Show Utah Junior Nine Drops Opener in Regional gional Tourney STOCKTON Cal Aug 15 In IS-In In an exhibition of sterling baseball the Salt Lake Junior Am American rican Legion team was nosed ou out t by I Ithe the he Phoenix entry 2 to 1 1 in the first I round of the re- re lonal playoff here I ll Friday Steve IJ l 0 Salt Lake hurler engaged a ino in hard- hard 3 r fought ought battle with with Frank Fran Nace husky I rf Phoenix southpaw allowed allowed al- al lowed owed only four l hits but his support support support sup sup- port which was at t i m e c s 5 brilliant f racked cracked at the cru- cru YI j t tchi chi lal moments and d f t the he errors resulted In defeat Davini Utah third baseman played a flashy game while Rowe center center- fielder lelder made a remarkable running catch atch to cut oC off a run In the eighth The Salt Lake bo boys s 's scored their only run in the sixth when with the theba ba bases es full fun and two out dashed home borne as the throw from the catcher eluded the Phoenix pitcher The had numerous chances to o score but fast fielding by the Phoenix Infield nipped potential scores A double play cut down two Utah runners in the sixth Phoenix scored cored their runs in the sixth and seventh innings The score SALT LAKE PHOENIX B BH O A BHO A. A Worthen b 3 2 3 2 0 U If 3 1 0 0 5 S 2 0 8 II Ib lb 2 0 11 0 Morte Moree t c 4 1 3 Nace p 4 1 0 1 Caputo oc If 1 4 A 0 1 Lowery r ss as 4 0 g 0 5 0 3 1 0 1 1 3 I 1 0 0 2 Kumada Ib lb 4 0 9 0 r if rf 4 1 I 3 0 CI CIa Clark rk r rf 2 2110 1 1 0 lb 2 0 1 Ic l I Smith ss as 4 1 3 0 OJ Fern Ferr c 2 2071 0 7 1 Rowe c cf s. s 2 A 0 3 0 g b Crawford oid cf f. f 2 g 0 3 t tx 1 x nd 1 0 0 0 01 FlIppen 2 1 2 1 I Totals 3 32 6 23 S 51 1 Totals 38 28 4 27 13 12 tt d Tor for Rowe In ninth Bi Bull t Lake Late 1 1 Phoenix lOx 2 2 Summary Errors i Morse g s 3 J Smith 1 h Kace Nace Lowery Slagle Run nun re responsible re re- sl for for kl 1 1 Struck c out out out-By Br Nace Nace 6 lep w J 3 Bases Baies on balls balls Oh nY Oil bases Keller base Keller Keller- 6 6 Nace lace 6 Stolen born 2 3 Lowery Fur p-en p Enriquez Two base nits Its Smith rt Cr Clarc k Sacrifice hit hit Crawford Double play Low play Low Lowery ery cry to Flippers Flippen to Wild pitch pitch pitch- Time of rome rams ume-l 1 hour and 51 minutes Umpires Umpires Renton Renton and ond Jewett |