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Show UTAH ELECTBlll Begins Wilh a Charier Kr - bershij) of One I'lund'mD and Forty. P C. B. 1 1 AW LEY PRUsl. Plan Provides for Mli . Chairman Each Montw T. Plunib,- Rrstm The Utah Kb.elrleal C,,, JM Izcil at a luncheon nucn-led b . men of the slalo in tlio Coim,ltriMl goltl, room yesterday aftcniooSBi 1 1 charter incinborsblp of 1 to .bd J many men prominently ensniJSBs elcelrlciil business in i;tU, tlun nnd by-laws were ud'opttjlBP t".ccrs,o!ccle,l for ihe cnunl,,,. yJm' .,y ,r "av.it!)- of the rniJSmfi .le.-tric company was eleetcdBlr II. .1:. Mucks of the Owwi.Y&M. was eleeted vh-o presld, ' nSl, Torrenee of the lieiuiai i-ililMl puny was ,-hosen .seelv,,u.v ,'hW .1. C. Jones of (lit. W'.-stli r Tj lain .States Telephone & 'im'-I'W. pany. i;. V. Mw,vuvAi!frim, , Mgn. & Uailway Von.pa , fcfl ley of J-.ordley l,-0., and n J urtl.,, Capiial Klectrh, orfleei-H hereiofore immcd. cohViiMi " dlivclorate of the ,,, w orea,H Important Organ izatiinJP' Tin. new .-lob ubu-ii d'AelotflBfUir organization until n centb- uSSmW1 huns of Joe. giws i.rt,mlao or7L a.u iiuporlaiit commercial urn tM;''. -organlall..n ul the 'slute uffll Is to promole tho soda) welfct, JX , lion and culture of Its m ffi Jfe I adyaneo be eonoiuTclal InUr'J!?5 irfii. hum :l special purpost, in ii n ami .levelop Ihe elcctrifid h,JL LC slate. .ny persn.i liiteiaslrf W5 V bi-mi-lj oi ih,- eh-ei iiCa induahi.'a. , ble for niembersliip. LM Pull J'll-,wii.g- ti,(. orgiiniZiUlon of iM"' flub. . . Aruislroiig. luv-sldcnW ( lonnuereial i-lub, Invlletl tliC. rft- ( tlon lit ItlllUe Hie roillllltTCl.lIBrt heatlunarterft. Thl-, Invitation wiM inuiislv .-n-eept'-d ;in,j ineeltiinTH"i held ;it lb: Coinniereial club on'B(a Will Hear Addresses. W a Al eai.li session nn addrw.f oP subject of vital lmporlaiice to tli'tSr izalion ami to the cleclriOal bsjw' " Ihe slate in general will be illrSk a leading professional or iHMlnuflytlt A novel plan or the noiv oraEyrr Is that providing for a new niH&L-i every month. The ehairmim for tHr4 month is IT. T. I'hmib of ih ifc, D Klcctrh: companv ami Bruce CntTi r ehulruian for Kebniary. TlietwSr aside from presiding ai the Keaflfcitei tlieir respective: lenns, also co!3Ei lirograminc cominlttco in ehargiyP weakly nu-.-liugs The c-Iub's iicmUci sion will be held December 12. EL. |