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Show emirs democratic SOLOSSWILL CDIUFEB Party's Representation in the Slate Assembly Is Largest II Ever Had. MORRIS TO BE LEADER AAinority Legislators Expect to Unite So Their Influence May Be Felt. Democratic members of the state legislature legis-lature will como to Salt Lane immediately immedi-ately after Christmas to confer with members of the Democratic state committee com-mittee and other Democratic leaders rel-atlvo rel-atlvo to tho legislative policy of the party. There arc in the next legislature sixteen six-teen Democrats out of si-cty-thrcc members mem-bers of the slate legislature. Two of IhcsQ arc members of the senate and tlie other fourteen members of tho house, ThJy Is the largest rcprcsonta-1 tlon the Democrats have had in a Utah legislature in years and t lie party leaders lead-ers expect llieni to bu heard from during dur-ing the session. David II. Morris, the perennial member mem-ber of tho state legislature from Wash ington county, ' will be tho leader or i'ne Democratic minority. lb will doubtless receive the complimentary vote of the minority for .speaker of tlio lower houso. Tudor his leadership the Democrats will attempt lo put through the house u legislative legis-lative programme' following out the Democrat Dem-ocrat it- platform pledges. 13111s having for their bnsls the platform plat-form d echini I Ions of the Democrats are already being drawn by prominent members mem-bers or the Democratic parly. These bills will be introduced early in the coming com-ing sc.ojdon of the legislature and every effort will ho madn by the Democrat:! to force the Republican majority to vote lor the hills. In urging the passago of these bills the Democrats have I wo objects in view First, to enact legislation that they maintain is needed bv the alate; and second, to put liio Republican iiiiijorlty in a hole. If the Republicans vote for mcasurei; advocated by Domocrats Ihey arc open to the charge of adopting Democrat Dem-ocrat In doctrine. If fbev reject these measure. they will be charged by the. Democrats with rejecting bills having for their object the welfare of the people or tho state. V Among the bills which , will be urged by tho Democrats are a direct primary bill, jl bill providing for the initiative the referendum and the recall, an election elec-tion ret'ocm bill, a corrupt practices act. radical amendments' to the stain banking bank-ing laws jiiul other measures calculated to reform or change radically existing laws. It Is likely that Democratic leaders or the aUtto will name a steering committee com-mittee lo urtlsc with (he Democratic members or the house and :lenatc relative rela-tive to legislation proposed and pending pend-ing during the session of the legislature. |