Show T 4 S 'S S S S S 7 ANNUAL NU L BEEHIVE B STATE ARCHERY TOURNAMENT BOOKED FOR AUGUST 23 2 J DEAN GREEN GREENWILL WILL DEFEND j 1930 CRowN 1 Event to Take Place in Ogden Stadium Stadium- Interest Keen j Beehive archery enthusiast neet in the annual state stat o thip tournament Sunday August 5 21 n what promises to be the blue bluet ri rIb jon on event of the bow and arrow on The tournament will be held hei in it lew Ogden stadium The The- list of entries to date aate an and Ind tt cen interest shown In the n mee V i in i that this tourney the by the state archery i a will will-be the most hotly con ested of the matches s so far With all divisions men wom women ir juniors open to challengers ch cur chrt crowns are expected i change hands In wholesale fashion Dean Green defending mens men's U tit holder will wUl face stiff f cp Charles A. A last Pace years year's up Dr L L. L D D. D PaYS J R no Lundquist and Paul DavIes oi of ofa Lake Lake Ora L. L Smith of Ogden u an Dr V. V F. F Houston of American F Fo Fo- MANY POTENTIAL CHAMPIONS CHA LOOM LOOMIn 5 In minor meets this season seaon thi men have shown skill a It them to the carry cUry championship m u rl dethrone Green as Utah's prea pren bowman Pace Is Ls the challenger Miss Kather Katherine nc Rauch and MJe M ld Je Jeannette Jennette Herron winner sn and nd r n fUI ncr up respectively of last year yea tournament are again entered la In t U women's event Miss Rauch and Miss Herron r nas n ru ruas as favorites to repeat their victor although Ellen Steele of or Salt Sal L Land Land Lt and Zelma Wheelwright of Og have been pressing them closely I Ithe the seasons season's meets With several untried newcomer the race this division promises 1 hold more than ordinary Interest interest- Maurice S Scanlon Junior has relinquished his crown learl lethe the field open to several se aspiri youngsters Mardee Marde Robinson of Salt Laka IDean n it Dean Holden of Payson Juniors rt but one years year's experience cx hold t U spotlight in this division and are ref I s to succeed Robinson n as Jua m champ JUNIOR DIVISION HAS liAS COMPETITION Other juniors who will make t tway way wa hard for their opponents it ir Elton Larson Elliott Williams and Kendall aU Salt Lake The These e boys have ha hot iho remarkable Improvement and can relied upon to make the junior ra raa a hard struggle Gold silver and bronze medals medaiS i ibe T- T be given the winners of the tha Un tart rounds by the state association w numerous other trophies and pit pm rIz for the various event events The scheduled e ar r C 30 si a a. a m rn- rn Flight r c t for lor near near airport Men t L C Juniors three ends of or three e uro U tiA iE 9 30 a a. a m R m.-R Registration m. and I Olden Ogden 6 stadium dl OI 10 ers IS 15 a. a m m.-FIrt m. First tenet ro ne ID SD American round women Columbia Junior American round 30 arrOws arrow It ll yards 30 arrows arros at nt 50 yards 30 o aron I 40 yard r 24 arrows r at SO 50 yards r 24 Mrs at 40 yards yarda rJ 2 o at 30 M 34 i rows 11 at t 50 SO vardi 30 arrows at 40 nr sifi I orr arrows 12 w neon cg at 30 Annual i yard i business m t dl bleachers 2 33 bJ p p. p m Second rn-Second S old cond h target tt 4 15 P ns Clout rn-Clout Clout shOOt hc t foot HS-foot toot tur marked on OTt the ground Men 35 34 arron I 1130 Y yards women and 35 JS am amot r ot yards L 5 30 P P. m. m m. of and ond prIzes j I I |