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Show AMUSEMENTS COLONIAL, THEATER "The Witching Witch-ing Hour." by Augustus Thomas, presented by Colonial Stock company com-pany for week. Matinee Saturday afternoon. OrtPIIEUM TIIKATEIl Advanced vaudeville. Joseph Jefferson In satire, "In 100D," tho headlincr. Performances every afternoon and evening. EMPRESS t THEATER Vaudeville matinco every afternoon and two performances at night. New bill now on. The followjnc (hiater notice t irLe3 "ldTorttuotnenl" In order lo comply trllh i trltt inleripreUllon of ttio new feder-il nonrj-piper nonrj-piper law. In no aouic ave tlicj pitl a!-vertU'mpiiU. a!-vertU'mpiiU. Th7 ic ltoina fiuulshM by cta pic ic?3U ol tie Tirlous tlior.Uri. Lovers of thc national gamo of baseball base-ball arc getting all kinds of uholesome fun at the Orpheum this week with the art. of "Silvers." the famous Uarnum & Ballcy clown. "Silvers" plays one inning In the field and one at the bat without uttering n single word. At the same lime every play is followed with keen interest. Tho signals, the debate with the umpire and all the rest of the incidents inci-dents connected with the average holly contested game are faithfully depleted, much to the- merriment of the assembled fans. In his act. "Slivers" achieves the height of pantomimic excellence. With a crew of expert decorators at work, the management of the Colonial is rushing preparations for the production thero next week- by William J. Kcllv or "Tno Royal Box,' Chork-b Coghlan's great ploy of romance and love, in which the new ulock-star expects to achieve lilr biggest local triumph. A unique feature of the play is the denunciation nceno In the third act. when Clarence, thc actor whom Mr. Kelly Impersonates, denounces tho prince of Wales, sitting In the stage box. This week's bill, "The Witching Hour." closes with Saturday night's performance per-formance Tho hook, "The Fascinating Widow." in which Julian Eltingc conies to the Salt Lake theater next Monday, was written bj Ott Hauerbach, a Salt Laker, thc author au-thor of "Madame Sherry," and is said to bo full of cAceiHionallv bright and clever dialogue. Willi Elllnge masquerading masquer-ading as a dashing widow throughout the piece, the situations must, necessarily be decidedly humorous. Ills scene in thc second act. where he "eels Into" his feminine raiment, Is said to be exceedingly exceed-ingly funny. A big seat ealo was reported re-ported yesterday. To cast to the winds all cares and worries of business life, one has. hut to visit the Empress and witness a performance per-formance of tho mammoth Lew I'Telds production of "Fun In a Delicatessen Shop." It is full of life and ginger and docs not permit a dull moment during the entire half hour that It holds the boards. The funny German comedians, tho famous Weber & Fields beauty chorus, led by 'the distinguished comedian, come-dian, Frank Uernard. together uith the gorgeoiuiicss of the costumes and elaborate elabo-rate stage settings, make thc offering one that will linger long in the minds of theatergoers aa thc treat of the entire season. |