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Show ANOTHER DISCLAIMER. Once more wc havo an afi.-urancc that Colonel Ifoose.velt will not repeat ai(d be a candidate again for tho Presidency' Presi-dency' of the United States. This comes from .Mr. Charles; Sumner Bird, defeated de-feated Progressive cifudidatc for Govcruor Gov-cruor of Massachusetts, in an address made in Boston at the Progressive banquet ban-quet held on "Wednesday evening. No assurance like this, however, can be as direct and as positive as the public pub-lic disclaimer made eight years ago and repealed five years ago, by f'olonej Uoosevelt himself. lie stated, in fact, that his candidacy would be a calamity calam-ity to tho country, and such indeed it. has proved; and yet ho slated tho calamitous cal-amitous result of that candidacy ns a reason why he should not enter the race. Bui he did enter the race, and tho calamity which he foresaw came upon tho Republican party with crushing crush-ing force. It i& pitiful to havo to say it, but the fact is thnt any assurance from Colonel Koosevolt or from anybody for him, cannot can-not bo expected to bind his notion; for ho has himself given tho most absolute proof that any Mich promieo will not bind him as against his own subsequent inclinations. In excuse for his candidacy candi-dacy the present year, ho urged that what .he mount when eight years ago ho disclaimod a further candidacy, was a consccutlvo candidacy; but this was evidently nn afterthought and was not iu hiH first statemont at all. And since it will bo easy to persuade him that the Progressive party will be snuffed out if he docs not stand as its candidate four years hence, the probability is that he will again be n candidate at that time. "Indeed, a dispatch practically practi-cally announces this with the evidont suggestion that ho wants to capture the Bcpublicnn pnrty for tho purpose of his candidacy, in spite of his do nnnciations of that party as corrupt and effete. The coming Progressive National Conference in Chicago, however, may possibly develop something on this line that will bo absolute, and that the pco-plo pco-plo can either put faith in or find reason to fully stigmatize Boosovolt as one in whom no faith can bo put. |