Show I C CAPTURE Of 2 CHIEFS CHIEf STEMS TEM CUBAN REVOlT Insurrection Seems Broken Little Further Trouble Seen by Federals CASUALTIES M 0 U N T TIN I N G Defeat Not Conceded but General Quiet Prevails i I By K D. D GILMORE United Press Staff start Correspondent HAVANA AVANA Aug 15 Reports 15 Reports of 01 casualty totals In the past weeks week's revolt against the administration of President Gerardo Machado mounted today as rebel soldiers threw down their arms end and returned to their farms The revolt seemed broken Capture yesterday esterday of General Mario Menocal and Colonel Carlos Carlo MendIeta left the scattered force of revolutionists lead lead- erless Although there ma may be further further fur fur- ther the skirmishes the backbone of the attack on Pr Pre President Machado seemed med ended CASUALTIES MOUNT 1 Reports of or new casualties adding to the more than than 60 known dead in the first days of or the sporadic fighting came from front Paso Rio where was it-was said id rebels left 20 dead in the field after bitter fighting with federal troops The rebel forces were headed by Celestino Balzan Baizan who previously had been reported dead the delay delayed d dispatches to the capi capital l said Rebel headquarters thus far have ha not conceded defeat despite capture of Menocal and the outstanding outstanding outstanding out out- standing leaders in the field But throughout the nation there was quiet all provinces with the exception of Santa Ana reporting no rebel activities overnight Federal forces expect to have Santa Clara rebel activities ac ac- ac quieted shortly REBELS SURRENDERING Reports rom Reports the interior say large numbers of rebels arc are surrendering at military headquarters and are returning returning re reo re- re turning to the farms under the Immunity im Im- Im provision established by Ma Ma- chado The president now at the provisional palace in Santa Clara has extended for 24 hours the order for freedom for fer the rebel forces This does docs not apply to leaders who Machado Ma Ma- chado has 5 said ld will be punished to the Jull fullest t extent of the law |