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Show Football Fans Must be Content With Unroofed Stands at University Suggestions lo tho effect that tho surplus sur-plus money acquired as the result of the lucrative football season at the university should be spent for further Improvements, Improve-ments, met 'with disapproval from 'Coach Bcnnlon. Bennlon says thero Is not enough surplus to moro than pay up the bills against tho athlotlo council and put the other sports of tho, year .on a running run-ning basle. Tho most Important bills which will have to be mot aro !J1S00 duo on the nbvf west stands; $500 due for equipment for the post season; $500 duo on now ticket office and Improvement of walka; S500 due for awards and other "honor day" expensos; S750 old debt (cblofly last year'3 state high school track meet). Then, aftor all this, says tho coach, thero will be tho expenses of tho sport for tho rest of the season. Basketball nearly always pays for Itself, whllo baseball base-ball and track aro a total loss. Besides the university pays tho expenses of the state high school track meet, which are always large and which result In no cash returns. |