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Show nr the mm HAVE OWED BACK Manipulation of Stock's Held on Margin Is Averred in the Camp. Judging 1'rom tlie tone ot the Tonopah Konanza In explaining the recent slump In Tonopah iasuus on the San Fran-clrjco Fran-clrjco nnrlfnt, Tonopah operators aro dc-turmliiutl dc-turmliiutl to the matter to I he bottom bot-tom und tuke action to prevent a repetition repe-tition of the performance. For many months tho Tonopahs were the features of the western markets and mine conditions-, apparently Justified tho Jlrni action or the leaders. Dividends were being distributed dis-tributed with ileiifcin regularity, new discoveries were of alinost daily occurrence, occur-rence, while ore tonnages wcro bclns augmented with each ah I ft and production produc-tion from mine and mill was tho axcatcsl In the hlutory of the district. The "Sonan'ia charges that San Francisco Fran-cisco brokers manipulated ntoclis no that marginal holdinga wcro wiped out and Interests were sacrificed, thereby causing a big drop in market valui-H. It also as-scrta as-scrta that If theso chargca aro found well founded that the operators of Tonopah Tono-pah a III bring about the removal of their slocku from San Francisco and the future market for these Issues established elsewhere, presumably at Tonopah Itself. Some believe that Salt Laka should afford af-ford an Idfal spot for the trading in the Tonopah stocks, but all former endeavor en-deavor to bring about this has fallen liar. It. would bo a goofl thins: for Salt Ls.ko brokers to give moro study to the Tonopah Tono-pah issues. It may bo that tho local market could be made n. first rate point for this purpose. One way to bring this about Is for tho brokers to keep rloso enough In touch with Tonopah conditions to adviso with Intelligent caro their ell out 3 In regard to these stocks. |