Show I I Just a Moment Moments Moment's s II is s all all that sl should be bc needed before p this picture It Ic depicts a well-known well spot right in the city ity If you know where it is clip the picture paste it on a piece of paper and in words or less write a description of the spot Mail or bring the picture and identification to the Contest Editor The Telegram Salt Lake A prize of 2 will be given for best identification I t I VV V VV VV VV V V V V V VV VV V V V V V V VV V vI i V. V 4 F H V ZV V V VV VV V V V V V 9 tc 4 I IV Iki VV V V V ki V V V V 41 V o oV V V V V VV V k V V V V 4 V V V VV V I S 'S V V V V V V V V. V I A S St- St tf R. U T Number 12 in Telegram Picture Contest I I I I All AU right guess this one If Ie you cant can't identify this spot with with- out ut giving it a second thought youre you're not ot even a n Salt Laker Today's picture In the Know Your Salt Lake contest sponsored byThe The Telegram depicts a scene right in inthe the city Ity in one of the exclusive Ual ial sections FASCINATING GAME IE With that l hint nt it ought to be a cinch Inch Of course you know where It t is Clip CUp the picture paste it on apiece a n piece of ot paper and in words orless or oress less Iw ess write a description of the spot Mall or bring the picture and iden- iden to the Contest Editor The Salt Lake Loke A o nr of f 2 2 1 will be bC i given for r t th the 1 best best If It you haven't already entered this fascinating contest do so today The picture published today is the east easl- est St for some time And remember theres there's a 2 prize price awaiting the win win- ner nef er The 2 for tor picture No 6 published V last ast Saturday was awarded C. C B. B Robinson Robinson Twelfth East str street et for I he the following identification WINNING VINNING DESCRIPTION Picture NOV No 6 6 This 1 is a a. picture of V BIg ig Cottonwood cr creek ek looking upstream upstream up- up stream tream from the highway crossing just above the Old MilL It Itis is about 12 2 21 2 1 miles mUes from Eagle Gate To see It you ou can go out Highland drive from Sugarhouse to its Intersection with V Walker lane Inne then turn up Big cottonwood Cot- Cot onwood Dont Don't wait until one contest is ended end end- ed d you before start V a new one Enter every very contest every day You'll find V it a lot of fun and profitable too |