Show 0 ANNABELLA by special correspondent 0 the opening social of the AT M I 1 A was well attended the stake board was represented by harold Alag magleby leby and mrs airs tina larsen of monroe preceding games and refreshments fresh ments served by the al I 1 A officers the following program was presented speech of welcome president bliss daniels community singing hawaiian music myrle davis and wazel gleave in costume tap dance aleen knight shirley gleave and lucille hiesdorff Gies dorff reading sirs airs emily hiesdorff Gies dorff remarks harold fred pascal and miss josie daniels of salt lake city and miss enid robinson of provo visited at the home of mr and mrs W S daniels a few days this week mr air and I 1 mrs wilburn roberts and daughter fay of antimony visited relatives here this week they were house guests of mr air and mrs H P thurston reed thurston is spending the week with relatives at antimony virge brown has gone to provo to resume his studies at the B Y U A plunge party at the monroe hot springs followed by a melon bust was enjoyed friday night by the misses rozella thurston ruth and myrie davis theron christensen alden roberts robert s and elmo eimo of monroe mr air and mrs airs peter anderson of elsinore were visitors sun sunday d ay at the home of mr air and mrs A D miss dean gleave attended a tea saturday at the home of mr air and mrs airs chris marquardson 0 of f elsinore mrs airs amanda dalton came home saturday from bingham where she spent a few days with her son in law and daughter mr and mrs airs ilage thurston mrs airs neil savage mrs george littlefield and miss ila littlefield accompanied relatives from froin richfield to junction saturday to attend the funeral of a relative miss aliss myrtle came home from salt lake city where she spent the summer preparatory to th the e opening of the school term she will teach in monroe mr and mrs airs eugene barney and children have come home to spend the winter eugene has been out of work for some time marvel peacock of los ange A les grandson of mrs sarah B paid a short visit here he was on his way home fro from in chicago where he spent the summer working cecil fairbanks returned to baker V aker california after spending his vacation here mr and mrs john webb spent sunday evening at the home of mr air and mrs roy gleave |