12 corn and savings bank building UTAH THOMAS JOHN AT LAW excelsior block ap stairs Bt airs UTAH S K KING attorney at law iommi 1 2 3 aad 4 martins bank bid PROVO UTAH E DUDLEY attorney at law room 9 bank building UTAH D D HOUTZ attorney AT LAW booma 4 and 6 reed smoot block PROVO UTAH ROBERT ANDRSON AT daiy 4 and 6 aeed smoot block PROVO CITY UTAH J E aaro atro LAW 3 na street provo city at collection agency office bank payeton UTAH SAM JEP OTAH coraor end ath insurance J MAR WICK abt iia isTO N 1 baio london on K of toronto baca CHAS DEMOISY attorney a t la w room 15 bank building centre st PROVO 01 FY UTAH J M STULL attorney AT LAW 2 doors south of cockbill Rock bill hotel SPANISH FORK UTAH E A WILSON attorney at law roona 5 and 7 bauk building PROVO CITY UTAH attorney at law room 9 bank PROVO UTAH S H ALLEN county physician K U W TELEPHONE office at residence smoot brick house 1 block east of PROVO CITY UTAH DR G H KEYSOR crown and bridge work a specialty all work fully guaranteed rooms 2 and 4 bank building PROVO UTAH W B SEARLE irrigation and water power plans city surveyor of prove deputy U S mineral office at bourt house UTAH R G architect and superintendent corner M and ath st PROVO J F filyes M D physician excelsior block over pyne malbena drug store PROVO CITY UTAH effice haars hoars 9 to 12 a m 2 to 4 p m A me cur fain jf J m SURGEON office palace bloch residence 2 stocks east bank corner no 45 offitt no 28 PROVO R S S L jonka knowlden jones general fire and life INSURANCE AGENTS P 0 BOX 11 PROVO UTAH t I 1 ana as bucs aws carfi r and all othe mateal elsw in abe sal oaias bedora tho promptly s apic of or ct ID mui 38 a tree oi chiara c adf alt tn lai ir a appart have ta abill w OT maxin krompl lor tn inor aaa ot for paten tAnJ loi to all barof fb to my arc in the kuae aty information dylo vis J B LITTELL V attorney in patent washington DO opposite V SPa tant offic this water ia a sure cure for rheumatism minera Le indigestion catarrh constipation chronic Dirr hosi palpitation of the heart and all kidney and nebyou troy blea swela and fifita uy empire laundry Lau cure for As a remedy for all borms torms cf heddi ache electric bittorf has proved to ba the very best it effects a permanent cure and the most dreamed habitual sick yield to its we urge all who are afflicted 0 o procure a bottle aal five thial remedy a fair trial in caw nf habitual constipation ecea trie cures ly giving ans tone to the bowels and few cases long tho us of this medici ue arv it once only fifty cents at excelsior drug paint co 2 boncy to 1 oan on farm and cita property Dro perty low in labeet apply to B jr provo loan on improved larm and city tv term five yeara with privilege of part payment of any amount before maturity this money is loaned on mortgage only thereby gr antioR to borrower the lawful redemption in lase of foreclosure low estt ol 01 interest call on or write george A dusenberry at county re cordera cord erB office city utah dita USE WATER of taking the city will do well to call on the cupor laten doat for aba coat of to th mia or ady atri to abad aft of aho avy baur vaur kindly by era arnica salve SEST in afie world for cuts bruises sores thyera salt rheum fedei tetter chapped hands corns and nil skin eruptions and positively cures piles or no pay required it is to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded price 25 caits per box for eale by excelsior drug paint co wanted by the trustees of tha vineyard school district sealed pro for the build ins of three outhouses out houses in said district in accordance with and eions which shall be furnished by the all proposals snail be opened at vineyard school house on saturday the day of october 1895 at 11 a m the board le serves the rj to reject any and all bida and shall require of such contractor a bond in double the amount of the contract conditioned that he will perform the conditions oi the contract in a faithful manner and in accordance with its pro all necessary information will be furnished by tha clerfa of the board all communications debould be addressed to john gilliean Gil liea clerk of board late view P butah utah dated this the day 0 vine aid utah county utah CHRISTIAN W D LEWIS J WN True teeB oar free offer the long wlater can be TOTT profitably devoted to bet there are loma things that we must read the yar round one of these ie ft locci paper the best in the connorr ie before yon another ie good homa paper of ken oral circulation such as womankind for which cornea once a menth filled ith the beat teloga lor the baay housewife housew ifo we are able by with the publio hera to offer free for a tr to every in t oar cpr and we ara flotd to da so for wa ue convinced that no home paper in america contains more ot practical to woman bright ct cherer boemi the lafeat fao biona nowa of comans womans work everywhere arti clea OB motherhood of flow ere a homana parliament for the dia of mattera of are a few of the bright features of to the bead of tha homa we oa ane same fernn farm eswa an able paper edited by a practical fanner miller parris esq late batata of tha ohio farieri Far meri al and filled each month with from able that aak it an absolute abio lute nece salty to tarr wida farmer ahli kapf for the asking pro yoa ora to oar paper Be member avary adrane mzx la entitled to hla choice of cither of theca caners tell your about athla offer A cample copy of both mar be by addressing tsa Ts a oo 00 proto butali come la aad pay year la to axa and ft baft a thee at fth faaea faaa M itches Caa ward ward conferences will be held in the utah as follows am forte oct meetings at 10 a m and 2 p m lebi nov ard 3rd meetings at 10 a m and 2 p in EDWARD DJOHN SMOOT presidency DR J foa COUGHS COLDS SV sto AND CROUP children fco no almer in to sold boo a bott abdo ba DB ilao co pa sold by excelsior drill paint co easily quickly bettered and all th train of evils rom early arrota or later of etc fall trang th datel aid tone siren to and portion at improvement seen runae impossible boot alii proof B healed Je aled irea ERIE MEDICAL CO buffalo NL alons savings bank and trust company sail lake chiy utah pays biye per cent interest per annum on any deposits you maae write for allford M CANNON prest Cla ahier Daliy sred to any part of tho city rock lamp pleasant valley lump winter quarters lamp rock springs nut astle gate nut anthracite 1100 YARD TELEPHONE ia agents send for prices for FRUIT TREES SHADE TREES AND ornamentals ORNAMENT ALS 1 evergreens EVER GREENS ROSES CUMBERS LAWN GRASS SEED HARDY GARDEN ROOTS BULBS greenhouse PLANTS FANCY BASKETS FUNERAL AND WEDDING DESIGNS PAMPAS PLUMES estimates made on parks and landscape gardening part payment in trade to suit the times west 3 st P 0 box 39 oiin 4 only gold medal in utah held lor fancy japan foliage diante cret obtained tad in pias pia s at business conducted for omec ix US PA TINT ernect sad we a cecur intent in leas ume chaa thaw irom s scud modal bmw lae or photo with tion we adaire if paten tab ic or not freo df chaess cha rss our fee not due till patent Is secured i A PAMPHLET H howko obtain patents acost of same in tatt U S nd A OM washl 0 C keeps always on hand MEA home cured hums and bacen bologna and pork sausage PURE HOME MADE LARD PAID FOB FAT LIVE STOCK MY MOTTO lowest prices consistent with best quality and honest quantity D proprietor makers of ENGINES AND IRON AND BRASS iJAS TINOS MACHINERY OF ALL KINDS MADE AND n BICYCLES STOVES AND LAWN MOWERS RE L ALL kinda OF alpe 1 P 0 box 91 fiovo irv ii s paints oils G jass and wall paper largest tock ot salt lidike city at full line of liquors and bottled beer bamily trade solicited H S PYNE mgr AT eveith pyne drug store j 0 fc ledL ayio LOOK OUT FOR big stock of lew goods G scientifically adjusted to all sights without extra charge aul ew ba wih ve refer to pain balm when it ig kept at hand the severe pain of burn or ebald may be promptly relieved and the sore healed in much leas time than when medicine has to bif sent for A may he promptly treated before inflammation sets in which insures a cure in abent one third the time other wipe required cuts and bruises should receive imia edista attention before the parts become swollen ew ollen and whan chat bertaina ber laina pain balm IB applied it will heal them without matter being lorm cd and without leaving a ecar A sore throat m re cured in one ni abt A piece of flannel dampened with this aua baund on over the seat of will cure lame back or pain iu the sie si e or chest in twenty conr bobra it mot valuable however for rheumatism persons with thip disease will oe delighted with the prompt relief pain which it hf fords and it cin be depended da upon to effect a complete cure for sile bv smoot drug co |