Show FEDERAL fEDER l OFFICIAL l TO ATTEND P PARLEY Oregon Accepts Governor Darns Darn's Invitation to Drouth Meeting Dr C C. W. W Warburton director of extension work for the federal department de- de of agriculture and secretary secretary secre- secre tary ary of the national drouth relief I committee ommittee will represent the federal government at the drouth relief relict conference con- con ference In Salt Lake Monday accordIng accordIng accord- accord Ing ng to word received by Governor George H. H Dern The purpose of ot the conference is as isto isto aso to o provide relief for livestock and livestock feeders during the thc winter months and to devise ways to give farmers impoverished by the drouth droutha a start on their feed crops next year Oregon Is the sixth state to accept Governor Derns Dern's Invitation invitation to the conference The delegates were not named amed Acting Governor A. A M. M Clark of Wyoming who accepted the invitation invitation tion Ion some time ago has named the the- following delegates L. L T. T commissioner of agriculture A. A E. E Bowman director of extension work in n agriculture for the thc University of Wyoming and Harry D D. Port state veterinarian In addition Wyoming stockmen bankers and md others will be represented Mr Clark stated I |