Show YOU TOO CAN HELP one of the uppermost subjects in the minds of the american people today is that of furnishing relief for tile the unemployed who are possibly facing a winter of real want and suffering much has been said about ways and means to relieve this situation and one of the ten suggestions made by the state committee was that utah people be urged to use utah products that is a splendid idea and we would carry the plan still farther by urging that sewer sevier county people help solve the problem in our own immediate vicinity by buying all their goods from local merchants many of these business houses have been compelled to lay off part of their clerks or give them only part time work because their sales have fallen off durin during this depression these idle clerks will be added to the list of unemployed and still further aggravate our relief problem unless business picks up naturally the people are not buying gas much as they did when times were normal but there are some necessities that we must buy so why not establish the invariable rule to do your shopping at home burn up all those mail order catalogs and spend your bit with nith local merchants who help pay your tax taxes es who employ your friends and neigh neighbors bois as clerks who in turn have that much more money to spend some of which will no doubt reach your pocket in time in addition to the mail order house business that goes out of town there are many people in in i this community who have the habit of sending to nearby larger cities for merchandise which could just as well be bought here and at just as good prices everything considered without the bother of writing for articles exchanging when goods are not what was desired and other inconveniences such practice of buying out of the community sends hundreds of dollars away each week which could just as well be kept at home and would go a long way kay in helping solve our own vital relief problem |