Show lip PULLMAN ULLMAN TAKES KES LAST ST BE BERTH R IN n LOCAL Q n ROUND Q P RO ROBIN Bi DIAMOND Q ON TOURNEY UR j DEFAULT IN I FRIDAY TILT Jewelers Drop Combat Combat Com Corn bat to Davis County Aggregation I Six Sl clubs and ad thousands of ardent adent enthusiasts are arc in m readiness for Salt Lakes Lake's annual round robin baseball anual startIng starting start start- Wh tournament ing Sunday s 's Final details w were re made possible e 4 mae x d as a Pullman t clinched the sith sixth t 1 te 1 iJ 4 berth and the Fri Fi F- F i 4 i day day twilight tt title j 3 last ast cV evening While Center Center- h lie was dowing downing the Salt Lake Jewelers Pullman v captured k a for for- L felt contest over o ove 1 Murray Murray leaving l 34 0 tithe the H. H I. I O. O l Y r I Y Pullman nine with I l fa B one game lead led Nt r The T The h e Jewelers Turville were V-re V conceded a 3 protest Friday In a tilt tit played earlier ealer in the week eek but they threw away their chances chance to tie te up the going as a Loyal Bettridge Belridge vile Center chucker chuck- chuck er ere er was master of the situation Fri i F- F day The Te chase cla for tor the city title tUe will wi get going goIS with the favored Green Cab opposing Film F Exchange at Community park Sunday mornIng morn mom mor- mor moring ing at 10 1030 30 The Te remaining f first fist round tilts tt will wil pit Pullman against Sugarhouse at 2 o'clock and Denver Rio Grande against Peterson Market Maket at t 4 AU All games game are booked for Com Corn Community park pak The tournament will continue through the week with wIh each eh of the six clubs facing each other entry before the close cloe of the schedule heule tIle ule Following is i the tournament schedule sched Eche- Eche ue Sundays Sunday's Schedule Green Gren Cab vs is 0 Film Fl Exchange at 1030 Plan Pullman vs 5 Sugarhouse at 2 Rio Ri Grande vs YS Peterson Market at 4 P. P R. R I O. O W. W T. T TJ vs Pullman Peterson Market Make TS vs Film Fim sa Green Gren Cab I D. D I B. B J G. G TC W THURSDAY vs t. t Petersons Peterson's Market vi vs Green Gren Cab rUm Exchange TJ vs TS Pullman D. D Jb R. R G. G w V. SATURDAY S S. TS- TS Files Exchange o vs vi Petersons Peterson's Ct Market t. t Green Grun Cab Cabu U s. s Pullman J 9 i iSUNDA 1 l Jl SUNDA AY 5 I 0 II I I D. D A. A 4 R. R R LG G G. G W. W V. V M. M Green GreIn Cab Petersons Peterson's Market Marke TS vs Pullman TV vs T. T film im Exchange |