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Show LOGAN FAMILY RECEIVE5 NEWS Special to The Tribune. , LOGAN, Dec 5. When news of the sudden death of David Eccles reaction here tonight his many friends and business busi-ness associates wore shocked and at first refused to believe It. Mr. Eccles had been cloacly identified with Logan and Its interests for many years. He was Interested In nearly every enterprise which has helped build up tho town and his business associates and friends were numorouG. Ills second wlfo and her nino children live in the finest home In thin city. They received the shocking Information late tonight. Ho waa the directing force In many Gaelic county enterprises, including Thatcher Brothers Banking company. High Creek Power company. Blacksmith Fork Fowor company, tho Logan Rapid Transit company and two sugar factories. fac-tories. In addition ho owned many large farmo In the vicinity and much business property In town. |