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Show EXECUTIVE WHO OPPOSES DIVORCE; FAVORS LYNCHING GOV. COLE S. BLEASE. Suiilh Carolina's Ilxcculivc Furnishes Ncv Excitement for Governors.' IS 13 N! RAGED BY CAREY Women Flee From I lie Hull When Southerner Says 'TO H 1 With Constitution" lly Intornational News Service. UICI1.M0N15. V:i... Dec. 5. The un-(lualKled un-(lualKled declaration by Governor Uleaac of South Carolina that .ljick .lohtison would Ions slK0 Imve been lynched without with-out executive Intei-feronco In his state; t lie HliiteiiHua by Atls.s Kate Iiujinonl of Oklahoma thai fiOOO eJilldren annually die In the United .Slates from the effects of the pla.SK factories alone, and Governor Gov-ernor "OiKlib"s' "USWiSsfon "6tv t"lic 'dlvbred problem. In which, he- said that marriage-was marriage-was a ouostlon of eoeenlcs, noL of ucntl-ment ucntl-ment or religion, worv. hoihc of the sparks which oluclrltied the llftli annual eov-ernors eov-ernors coiifcronce here today. Governor JSlease's dramatic approval of lynch Jaw came during tho dlscus.'ilon whleh followed the reading of Governor Oddle's (.Nevada) paper. As the South Carolina executive had previously shocked tho conference when on Tuesday ho defended de-fended "Judge Jjynuh," the bb? crowd was ready and eager to go through the same experience again. They were not dlnappoiiited. Opposes All Divorce. "If there Is any disgrace to American civilization and to American womanhood," woman-hood," cominenecd Governor Hleasc, "It is he sale of our women for foreign titles. Xext in order to dl6graucfulncss is tho unprecedented number of divorces which have recently been granted In thc United States. "There is- and caip be no dlvorco in my state. (Arolausc.) South Carolina acknowledges the Inviolable aanetlty of the marriage He. and had that negro who boa'iits of Ida supremacy with his fiats made the advances to the white girl Jn South Carolina that he did in Illinois he would have met that Immediate and summary punishment which brutes of bin color and atamp deserve. There- would have been no Interference with 'higher authority cither " Carey Strikes Fire. Here Governor Carey of Wyoming in-temiptcd in-temiptcd to ask: . "Uld you not. in taking the office, swear to uphold nun protect the eon-J slltutlon or South Carolina'" (.Vpplauso.) i Itcd willi anger, tho Soutli Carolina governor shouted: "1 will answer that question," replied the South Carolinian, "and I hope thc newspaper men will get It right, for in my campaign in South Carolina they found that I urn a lighter aud a coldblooded cold-blooded lighter. "When tho constitution steps between me and tho defense of tho virtue of tho while women of my state, t Will resign my commission and tear It up and throw it to tho breezes. 1 have heretofore soid. 'To hell with the constitution.' consti-tution.' " Women Quit Hall. . IVhen women, some of thcin .wives and dmmhteri; of governor, left the hall ou hearing this. Govcrnur l."lcas suhslded. Governor Gilchrist of Florida answered Governor .Uleaso: J'The llrst thing." he said, "that indicates indi-cates a manly man or a womanly woman la thoughtful consideration for other people." peo-ple." Later Governor Shafroth of Colorado referred to the lynch law doctrine. . "One mob can do more Injury to society," so-ciety," he fin Id, "Hum twenty murderers, because a. lynching permeates the entire community and produces anarchy. The Influence of mob rule Is most reprehensible. reprehensi-ble. UHien laws are made it nhould bo this duty of a governor to enforce them whether he appro vest them or not. When the law prescrlbra hanging for an oltonse and a man is found guilty, he should be hanged, whether white or. black and there is no exeuso for mob law. J conceive It to be our duly a suvoruorfl to declare for law and order." Governor Kllehen of North Carolina (Coutluucd ou Pago Four,) IVBJMJliO! US EOF. BLEASE (Continued front Page Ono.) then Interjected a few words which differed dif-fered materially from the other speech of the governor of North Carolina, to the governor of South Carolina, and Governor Toner of Pennsylvania had to pour oil on the troubled waters to restore peace. j Oddie Starts Trouble. Governor Oddlc. in his paper winch started the trouble, held that the problems prob-lems uf rnarriucc and divorce wore purely soflulogleal nnd that the law which compelled com-pelled :i pure woman lo live with a bestial bes-tial or diseased husband wns infnmous. He also upheld the present divorce laws of Nevada as being the best In the country coun-try and predicted that all other states would sooh have the same regulations. He caused a ripple of lausditer bv declaring de-claring i hat the Reno "divorce colonv never had more than a thousand Inhabitants Inhabi-tants every year." Girl Warns Governors. , At the close of the earlier session, Miss i Kale Uannard of Oklahoma brought tears to the eyes of the governors with a de-I de-I scrlpllon of conditions which she had i found in factories through the country where child labor Is allowed. She c."n-cluded c."n-cluded will, -a fervent prayer that sho m ght -meet any governor who didn't take this talk to heart before the heav-only heav-only gates and bear witness against him."' Governor ITudJcy of Missouri and Governor Gov-ernor Eberlmrt of Minnesota also read papers on "what the slate can do to check the drift of population from the farm to the city, ' while Governor Haw ley ot Idnho contributed his theory of universal education as a euro for divorce, Tonight the governors, their wives and guests, attended a reception at tbc'homc of Governor Mimn. Tomorrow they will discuss "rural credfts" and conclude the conference. |