Show continental oil company off offers ers in prizes on another ano tl 1 e r page pa g e of 0 f this ali is issue i s of the R reaper e a p er appears i p pe i rs a an n 0 offer ff sue r of in cash prizes for the best est answers explain explaining ii ng th the e mystery of the hidden quart and launching the largest advertising adverting campaign ever sponsored by continental oil company in the interest of conico germ genn processed motor oil teaser announcements of this campaign have appeared during the past two days throughout the country and advertisement announcing the cash prize contest is appearing in newspapers with a combined circulation cu of more than the contest announced today is is one in which motorists are arc invited to compete for in cash prizes in telling how bow the hidden quart of conico germ processed motor oil benefits motorists the question is what becomes of the hidden quart and how bow does this quart benefit the motorist there are 29 prizes first prize being the contest closes at midnight september 28 1931 with all communications being sent to continental oil co ponca city 01 okla aa judges of the contest are dr W B D bizzell president of the university of oklahoma john A hunter professor of mechanical engineering university of colorado and frank L martin associate dean school of journalism university of missouri |