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Show The Sait Lake Telegram. Day and Increased Wages Granted, : pendent on Southern Settlement. Irritation De- g -- a I i'J--y " T IN EVERY DETAIL n;k (i (m Flamboyant Assertion of r Acting President Re- T ; Th tf tiie Isthmus. ;.-- la tva will wll r ntirm M re lon th lrl-l- News SOLD ONLY BY DAYNES MUSIC THE LEAD I ICO MUSIC CO., t D CALEBS, f llhmu r 4j r J f 74 MAIN STREET. lh4t pj. I .ltlr-r- ,ir ; I r. . Co'-.'v.hh'- . r 5 7r 1 TORRENTS OF BLOOD IS BOASTFUL TALK OF THE COLOMBIANS. garding Revolution on bt 0 7C 'i. i ? V i' y. 1 ,? Tor over half cntury Plar. a c? Ararita, the When yoa buy a Knab, yea that n.cn3 cn taught th buy, and at a 1 lc that t cfta atkJ for Inferior la trusieat. If-adi- v .w r It k a COLOMBIA WILL NEVER GIVE PANAMA FREEDOM A IS PIANO PERFECTION - ry- rrrrrndnt 00 LOUISVILLE. Colo., Nov. 14. Representatives of the miners cf the northern coal district and the operators reached rt satisfactory conclusion at an arly hour this morning after heinpr in conference for nine hours ,and in consequence the mines will, beyond doubt, resume operation Monday morninp. President Struby of the "Northern Coal and Coke company acted as chairman of the meeting and made the following proposition: "To settle the existing strike in the northern lignite field, the operators In that field offer to resume work on an eight-hou- r basis with the understanding that if the miners lose the present strike aprains't the principal operators in the southern Colorado field, or if said operators shall not accept an eight-hou- r day. the miners will go back to the hours prevailing before the strike." He also announced the wane scale which the Northern Coal and Coke company was wil'ing to pay. and which was an increase of about 10 per cent. After a secret consultaon the miners made a counter proposition, the principal difference bcinx in the price lor mining the coal in veins of different thickness. The final result was the acceptance of the miners' proposition by the operators practically as presented. It is stated that the change will necessitate an increase in the price of lignite coal. DimlnUh-In- DP.IILIN. Nov. 14 No bull-t'- n the health of Ktnjrror Wil.Um It Is al I thai hi hii Issued today, but wound cuntlnue.i to heal In a normal manner. h re r.f the A" Tho latej Prehru learr.it nclalJy tothut tr. n Kmpcror already hrun little. Jn a low voire. n4 that th Irritation of the vocal oricans l. The matter will have to be referred to the various union of the dis- trict for a referendum vote tonight and. tlie vote will, bo counted Mon- day. It is believed that the agreement will he ratified with practical 0 i 3 of "Vocal' Org n and the Wound Healing Normally. 0 unanimity. u. novo-dtp- . EMPEROR ABLE TO SPEAK IN WHISPER NORTHERN COLORADO COAL M INE STRIKE IS SETTLED Eight-Ho- ur FATrnn.vT i.vkkinh. e al-U- r, I if,error of l: ce'ir r turn motln country t br l,t in t't C.d .n.u n I td.;ll r.'--. rc-! p. r. t i " Kr:n I" roun'li,,-- on th. ;..vrrr t - i . ff if f rV Mi r? r PANAMA, Nov. M. Direct tommunl-tio- n has been with capital of Colombia. The following dispatch has been received from that city under date of NovcmU r 10ih: "Acting President Jorge Holguin iald tod ly that Colombia will rjer recognize the independence of Panama. "'My Clovirnment will exhaun Its last drop of blood and its last cent In putting down the rebellion, he paid. "1 wish to make the announcement to the lh-go- ta. c.f all tf H.u!fj Arr.ot.can rr-ib"-- r DISPATCH i'WiM H tiUTA. r; jrr;ti!iy iit ptd ivt-tra- l .v y . ttnri I that n.:.m Iij D j K'-rt- t G not pubmlt tg lth- .' . Wti'i ha ! ndi-r.- i ;i. lt CUPD'SP READS SNARE f h'o I''hlinc fcrc-for th today tat, w ll- - 'intj arny. pl ht- th.U o:.d s f ft liric- - hf "All ! u. O 1 j i ;",V) j h l unoin lltlonal and I nn.u ri.il al l to th (Jivriimi-ntTh aro furloi over th revolution, i jMTii-.i"Jtoimta iontir.:i in a ?tat of rUa. i n In til! but th" I'nitcl h'.attn . j rott ' j. It i ri' 1 In l. P--r t a that th tin.:uiTiou. fthuii;i'i ijio fii nt nt U...I r The Io erpownt It ?ia r trolnri from th l:;t-- jrt . IN A HOSPI TAL WARD Hie J nnod nn 11 I- n r C-- ho hin 1 a fore- - of hud b ft m r rpi r y, for idy d parlr.i nt unl pftl'1 - ' -'l ap-j.int- ,i,i.,rr!o-ln-c - tojiit.i v r3 5 t i!l w "Cr. II. P.afar-- m- - SIM -. t- in-n- It. I). . Wv latl Man-I- rolli-r- Sotr.o n for H.nl IMitw. fmm Dead IkatK. Ilal tlon'l like u. Itt. t c jn-jtl- Mm I li ! ! I n-- Miss Gilson, Nurse at St. Mark's, 'Will Become Bride of Lieut. Wells of Detroit. , if of l.l-u- ) ill. M's Cilson was d Mailed to !.d idiii. and an attat-hmr- t to ') y) ' ' '; () nt-- rt.-prli.. i:i W. rr.d t t'ton i r.. Kjr- - t"l.a'!'-- .!: i: K. .m i i. r. J In itji lfc'.r. 'hr. N i .. . i S m ; '. Cin. Vr Jiti.i..--z- , volutiot hj. PERISHES IN STORM of he-i- ! altii . - St. i Is Siic. n is - P.AWLINS. W ., Nov. H. The 1j.,.!y of a man named I". S Itichey vaa found by two boys v,h wto huntiner two mil a south of this city. Ho rcriitly cair.e to Itaw-lir.from N'V., and was put eff t!v train hi'i-- because his lii kt r read Pio Grande Western. Monday mornimc 1:" purchased a tick t to Plymouth, 111. II" was S"cn hero Tuesday mornir.ff and ilisa pp. ared. Tlios" with whom he talked thought him d:j.iei;ted sind told the officers to see that he get out of town. He videntlv winder, i! ft" rind wr:s r;r.ii;t on here .ut in the torm, w):ich has for several days, ntv.l cldib-- to death. his J:i!y;e Craitr today rem'i-ref- l in the ease of Miller & vh, J. V. 'J"iacon' rovcrsv wai ncr the ('anthu. sele of a ryr.eh made l,y Joh.n M.lhopey of the latt.-- firm t the plaintiff"!. t'.;itl!n .i lo hra the deed and the court has now ordered that a de-- d be jclvc n to Miller Chapman. Dav operators at Table Rock fir'l P.P ek flmtes 1:UV" been reriowd and ;i c ill oil installed, so iat in e..s" t'r.e tdc:ht operator ii wanted he ran !" aroused. . i b'-.-- t t."'. I j r i; M - t.ll..i:. . I , p.-tf.-- v fir: . r. w. I T I . A J I'd i . hi iu ,t;o. r.iirii. b r. : ..e.id al!i.i) "OH" da;, . li of 1 aC. d I to. J loo Tnlnnrl In- I i:.-.- I - oi eotn'-l.ari- y ! ::b , l i- i .4 -x It. til . ntc 1 ! h li , ,,4 I l ' Shamokln. Pa.. Nov. II A three nr ratilnc in the No. x vein of the Knter-pris- e colli ry. The tire started hot tiight from an unknown au.se. $35. d ! k I i.otl art s. ( . l c.r-t- j fro-,- , of eat In c do v t ! - ;.. ?: i 1 w 1 ma & CO. L b ! t f,.r th,,t mr Specials i Nut-.- v, T-AV ' I . lt h tt I ; f drv.' N I I 1 "No' ( w. j- flfOC 5 f' It llau I m m m 0 r Ct. 17'. k V t month for f : ' 1 . . . I j ! i MEN'S SPECIAL i i .A '. K 1 tie 4I aii ompli.ih a ;rrcit on th-was tlvlr.it ly j It STREET CAR 'i;. ' - : i ? hiie wh-- n I ihi ."let I would ftia- - 2:H A 2-t- t MAI". ' Shoe. ?2 VrV-l.Lir.- 50 fcr.d . tic S3 i:n of r nigh-cu- t to ?i..OO. CALL AND SKF. TliEH. C n. ent WellViik-.- " !! i! i i i II n b.-f.-- r s I n ii I, j the it'U'to.cnieiit phvro a) h nrd .'..mr lo v t to n- ambUioii !i'in i o .'. k :.out'"ni tl li:ny.ore.i ntn I h t! . lo .i ti but that ',n oil p. and had la adach- -. r.e-.I feel Ilk" a Uoc.i' an now person I am absolutely certain ttiat l.t,:;"-Nu- t b-i. lpt fie k,i my au i.uu I eati sit for hours nn I Muly at.d I b-.- 1 rt each 22J OCTOMS VINCENT - HOTT m r.;; i- fsVa u r x I' CEIM TSv S i 1 4."). tn'i'H Distributers. S' ei ? nt-m- population of t ti It t You can have The Telegram delivered at your home Utah Ctquor Co i! im;. there ami act oinp.ltih ro;hl.is. "To t'll the truth ".rnpe-Nuta I te'd iny ftind!". wo-kia tnira. b- - In tav Idaho liural Free Delivery. i nse. My mother Is ulsr.init thN b Iter a I all the id to (or.titm h.e Nov. 11. A ratal free deWashington, Name male." Potutn by given Co., livery route win be stHbllshcd Decern. ier I tat tie Creek. Mh h. at Mi'hlleion, Gnnyon county. Jda.. lot In Ke with one earrirr. The route covem nn Ink each pacl.r for a rot y of area nf thirty-fiv- e the 'aroocji Iittl lKok, "The Ku'j to miles, containa ing V 1 J fMy . t V fi 1 1 H pi: . i 1 C - . Colliery in Flames. PNDPdPA M'-- ; UP TO Id I f rt I h.ivi' at lant f i r I ! at.. :,!! v uin te v ii I o . ay to 1 t i j - lUht. .!.'';.(..,;. lion. tirape-Xtanl dlKrm. without troubb-- , i,n ?. f'"'!itiK !u toy ft. to i h Pi we have I" . en IM'.l. r.. !i !i lapilly ,1 Jl ;: Mfi.e the tl Grape-Nut- ' m A9 1 tfi . d. ". i v p. r Jrr H ! tdoit-dow-- i v t . "At Ihe thr t tto I V K reef r if in e CHICAGO. Nov. red i(ti..n i. W ii lo S ill the of the f tvo- p :.uid St. f the mill ben trad. the chief IndU'tr-- at Jn d.an.v H ;lhor. In. I., clos. d la.t niuhl for uii 1.-tli.ite period. The immediate cause r.f the Was the stlili'- at iiil'Intk V.l of iiotr . f r hers of th - AinnlKuni.il. I Irmi-WThw; ktrs. stiike i.fi'i - ! the b ad.rs of the ui l"i bcai:e the I v so;i'd:t to cut Wa5 s to the i in mot r.f the fdat of ently i the American She. t The company. o men. Inland compus.y rmlu). p. , 5 ?o! ? Jy 1; - J trr-ifvft 5i!ri-irtit rro;n it"i:!.; i hleW I our miss .. l d-a- in f. o.i lay 1 1 ! KO'-i- t a w 11 . I nil'i li.oj 1; :.',. .ti o. f. t not irnal'li m nul . that fH. BECAUSE OF STRIKE l o I W ai' " -. !- a Company Shuts Down for definite Period. Jto - ', STEEL MILLS CLOSE Night Shift Quits and 1. r'a n fr 1 i . Wi r..e r' , i t NEW S y CAVT AFFORD YOU j f ,,r $20 $25 I 1 ! U t" j ml!'''! I lh." . i'. I v. I'd i 't r, i I ;. it should. Pi am w a "i away .! il j .; I.'' h Is a re: f th- - ly on I t be I tt,- - j . j . r th. ot ly iv m .! t? . b t t d for J I'M. it thin t.'irp.!.A f. bm (;bl ' Win ! t. r. M,i'. . wrote an irt r.t:;i ,itti t h r f I I'll. c r. H dill v. l'r.leo the mho! rourbhej! !raln .s;' , r w m t Send Youngster Away WfSl Te - f. Jk i HATS, MIII;T-t P r OFF FOR SCHOOL. -- ' Nj: $15 UP TO $45. ii ,c. ;. . ;. V , !.l: r. .i r !'r. r K J A, s. ; n. i i'.. C". J. It. r. M' I. "!!: V.ii k. A h 15, M A n.r (.-- p !.A. i'. W. l .' I f . . liaiti i.Min...; M. IMn N'i w v. I "t . . S i I .i t 1 Ho-!"- ClIiCAGO. Nov. It. The executive committee of the National Association of Implement and Vehicle Manufacturers, in session here, has adopted the following unanimously: "Resolved, That while we appreciate the rights of labor, we realize that the time has come when the manufacturer to b successful, must select Ids employees in harmony with his individual judgment and the existing conditions, repaid less of whether said employees are oror are not affiliated with any i M. i i ! tr. S 0 I.,!..., d - M I r, 1IANUFACTUHEP.S WILL IGNORE LABOR UNIONS. ,!. v r. i. t Wit. i t t . I A i ; .r..w T V.'.KifT' M air n.. i n H S ... I. ;. ji l.sD !..W jU 'h k. I'ia; a. ! I Rt Z. C. M. I. ', ) . ! - e &-- v M l'i.-.ti- , - Croup oT a Usually begins with the symptomsFneez-lnfcommon cold; there is chilliness, sore throat, hot skin, quick pulsus hoarseness and impeded respiration, fiive frequent small doses nf Ballard's Horehound Syrup (the child will cry for It), and at the first sin of a croupy cough, app'-- frequently Ballard's bnow Llnimert exterr.aliy to the throat. 50c ' T'r . ! - n. European. v-il- V. P. Tl Ltko- Put. ; w i'li-ipma- r tt-- . ton. - Two Eoys. . f- l ,. 1 1 " V . .it tl . r.!.:i i.l wi(. V. It I'" i . Sri. ; Ir.'trmid that if k for the asf it- - i with si.e will of th- Orni.in rni'iM-- Garltv or other fori iun shtp wlii- a nay I " in Doiulr.i- an w att rs. Tiie Prer.eh c;uist r Jurln de la Gr.i-v- ;i 'ati-rrt ip. wh.hh v. a in th--d is to rsto have rdurr. uii'. (ntly. to the islatnl of Martlr.hp.t -- . Telegraphic onitTiu'dcation with the Interior o." Santo Don.it i;o was tr- - Malt-lisd yst't day mortdnc. but t ow i a;;air. interrupted and it Is ret orted that mu.--t have occurred besvi re fmhtinjr fore San Don.it. sco. The re ent arrest nf the oi!i ers and head.- of department of the i.atlor.Hl bark at Port Au Prb e n:i the hiife of havlr.e; b. en connert-- l sdli the fraudtdet.t of bond rarlv in n... year, has c ai'd a ure.it ... ns.itloti hi-arid D cotnn.er.ttd upon from iliff' rtr.t point, id view. It th- i. I'..; I" j to do so upon b f. red a nee Pf! HO (i tl i'..in, .4 .. i if'i r . I 'Ih.ir.i-- - - a. S. k Pott Au h.i ii Arrl-- a: I iri'iilr.;i .in . Wanders Away From Hawlins, Wyo. and His Eady Is Pound hy Pi-f- New , K- DEMENTED NEVADAN : crisp, newsy WINTER MAIN a. M.f "j ... p.tK u- . KiiM ; I'K.I.i..). f.urii J. T (:!. fhi- .k''-- . J. i J. 'I li..tii 11 I".- - h. S( t ;r ri.il,-- . i r.. i I. i; p, ji k i !M.;.iin Jui-II. n, W. II. J.i.r. p . j. I c'.i:i Haiti, with th ir.U ati'n. in cor'iiia; to r. j ort. of ! n iiur th hi ad. of Piuilo Plata, on the ioithtn coa.--t of Santo Iiomir.o, on- Til Hail!' !! aUthoriti-- - formally " ! n. Ji- i! the P.rv'lni; in Haiti I mtto'-zpie of l.is strove init m Prim- tj I . V. i;.v, !: M. t. Mrrr. ,l I tt Wivi m,. C ;rr..l Jtot'C.r; tii J, II. II in MOW FOR 154 . - leads bright, hhn Priik bun . III. I. k i. CAP P. HAlTir.N. H:itl. Nov. Th.stenmi r St. ; itr.i.. live. e ub The Callen. , n u arrl Yiir'll:. ..o .t. llti- - ut; th I'w'd. II. J. ll.'.!r.Ar.. Mi, ! .. v I VHnnirrt i.i! IUork. SALT LAKE CITV. AT TIIE HOTELS. tt Kira riiHr ... to D.' . oci-ur- Tnp t i t i .se if'' Plata. ; lb-no- I-- - t s Vr.on. JHi-K- try Dominican Revolutionist Will Blockade Puerto coni-man- sri;:NTinr)LLirroi:s of n.n ii:iits. d Ptcn, bUV.M.L. l- C;-(r- LEAD AGAIN er South. our . TO YOUR INTEREST To r t Th. Ttl.i.i..m n tln' ho idg!.t. Thf i .int'' of the raril-- r C,t-t.- j t in s. lt cor.; i. .1j p)j t in p;?,t'd I: i evry tivii t.f t U. la n. at it ut a f ! JIMINEZ IN - v. JaVt th IT'S J) ) '. The Telegram n. .11. We do decorating In and uio.wt. artintic. See up tetween thrn wldvh a rapid Ir.iltlon. sprar.g l- t. at.I Mir- CKson is attcrxb d a hy rimanc of no common onbr. Twii wti ks aco Lieut. Wilts was ') taken to Die hospital, dnrtrerusly ') MERCHANTS' PROTECTIVE ASS'N ot l'.m.in that th' v i.ot in pir- - ' t nthy with th r;dU"n sr l r4ti rclti'l on b ii!'iit In pu'tifji: do an t'.-r- t M A. ried at an early ujte. Mist Oiison io a. dav.ghier cf S.iinTud (Jilson, a pioneer minr of the Sialf. ;ind thf discoverer of gilsoni.e. !!. is the active head of the M'iner-tJilso- n oal syndicate. Lieu. Wells comes from an old and influential Michigan family, is yvirs old and a civil engineer by profession, lie served in tho United States army through the Cuban campaign as a First infanLi jutenrmt of the Twenty-thir- d try, lie is a graduate- of Ann Arbor and of Columbia, universities. His at one tim held the Knt. chair An of law at Ann Arbor university. uncle of the young man. J:uns V. Campbell, was Chief Justice of the Supreme f'ourt of Michigan, while another d uncle", Coi. Daniel T. Wt lis, is in of 'oi t D. A. Russell. Wyo. Col. ."Jolm Diild'.i'. a cousin of W!ls. is chif of the engiiuering corp.-- of th' Distrh-- of Columbia. Mr. As soon as th- ddir.g and Mrs. WcP.M wiii go tu Detroit to Li-ut- - b Tl.. Miss Pancha Kate CHlson, n nuvpe at St. Mark's hospital, and Lieut. Hewitt Wells of Detroit, Mich., are to bo mar- f.i-th- LITTLE LOVE GOD FINDS HIS MArvK IN TWO WEEKS TIME. 110 Main St f |