Show GOLF As Champions Play It ED EDI I rr r-rr Should a a. driver be grasped at the extreme end of or the handle or a a. few tew inches down do on the shaft How much difference will it make In the playing of ot the ball bali Answered by byEd byEd byEd Ed Dudley The gripping of a driver depends on ones one's own idea of or the feel and balance bal bal- ance of or the club Gripping the driver er era a l few Inches down on the club has no effect on the distance of the shot but it may help you in that it will wll probably make you jOU feel feci that you can swing the club more true My own experience has been that tha if IC f I am driving well wen I usually grip the club almost on the end but never on the extreme end If It you grip on the extreme end the club has a feeling of no control If It I run Into a a. streak of not swinging the club I take It a few inches shorter so thaI that tha I will regain the te feel l of or the club and also confidence Some days s 's I grip it long Ions and other days short I It all comes cornea back to the point of or the balance and feel of the club in your you hand Now if II you are playing In irs a strong wind I think it is wise to grip th the club down shorter as it makes th the stroke a lot surer and sounder fo for that type of pla play My advice is to always grip the tho club so that you will wll always alway feel that you can swing it Under under un Un- der del any condition Free pamphlet by Leo DIegel Tips Tip to Golfers Is yours for a stamped self addressed ed envelope Address Golf Gol Bureau care of The Telegram Copyright 19 1931 bY by A. A Associated Ed Edi Edl- Edl tors Inc |