Show Tea Held for S. S L. L Visitor V I Mrs MIS Albert Abert Nathaniel Nathanel HAI I Mrs Frank Fank M. M H of entertained at a a tea Saturday O Satay 1 noon at the Hansen Hanen home honie on oe avenue v avenue in honor of ot Mrs o i Mr Earl Er C C. C c E of San Diego who has ha Wt spent t summer with her parents Dr ne I Mrs A. A N. N Hansen HaIn parent Th The Te homi heme D decorated with zinnias and early earl fall al flowers fowers The tea tea tabI cearly M O a baket basket filled PIed with th tl a golds and m deep blue larkspur or Orr tapers were In silver siver can candle On Presiding at the t tea a aa and ad t. t were Mrs E. E M. M Bagley i 1 H. H lx Lovesy Lvcy Mrs W. W Baley W WI Ray Mra i ij G. G Seley Sley Mrs Willard Ry U Mrs Mr Arch Ach Browning Mr Mrs lJ D jw Ray In D was wa charge of or the room assisted by Miss Mis Ruth RuthK d Patrick Miss MIs Ruth Ray Ry M Mia X nette nett Ra Ray MI Miss Virginia ott Ot M Miss Mi Virginia ViginIa Thompson Thomps Thomps and r. r i Louise Luie Bramwell Mrs Mrs C C. C an j R. R bey assisted In general R 11 ente and cards were received receive enta by Mia Mk ginia Rice and Miss Frances Franca M Bra Br Fance Mr Br ing tug and Mrs Rice ai and t tl children will leave an t Monday Mody br y tor br tr for their home in San Diego b Dlo Miss MIs Eileen Eleen Ivers is 1 a gue guest of et uncle and aunt Mr an and ad get Mrs c R Douglas at their sumer summer Ms h R Ogden canyon Mr r. r and Mrs George T. T l land HIE and sons have returned from froni l a ati lake weeks weeks' week trip to t Wyoming and ad I a- a Mr and ad Mrs C C. R. R Pearson Pa t h returned from a two weeks weeks' week trip tp p Butte and a stay at the Eat p club in i Idaho Idao a- a Fat R Mr and Mrs G 0 F. F children have returned from a t weeks weeks' week motor trip to Canada C parks pary Lake and Glacier Gacer KaHo NJ Mrs A A. Burgess Buge Young and aad th dac Miss Sylvia SYlvia Young Youg a sad and d I Celia Cella Cell Young have returned a from C summer where they have hare spent st i 1 S Mr and Mrs George Geor A. A Eaton Eth hi returned from a trip to Jackson a t Mrs J J. J G. G Fan Flandro ro has h reto from a n one month th visit with and Francisco FancIsco friends freds in i Los Ls Angeles aa a S S Mrs Simon Sion Weiss WeIs Mrs Everett E McGhie and Miss Matilda Matda Ch Ch entertained at a a bridge day evening at the home of M Simon Weiss on nn Thornton tP honor honor- of or Miss ir Mary Tp Peirce l li i T Th marriage to Rulon Howells Howell will UI b U I place late in Augst August Fall Fail Fl pe flowers Cower decorated the home aci aal j color scheme of green and pink pik t carried out at nt the geen bridge tables table Tt present besides beside the honor guest gm w i Mrs E E. H. H I Peirce Miss Ms Ade Adena Xi X Mrs Harvey Haney Peirce i M Earle Peirce Mrs Aton Alton Yates yae L K Gladys Hawkes Mrs Mr Gladys SU art Miss Mi Thelma Nelson Nelsn Mrs Mr Err Hood Hoo Miss Mi Lo Ln LaGrace Grace Gesel MIs C vin iri Jock Jack Mrs Irs M M. f C. C a Mrs William Wilam Q Eldredge Stitches and Chatter club cub lH its It regular meeting at 2 p. p n. n P P da day at at the home of Mrs Mrs Be Bes B 15 East Eighth South Sut itra dm tT Dr L L. A A. A and ad Ma Mrs Cc 0 grove gove who have been visiting Cosgrove's s 's parents Mr and a Herman Harms Harm for Ee several erl WN wed W returned Saturday to their Mi j Los Ls Angeles The Te regular meeting g of or the San S' S Daft home board boardl will l be b held M O day at 10 a. a m. m at the home Jolly Dozen will meet I Joly 1 30 1 30 p. p m. m with Mrs O. O W. W Kt eI Hampton avenue jJohn j- j John JOM F. F Critchlow auxiliary t J will wl meet Friday Cr at 8 p p. p m- m m mat at a a armory 1 T. T O. O Gordon Gordo circle No 4 will willa Jj h a silver sIver tea at 2 p. p m. m e V V f 5 the home of Mrs Zole Calder Calder McClelland street Members f or of a ater ter circles and friends freds are ae 1 |