Show I Deaths JANE HILLS lULLS RUFF Mrs Jane HUM Hills Huff 75 71 75 widow wide's of th the lat late William Ruff Buff died at her home bome West North Temple street Friday Frida morning of Infirmities due to ta M her advanced age h Mrs fu Ruff fluff vi was as a worker In the Salt y V VLake i Lake temple of f St St. the f f V L. L I. I D. D S. S church and end was Will active c In church V V V Relief society work cork V V She came to Salt Lake Liko In irs 1910 V from r V VV V Schofield I where re she he f t. t V V had lived since 1900 V She Slit vent Vent ent to i lu in 1874 1814 from England V V She was a b born ll Nox No- No V VV x ember vember be 38 IS 8 1835 5 In t 3 VV Peers Peer England a 11 t daughter of Lewis V V 4 and Caroline Hills V She Is survived by V V sl sly sic t sons eons and daugh V Eliza M. M Sadie s. s L Lewis c. c and ond Grower V V. V T T. Ruff Salt gall Lake V Mrs Elaine Croci- Croci beet beck 1 end nd Geor George e A A. A Ruff tuff Pits MM RuIf I It Provo Preen one sister I er Sirs Mrs Sarah r l I t and ond a brother r Samuel Hlll iWI I iland 1 also 11 grandchildren ren LUCY GERTRUDE NELL I Mrs lJ Lucy G Gertrude r r NW Nell 53 51 died at h her I I rt residence In n Friday d evening e l of heart dl She was wu the wife wile of Oscar V. V Nell She was AS as born In Fort Tort Utah November J 2 29 22 1878 a A. daughter of James Maynard and Ll Lira Lita a Pipe Besides Belde her husband hUband sho Is survived by her ler parents one son SOD James Nell Neil of 01 RIverton tour pur our sisters Mrs Martha Lan Lancaster caa ter Mrs Ethel Berryman and aDd Mrs Lancaster of West WU Jordan and Mrs Edna Myers of or etton erton two brothers James Jame H. H H and Vernon Vemon of RIverton six lx half Brothers Walter G. G Fred red and Roland of or Willis and end Griff Grift of or Idaho and Gilbert of West V Jor Jot dan den end and four grandchildren DORA FINCH Dora Dora Pinch Finch 21 21 died at the thc family home ham hero Friday after an nn extend ed Illness S. She was born Juno 22 2 1910 at Doshen n. n a daughter of William and Ethel Cole Finch She was AS graduated from the Payson Parson high school In 1929 She received re the annual award from the thc o Payson Cultus CI club for gr rs m scholarship a and student o. o activity I Durine rI her ler senior year ear earllIe she llIe was editor of the school paper The following year she he attended Brigham Young university but was WAR forced to 10 o dl discontinue last year ear because of ill health Surviving are her mother molher t two o brothers and a sister John Wells and Ruth Finch Goshen four tour h and listers sisters Rulon lulon Finch Goshen Sirs Mrs Sarah Jen Jen- kins Mrs irs Edris S S. Wall Well San San- Miss Gladys York Vork Funeral services will b be held Sunday at 2 3 p p. p m. m In the Goshen ward chapel with Interment In ln Goshen City cemetery under under un un- un- un der direction of the She Deseret mortuary ELIZABETH A. A BLACKETT ILLE Mrs Elizabeth Eliabeth Averett Blackett 77 27 widow l of or John W died Thursday c evening at the family faintly real resi dence deme She W wee was 5 born in irs Salt Lake February 14 14 U. 1854 and lived here more than seventy se five years urs She was married March 1 1 I. 1867 1857 Her husband died In ln 1927 1327 are eight sons eons and daughters Mr Mrs Florine McPhearson Mrs Ira Mrs Nellie Neille M MV Diamond John Harvey V. V Leo W W. Frank H. H and R. R Earl rc Blackett II 51 grandchildren r nd 53 great grandchildren fh five half brothers and half sisters John George Georce and end Hardy Averett Av Ay erett and Mrs Ann Taylor TAlor Mrs Emma Nampa Idaho Funeral li services will 1 be held V In th r-l r I Fourth i ward chapel probably Sunday RUTH MATILDA STEELE LOGAN Ruth LOGAN Ruth Matilda Steele 82 2 widow of Lemuel Steele died Thursday ad at the mx h homo home of her daughter em Mrs s A. A J J. Reese Benson following au an nn Illness of 10 weeks wee Mrs lire Steele was born In irs Council Bluffs IO Iowa a. a on October 13 13 1843 1849 a daughter of George and Jane Jan McCulloch Foster She came to Utah with her parents Parens In 1852 and for some time lived in Pleasant Orore Surviving Bun are rl fight eight ht son ions and daughters Mrs Rc Reese se Loran Loc Lemuel Steele Ashton Idaho David D Kuna Idaho L. L J J. J. J Steele Salem Ore Foster Fosler and William Streit Eugene Ruzene Ore I Mrs Mn Margaret J J. J Butte Mont Mrs Louise Malone Berkeley Calif Cull I Funeral services will wilt be held at 2 P p. p m. m Sunday in the Benson Hens r 1 chapel with wills interment In ln L Lozan ln J City ce cemetery LOUISA JAMES BELLO HUNTER HUNTER Mrs Louisa James Bello Belie 63 g died at her residence here Friday I evening 7 shi hi She was s the e wife of Louis T. T Belle Bello rO owner r of or the Hello Bello fruit farm Site Bello Hello was wu born bom In daughter daugh daugh- V te ter of Robert and 1 Mary Slater Sister la Stevens She f Is survived by rte her husband b te three V I sons SODS Chester Magna M Raymond Ramond Delio Salt Lake Like Howard Bello Hello Hunter five Ethel daughters 11 Mrs Mansa n Charles r li Nellie UI Hoffman Hello Bello Hunter Mrs Mrs Paul Brown Granger Oranger Mrs Howard Perry Idaho Falls Idaho 19 dri dr n n. n i one brother Joseph Stevens Ste Staler Slater sill rule four tour sisters slaters Mrs Naomi Cowan Oc- Oc Orden den Mrs loin John Holler HolleT Salt Bait Lake Mrs William Allred AUred RUby Idaho Mrs airs William Broadbent Salt Lake GEORGE ALMA ALl BURROWS Olor George e Alma Burrows Burrow of ot Huntsville died at the family home Friday following ln an extended He I was 1 born J January 1 I. 1885 1865 In Orders Olden He moved here when Vohen a II bo boy and end had lived ned here since that time He lit was married June 27 1898 1896 to Jo Josephine C. C Nelson who survives him He lIe served a mIssion minion for the L. L D. D S. S church In the eastern states stales from I 1900 OO until 1903 and also two home missions Surviving b besides the widow ar are 11 1 sons and daughters daughters' J. J Alma l and E. E E. E Burrows Burrow Salt Lake Mrs Mn L. L V V. V Ford Fore RiversIde CaL CaLl Newell A. A Burrows Burrow San Ban Francisco George Georgel Mark Elmer Parley W Ins Ina LV L. L Aaron l 3 tl L. L Valera and Lloyd H. H Burrows ro H I rt six IX grandchildren nand and one brother W. W H IL Burrows Hunts Huntsville Funeral services will be held Sunday at 3 2 J p P. m. m In its th th Huntsville ward chapel with Interment Intermont In Huntsville cit city cemetery under direction of the Malan funeral home LEE ALMA BROWN ST Lee GRANTSVILLE Lee ILLE Lee Alma Brown 3 year old son of Mr and Mrs Burton D. D Brown died Thursday at the family home home- from scarlet fever He was wall born bOTn here hert and Is 11 sur survived l ed by hr his parents tour four brothers and two ho sisters ilsters Mary Muy Ruth Flora Deloria Donald and Calvin Brown Private funeral services were ere held on the lawn n at the tIre family residence Friday with Interment la in city cemetery onder under un un- der the direction of the Smith funeral funer l home Tooele |