Show Fate Pate of U. U S. S Lines Depends on Parley NEW YORK Aug 15 Fate CUP UP Fate of the United sta States s Lines the shipping shipping shipping ship ship- ping Interests the government sold to private ownership In 1929 for more than 16 may be decided Monday Mon day at Washington T T. V V. OConnor O'Connor chairman of ot the United States shipping board announced an an- flounced yesterday esterday after an all all- day all conference the board would meet at that time with representatives of the lines and the wealthy Pacific coast interests headed by L L. Stanley Stan Je ley Dollar and Kenneth D D. Dawson Complete reorganization of the lines and md formation of a new company company com pany to be controlled by Paul W W. Chapman its pre present nt head and Dollar Dollar Dollar Dol Dol- lar and Dawson inter Interests ts was considered con likely |