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Show m iGOOD FELLOWS l : OF SALT LAKE, I PAY ATTENTION! If You Desire' to' Be Volun-' H' ,. leer Santa Claus This Year, i si Mere Is an Excellent ' Opportunity. H ! GET KIDDIES' NAMES H ' AND SEND PRESENTS .Or Deliver Them Yourselves t and -Play Kris Kring'le to !. Those Whose Stockings . May Be Empty. "m I1ERE 13 a Santa Clatfe! Hl He is right hero In Soli Lake. 9 and they call him Good Fellow. Good Fellow has begun to Rather the names and addrosscs of clill-dren clill-dren who might wakp to an empty stock-in? stock-in? if ho and other good fcllowit do not provide for them, fl ' Good Follow is not asking anybody for contributions. TTc tlmply desires to hear from the good fellows of thin city who are looking for UUlc ones who need a, . Krle- iCrJnglc. thotio tots whoso' parents are not able to make arrangements with fl the mercenary Santa Claus for playthings and things good to cat. To all such good fellows Good Fellow will furnish as many 'names and addresses as arc applied for. ' 'fhen the donors aro to purchase the 'presents themselves and carry or send fl ithc Christmas packages to the unfortu- fl " Good Fellow is not connected with any fl I ' 'diarlty organization. Tho. rogular asso- fl delations that attend to such philanthro- fl plco will feed and clothe the poor as usual. Tie doc3 not intend to furnish names of those who need meals, shoes, ?tockInga and other necessaries. He in-t tends to bring the children who want Jhrlstmas into touch with the men and womtn who really desire them to havo It. Uc is organising tho Order of Good Fellows in Salt Lake, to which all in-quirics in-quirics should bo directed. - Good Fellow made his bow to tho good .(ellows of this city In The Tribune yes-terday. yes-terday. From now until Christmas he and .Mrs. Good Fellow will receive and anfcwcr letters. When they give you names of children who havo no regular Santa. Cljuis they w'U know, what they arc dojng. The information will be cor- Good Fellow's Plan. "But we arc not going to Judge any fl child by Its parents," said Good Fellow yesterday. "Every one of them should have Christmas whether their fathers and mothers are poor through their own fault or the fault of somebody else. Santa CIhue should not he a discriminating old snob; a boy Is a hoy and a girl is a girl. Ylicn they hang up their stockings somc- thing should be In the' stockings when ' they wake up December '.'5. Now, here is my "Write a letter to The Order of Good I'ellows. Salt L.ako City, something like tils: M live at Xo. street. I will bo c'anta Claus to (any number you wish) children. .loh-n Jones.' Tho letter will :ome to tho ordor. It will &c indorsed nltli the names and addrcscs of the ehil-dren ehil-dren and re mailed to you. , There will be no publicity. Then you get busy. The Order of Good Fellows is at work Hj on a complete districting and Indexing " system. If n good fellow desires to play ( .Santa Claus in any particular nelghbor-j nelghbor-j nood he should so stipulate in his letter ' o the order. There aro no dues In the j Order of Good. Fellow:. By asking for 1 these names one becomes a member. Hj ,. ' Everyone who Joins docs so simply ,bc-cause ,bc-cause he dcslrea to be a good fellow for no other purpose whatsoever. Xo-body Xo-body gels anything out of this except the children no notoriety, no free ad-vertlsinc. ad-vertlsinc. no credit. if you becomo a Hj Santa Claus to any cheerless, Chrlstmns- less home, nobody, not even the bene' Hj tlciarlcs. need ever know who you arc- And that is the promise made la mem-sere mem-sere by tho Order of Good Fellows. It gives you nothing but an opportunity to make come little heart glad. Thote who have tried It will tell you the compenaa-tion compenaa-tion is more than sufficient. Letters Are Received. Several letters wore received at Good Fellows' headquarters yesterday. They Hj i will bo answered within a few days. The Good Fellow movement startod In Chicago five years ago. The first, year 000 letters from 2000 volunteer 3Crls ICrlngleo were' received. Last, year there were 1S.O00. This year Good Fellow par-lies par-lies are being organized in tho windy city, managers and employees of varlouu establishments are banding together. Young men and women aro organizing Good Fellow clubs. They will purchase 'toys and good things In advance. Christmas Christ-mas evo they will meet, distribute tho work and deliver presents to children whose names have been furnished by the order. The order ha: several branches in big eastern citlcr. Thin year more will be established. This is the first time an effort ef-fort hae been mndo to organise ona in Salt Lake. Mora will bo hoard about It later. Who is the Good Fellow who has started It'.' Well, like all other members, mem-bers, he Is keeping his identity a secret-He secret-He Is Santa. Clau?. Salt Lake's Santa Claus. |