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Show w 9' m w The Salt Lake Telegram. SATURDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 14, 100:J. FIGURES NOT OF DUCKS, THOUSANDS OF GIVEN OUT GEESE, ARE NOW PASSING OVER STATE MILLION & Utah Rapidly Cominc to M Front as the Duck Hunting State of the The Telegram Hunting Kxprt.l COKIXNi:. Utah, Nov. 14. Millions of wild ducks and thousands of Reese! This alone describes the great flock-of the winged came which are row passing- to Utah from Oregon ami the British Columbia. Eastern sporhsm&n who have turned to Utah from Chesapeake bay anil the celery beds along the Carolinas are a unit in declaring that Utah is now the great duck and geese hunting grounds of the world. These fame sportsmen add to this statement that the only real duck and geese hunting is to Vie found in Utah and the only genuine elk ami moose hunting in the Jackson Hole country. Game Season Nov Open. The season for both the winged and the hoofed game has opened. Already i ir F j rn irn li"ntpra u .!A7ftn(; i f Twntv thousand strn- ping big elk and ten thousand clumsy moose :ire on the rampage in Jackson Hole country, while to the south flocks of mallard, blue wing and canvasback ducks numbering into the thousands are on the wing to tempt hunter. Just now the great duck ground.-- are t the mouth of Boar river, where that stream runs into Oreat Salt Iak". Flocks of canvebt;cks and mallards running us high as three thousand in the flight .ue to be ?:en in the lower end of the Hats. As many as a thoupand Canadian gese in a dash is a common Seme remarkable kills have sight. been made by hunters. , (hP,nfi they are to plentiful that r oaten tratks 'l:!lk t.ith t ' I r ni'-'s- exi.-tenc- - I w er-.- j ;iouri s.e;e t:iin o:i hii h i i Tie- ;' k ' t .f pojn.t lubho'.i- - lv .is it. riicht it. :i'.!d .l .i - V. ti ,;-- the ;, rnf en. A d iM' irsr id rt : li OUl.ter, U ar th n I 'Tte:. .o j !t.. ta ' .; t. i th.-p- iie..-ino- n . ' d x " t K'.mro-nn- erk I I t' Tw-'f- .. ti" f'"-f- t t,hlrt--ei,-p- av-ai- - 1 rt ii day t kUb-- I by forty, the biid STREET I a;v 1 tl ' N w , iho ..i..-i' ; o' k. " .if ( ' a tr - a I a t. r - - ft ; if i.i I : t . i feier-Mounta- m : ii Farme i ii :! 4 ', ! n-- f t. .i " ' i il REACHES A CLASS OF t; i '. , . l . t 1 - t t ; t . PEOPLE WHO DO NOT TAKE A DAILY PAPER ? t 4 - ! I T- I 1 r. - r ' .t . e'.te.t t 1 .1 ' t t '.? r i k'p r An advcrtUcmfiit . rozi results, bring: I GOLLY The Inter-Mounta- : Aiiren very rca. enable. But It's Cold u especially crier traic. Rates in mail -a di Th; in IntefMcur.Tiin Farmfr vi'l r- . - ir.i-- v t- : MI i- r t'?"fc!.!r, 1 IP t,-.- . t : i- - rwti'i - t. but i : 1,-r- Ii The 1 . if- t I dily, Lj j ' i C take a U .i" v M'.;li t. t ... . ? r : - I- ; ! ; t r. i If l. H Farmer, Salt Lake City in u He-apend- ed ,k h liui r i n to th ; ri.rrd r cip n-.-r. : - :.r.J reinh - ;fcr f" ' fo.t-- .l .t ' p ir-- -" c orthyn ' It n - it I i tlc p.,., --, t I I tr - v I md ft.ic 'i ..' . t'i: i t -- ru, tur. r i it. j mr ' r. ' !'. I SI r : a i.. .i i Nil. !.st..r.. sni.'! d ; I r t" r-.- ! i r. . ! 1 ; ! H 1 ;;-o- . it ..ho; and J of tl4 irfuot v.!ud .t t . In u!w r.lrd rd trl". " i r ... - t i i r th i . - i t true . J 4 o! . j , " t;-s'- - J !..-- rt Ji .S3. h a i,!'r.i b. 3 ".. pro-iU- f I "? -- t ti et- ! t - r" ' C r fi : "' ' i.i'C - f.i ;? ,oi' ; p' 1 f- - 1 fc T T? o ,pi tlv-- n t. V, . . t !. j fo -- i !i'!'.i I ;n 4 ;..-,-- ! 1 " 4 I V t i inr if" ri m itt t tt-- f w - mi tt miiTrirTmi wi i n iiiiwinwum Kelly Co. rt 1 wrm - 4 7 - - - . !? 1 CLOTMlliRS j Plain Figures Price j'tirvii rrrn 3 D k-- & ii j ?, t; ft - J .. - ft One K0L1TZ EXCURSION' Guarantee of Circulation Hi j 1 I S f U i r 5 3 ! . c'-l- e ,. fe"! Rowc l i t O ;t 1 fi - I -.. i. - niiHi ff,:kC"i P' nt. . S ' t 1 i g I Hp t.w .1 r . .. ... . i y U e, c' ij - ii:; ; e r "v "" - r. .f'NJ - i.-- !.'i.icui " P ' i fird of t ' r w '. i .. t t- B r t ." I . s hnt d'irif ,g th " I'""1! th" ii " t t II 1 "'!: t t of rr rt i cr.S'i'.e, Wi'tid ui i:.4r! ilu! tt Ji:: .", i: t.t. o mutl. ah""! et Si;..t. m I' ", n . B nr .; h - '- rron AmMrtn Mln. ,,'.-'- ' I-- , f.i- . .iT'tl d ""! i.t f m ,l i ... u rn PI f V i '.. ci p i , " 'i v. At fn t? 41 t J .m. ..tr.ir.t t? I. I t i.in .Pni; ; : i I'll": .;t Ifi'" '.. ("re.r H 3 . (t""'m nin' l.'ti ;r fer;''.',-.i- . ll.l Ii t. t ! i till i m i 1 ! ir,: jt UxK-- r ,:J ' 3ii..-- $'. st 'r U; 'e t'r"lls't: '- t t:-.i- Ten ;-- ' it prej.-- f. s.t h-- K, Tr J j t ' i: :' "'--'- r r. i.---- . -. t:.- -, " - -- : - v, ; j h t j i r per multiplied v m PI 1 i To Off.,, I''! m.. Sunday, Nov, 15th. i.t n. fnert Ortion . !r. l. 1.' rttirnleir la ffilt o.n T.lr.. f ljk H p, m. SALT LAKE SCENIC CO., 167 Main Etre-- t. a-- to be M 1 l'i-- imk ef The : . ef ?;.r.u;'; 1 t t' - f i .r . oi nf i -- Fui.d. Npfuod - well-kftov.-- t-- tavAtty. .it be Jro i mji-- m now j,,.- it.l in New nac uid a. who i"5 a Vo-n '.uper of the , Jub. York ' V. 1. Sham, with a bic N-e.n em .vi h heavy lnt-- r sts In W est Yirsiiiia, is a'so a membor. t Slaughter of Ducks. ha- the south Na.di UK a t.,.:i. brr in the , , : so,, ,.f of fol. .1. II. A kl-- n, Ken.n-- iun-X. i.iilroiil nod n p einn. il" the l.. J. ". Neey of. Me Htoi:e. ; t s til- mher. ". I'.i S. s. ceperal tr.ifTi." r.iaii.ir r i of tli .Nn eii'iin Sne lit.i lb tu.ian comp.iny. hohfa h in tnlrshit. a 1.. J. Fisher, owner of the Fisher bu, llir.tr. ; 'hieaco; J. I. Kdrlnsiton. MeMiphls: F.'. W, Hi mr. fiipitli-t- . i iofj-dM. I !. I trow r. e. f (I' 'ifviri: P ll leet ,t bitik.r. t'it new .f .'to ni'-V.". S. of the po.h ). i; , hi m t.iry. 'h.i2o; Knlnll of First National b.,;,k nt V.n k ?rt rK-s-. many other. of cp.i.il pmt .m nee atid The primal y obi- t !n forrvmj th. of ih en-,- . bib was for the piei'-- I i'ti I tt: k eppiK off pot hunt r .i..'. ;i;,: i.. t holtI. Ducks by the Millions. On" of th' ffe, w no misbt he r'..i-.- c t rlz-- d by n cert iin Fpoftimp it. or ;i. a "came hoj," kept di.rj nf of his s'.auffhter for a , lT.th too.-days, ftom Sepfinber toner i"th. In thi.i tin he kilh d 4t"- of p" lurks of all kinds, or ;,n lucks per d.v. Hip bicc- st killinc w ..-on October Mh. w ueti he got ". bbd. i oth'-he got 244, '21 and ; birds, resuet vly. A I"enMr shoot, r ilU' k" iO hlXteen dil8. or II II .IVIT- t of a little more thin 12 per day. Since thi Ftah Ietipt lire, hiok'.l the Mortsmeu of the Sti-- . up b passed a bill which Ih'iitc I the nun P. r 1 a ! -- . K. ,e ..t IS TO JBEJSLARGDD li-.t- j u: iur i. "4 j - ( . b.th !i.ncr n forty nd inflii-s-nce- I .tv i- -. - . in .... of th one IirK rTl. if lll'll'i'otl up 1' i kt Aaltt. o t m . iet if r. HOME FOR ORPHANS j i hi;., iii.i.ijo. l M.-Cp-- at r 1 j - . ( on I I 1 j P t iff i u. - . - t!" t. : " tbt il. The with ti- -l wll. and t - n' n. v are and xrvp are cm h in piodur. The b;.i J!r r I ii' it'.l in.'! i:sr:;',ftt with aety!-- - r- f. ... rj j r I an-o- m.n ' 11 ; U ff-- t tihnuf lt"lf In tOOM, Th " I are laMi-ftK- Go3i to E. My 0.1 S.U mtur I ani;iT air r !!,; - t:b .nd ' . - a-- S20 TO $40 THE DAILY PAPERS Are all rht aivrrtiiin mtiiurns. for ihosc ' j - i j 1 of vi- a were uf'y wi'undcd k the cyclone ready was. at, ire of what This goo e c yr'o:,e l as become a byword on T:i r ri ev. Ofher V7ins;ed Game. !li duck hun'itiK: is pre.it the .And supplv of phensnnt. plover, prnlri" ' hicken and his sao-- hens is as extensive. SHiue h'Mis wenrh ax hti;h as live pounds and in certain svetions this fall t W. I.. t'oo;- 5 " - .v;.i- , nj-'h;.- tlie .M'oul i :i . 1 alom; rin;i! 7 - 'o'lnti- but It i iiy tn iitipi'nin i.ni!-i- 1i :md ftfwral I by i in 1 t"r.-- ; i!o.-.r- i: ;,y 1 rionr riitim m .J !i J. WILL GRAY & BRO. the (iinnlry, It ha Mrnl room, mod for r riral pur- - c- j l- -0 ,i e a; iin- - T-r- n.. t,--c- '.'.MS i i i Th j Salt eeked citapult. The strmture from its fonnth;:ion si3 il a cyclone had on carried it hit i. Tl.e for twniiv fe..t. knocking off shinties. w iudov.'..? .... The. prourd near 11 's i! r nr. j 1. s e -- 1 ". 1 iin-c- i k. i v.;-- ili..in.n of i r th-.-- s o A turt:-- d the br.t ! ' ii,L i'kv i losed ii', prcsontir.s; a so'id fio.ii. Cnni'ii-- Aith ii'.i.shly ro.tr ti"-struck the (h'hhouse iike u shot fim i :t ;r- d th'Mil to t'iiiu;i- ;i..-,p- Jo;u I i f iti'.' nid at of nntii.t'-iinr ore tin." connected w:th the Ai,i,i!i;a-mateI'oppi-company in I'.itto ntid cl-i'- f.yipi; lo 1 w - e'' l!if:t";. of fr i.o.,.. . fropi the si;li;e( noiih. T!;ev were f;..:r ;n n at the ar.l tlicj rushed to bibals. e loot i'i hi Hurlbut. tie f f 1 CLOTHE -i Hotoii there are th.'eo ny four Cha4itable Salt Lkejg Hav 'tnirl-- ': A. Promptly to Call for th- - creat paper n: uiuf.i. 't;; r.f ; - s- Sh-pa- p ti.cinh.--- r i sv-nmo- io .nit. I . - '.v;;.-- ; ( l i' k formi r partner of Andrew 'rnejr'.e. l a niMnher. an Is J. Pair.ter. Jr.. pr-id'lit of the ropiV Natioti.il bnk of l''nil.ide!p"ri.'. fr.-ur- k . i j i- - Tl!-- ' 1 -- !iihIi.i '' - tani ; I . nty aref. I. II 11. t. 1 - -- a inei.i- I'urth-- r at th n,'iii,"r t?red ali . over the eonnvry. '. rh!t't.-- the pittsborc oin-i- '; buihiil'U' V. .is cf tion. :"o sioriv, s hich. ni.l ;i ii ff.T'd (l. I'.Us. j i ti e trdiM;ry v co ! n hnuk". onflled a Miter the i.UPi iitST fiv. hich mad- - thk of K.'i-i.jkv look ! K. .. "CHESTERFIELD" l!"" 1 - - 'nisheil sti i; rontra' for. ant nnt'j' tr.'n of .el;h and ioitlon. ... at- - n i r. - i .V as" tointiar.y: ( o and p.-- 3 OVERCOATS, . . ox, pl'eIdent of til" 1! i Ti.U K. IT. Hie ' iHCI",' Ol i the - - ir. - oT r K".r.. 4 I xu-iur.- . tli" winded iirmy. but v. h- n the pi. tur-- s were ik !op they showed one sreat Tiv" e:tplnnatiou was k. liia. of ;'ss thick that no tl.iit the duel.s were lcis inuld have brought out the detail. Club Wrecked by Geese. the force with whuh As ilktstr-- i flo k of :' ' Se tli. S tl.e ease of t I'M ;itur of i st!' '.!! labp.ouse vl i' n i'.'.'K on a pjomontory jut off the in fl le-ul- ts. I' mense ('ii.Uiy paektnc lntr' a member. Chicngoans on the Lit. Ter; or a doz n af re-- i r men-.beranions theni M irvln H u.h.tt eeso that were lined v.f after a morn- ln on the feeding Rrotuvl? in tit Hats The near the mouth of Hear river. cana-rman Kot within fifty anls of fu'.e l?an sn.jps at the to) nie. lie ma-i- hunt'' " liolesiile srrot 1'.. A. "udany of as once a with one ,f 1t'cert!i- a pb''f'Knfl-bein the l i.ov.rriul i i r.dfca; e e took a trial of tucks and ie rf T- ! 1.-- 1 r-fl- dl. Is lik ...... '. bink: and 1 hi f tff" rf Viu 1 1 I t hui 1 : e iir truthful"' I - -- . .' ii.i e . iund' In n bo.tr fftv tnr i:i. "id i one fit lit' of a trtt to the r J:jt luhhoue. Th" '!.; l"mi froto th badins phyf b.ian: 'lOirc W. 'a1lr. i i'.il.i (in..' w her Kerieral as"nt of the Itnrlinton f.'it the i ii of. intend- ,!:). A. :.!. rd Daniels .f the foh.rn io N.'t !"'. ;i in t "r.p k' '" :u i . (Ire.-i- t I . - . 1 - In t GIVES NSTANT VIGOR 1 the run ila-Ai'iiirif the n. n to -- - on th fmi ! iiLiiilirK of nation il tJrnt. the Poielterman i ; o :i If ;ouie. joiiii r. ... o,a .nwealthy I""a- n i'in: v:::r: i . :r.in trillionnire vcr Post: V. Hisdbury. loutractor: IIr. J. M Ioter. on" of i .i. e o'.;th of Ii ;i r hike, is ri'fd by . ,. lb-h-- ' vAi.uiiictii ' iH-nve- i - M 1 " 'Th'- qees--- wrtv mo tunjjtl- d up that they vould fly into each o'.hT. and 'bete was one great confufd n.n?? of feathers overhead. We were in a1mo1 total daikne-- s until the launch shot f.am uttdev U;,. flock. We tired into the too hot to flock until our iruns hold. Then ?dir.?r tl.; t ii wa tin- iiort;manlike lo continii'- the slaughter w;ts (lotted calle. a halt. The riv;r ' re ' v .1 el i tl ."n th bit,'- ' r i. .,,,.1 f.,mv1 ci.ver'i We vert dozen or. the bairk. They were svj fat that in fal!ipi tivy "'iv masher: into contact with the frozen pieces b uround. This is probably the flo.-ever su in k by Western of iroc-si!: ur.ters. "Several time I ha'.f inn-.- on flock1 of from I'oti" hundred vo a thou-'nalone; IJ.ear tiver and kir.d idn v. . Vt-;- ..... o. io i Geese Got Tangled Up. to evi i slKit 1 rived. Th u mmon i;rrei.c. ." A Picluie That Tailed. t '.t U rr . t r - ( ; r"t f tlkl I - I . out wr'.il M"r. cr unt u-e- air. Un-pes- ".n b--- nt , !.- - I f:f ffof matrUI 1 r iifh .. i . . c.r-- r.litht. fk dfft ft tV-l- f" t ir fc tr.. t.-tnan ." -- b-.- dJk r V '. f - al'.:C .trit v. f thf. hiini. h liit li'.s hejol and we itct e.-- , .nn.i.1. " ......... dir?( tiy un 1... " ' !,,. by our firing'. Ya? at a t.i.tctiii in ui.. . U tfj-sni- 1 i tbff i ' t 4.,' Mtl-i- : u . aid tb v :) r.oi t 'd Fiflh N 11 . ,M-i- jrsnt.butT.lh James Parkinson, the noted guid who tak'-the Fa stern sportsman into th Jackson Hole country, lias Just koi in from that region. 'The Hcle is alive uith big tame." he said. "I never saw so manv elk. Th r are fully 20.ot) there. T would the moose population at K'.WO. The lk have summered we'd and are fat. IV.it the rotent snow has f"t ml a bard trust and grazing is hnid. Just1 before 1 into a left a herd of f.on elk d.?h laneh. broke down the corral and ate of hay. up" and de?trovfd Jlfty ton There is the be.--t huntins i'l yais tli re now. The ',u t that F tsiern fp'i tm. r. are ro. .ionizing the v.iiuc of t'i.in and d ho as a great hunting ground I. Ir.dt Ktv-c- r of the by the organization Clubhouse a Tine Ona. Dutk club by icen .roiniiviit !t ;!'. . I;- nd the rnt:r- - ae grow tip walks of life in both ' The?- - gentlem-- n have hui.t a $JS'H"i in .1 r.t'ik eroih ff tli a i:ati- - pl.tnl itn.-luhb.ius-- and in tine- v. ill have tt.e UN' h tl '., th t, l. t nM-l- v nT-dJ're itest hunting grounds In the ,..,t.r . ,n VVi.e,, th.- du.kb., j intend to sp.rd tnou.amU in th- ,r du, k- T,,y th- ? effort to make . a.il tue fr.P- -t ji av.-,the i ue Whn. hur.teta go .dine i;t..th. Club. Men in preminent ! 1:51 th'i dit.gU rT"tie "Vpani i'his tlub hps or in the I'li-- o. iHttai'. .uid o' i. v, r nil I le b the names of 11. en prottrm-'- t ii- i ti- ;,!-- . M. the c.mitry. i.fio fnt and Jui ,r StTlt-' n. Mnlar. ,ll:l tV the bulb of the plant, a r ' :l'i '!', : w K-is- 4 i ' s j ' ra I "iX 't"h; Elk and Moose. z " Fifth ol r weeds. three . of us. . All hyd f Ii .'. uMini h erf . t mill nt T'.lv.il . n the I'cw. we lfe:'ti Mrir.ir as ramulv a? : 11 , ts e ciia... City foci..!?. f.-i- s j 1 vrd. . . f-- a .cm t wo ter.--. ma kins turn in the riv- r. A?" the launeh "nerved in making the tf.'Mt we heard a mighty roar. Look- ahad we s'tv.' ing uvi onlv fifteen a tlK k of probably fifteen hundred big . Th ff,rr tho-j.in- ! rwc ?.-I- d. -- j Reed Birds by Thousands. A bird which corresponds to th reed bird, that delicacy which is so popular in the Kast, fly In numbrWss thousards on the flats nrar th marshe?. Th y are to seen in flocks of from a flfieen hundred I:tst wet k a Wash- ington man tun ed l.me- - his pump gun on a tPit-or t!je. reed t:its. rej were flying about four et from tb The hunter dropped on his ground. T!i kne;s and shot through the f.ock. ion-tenbirds circled h!m and he .icnt the of five shells straight through th fnek. The srjouml wh literally covered with the birds. Two guides r''"k'l leven of them, tip nin hundred and man more cripand It seemed that as ples were limping about in the small i Cix v..--. j Fifth. rapidly, and undr thin rrnt "on . vt- " r4a ihrlvt d In all th wairi f th ftJ.I ?' ortf U In Flf! " !!tt I m. th fTordd where opportunity Tha Growth of the Ducks. r j ' l"" . arl th.p'5' QUCRtKlEt to r.i In any Hut on the mou'.h of Hear rlwr thy Jud" on.Utr-! meat. are found liternllv by million. som tiirt.-k will stt' dj.n In a t t' "I'orter. t M tfc-- aSia irty 1 my atr ani mak- - It appear bli'k with train 7" c. s a- - 1 rr, F" tt Mln m dutks for a:i or of flv arr in ..Ml. Wit rp.i . t'ftt . Hl: MV. ' t.h. Hip rifcht In. ph . t I "Yf. r- - 1 Tt tent. When they nrie ;j t'.iKht lh 1' 'i t f 'i ."iM I a tf in. "" ;. H t- ' a..."its sr.! !.'- I., 'tl ' r sour..! r sentbltn the of a huge h "It n rr;i. t . C. I'l.t Joc h r:r.r How waterfall, and maki the nlr tremble for minute afterward. "in'!lmn a ml a Itn.:r,u!vr ;1. " i The bird at th and bfedlnc kr h. bit I; wmi m ground. at the mftuth of tl;e Henr river trc "No. hav habi that ar r.l. IIHlff pcullr Mrr.rr to that particular Kan Joitrsl. tlty In all other idacps t tie ducks vre In i a "frl-;.- " at in flight by diyllght. and fly (ihVhal I rrt ,)in't kn stormy wenthcr. having thdr rticuhir lMta4trMa sunrise and n;:ht. Mn who vllt th flub for th first j b re.itrin-- l time fan ?car-lfrtun arising houfs before daylight nl setting out in tlilr Nwit, tur the shoot nr READY-TO-WEAgrourtIs. K I R The i!i. and thr vter fowl of th scti'n are arlsttx r..tlc In thir habits. If lb nieii rriae at K mid leve in their lioaf furt th ... feeding truiids. . I a H m lv ill . nnI I'tn anJ up. I"ul! Itpf Weak Men Can IUt It Trt hr r.r- -t I,,..,-..,!.rvi:;l. T;ii-,h. -1QK Nam and mli' f.n-.tAdde blind, are from four to nv Impt! i from the rlubhous. TT e hurfr with Strenjrth and Vigor for Life. P In for ip hi y his guide can get Uiblind by 1 o'clock, when the fllM j y,b 1'H g, DdiUJ lb: FlfSl OjT j a un- - j he mn Then up port kingly hv :t a . am: 1. tn .in"" ri:i: i mim.m i.v t1 . . in lrl . l1. 1.i - w . bad the luck to lornte hj blind In lh Men I t'l? !i 1 ; n .Ac ( it ourse t.f the f.inht. it i nt ortl!r..rlly worth w hiltr to atav wftcr 4 nVk I:, .i thoe s 1.0 sunset fllgat. At that w'l-kr.o153 MAIN: it starts. na.i. Jay Karri, urcr tf ti e t lub. aU. th mk., i cmiHlatlng "Thy are 9 and t bred ducks in tl world." In all 1 h- - vast xputi of liti.i ; d by the pear ilvr. at Us mouth, the Tin: t d ptti of the waf.-n'Mf!'! of tb rtvr haunt . wotild isut ft:ta!n a lot. but m pitiny and the .: 'il thtt a In W p boat v. Ill go faster than el!pry of Knirt.'. th- - wot P. h bar Jrr. but thre ate al"o vouipenoatlng I V,V,S:n.1; X ti) ' Completed, but Report Not Made. v J one hundred of these birds In a day. Then the jack r.ipe hunting is the best in years. 'unew. tli regular Jack and the yellow leg variety nr nn thick as fltes, around a pint of r.:o:as?e on a hot daj-- so to spealt. On the IVjr river flats hunters have killed as hUh as 215 r f these birds in a day and still th supply dos not seem to diminish. . . ..to n Count of Vote in the Fifth 9j DECOYS NEEDED; MUD BALLS USED. so close together as to make the ground appear like a map may be found cover- - 5 Pli-r- 't- 't- (a? '; a and gese day. They vide.l like this: 1:01 matlards. 1S2 ranv.is-buok- s The np.d 7 Canadian geese. ducks weighed from three to live pounds and the bigge.-- t goose tipped the scales at ni:.f teen ptjunds. These duc k.--; ;md geese U:r the most part are celery and rite-fe- u and are remarkably fat. A huntei. a prominent Washington Ciovernmtnt ofThial who i.s now on a hunt on Hoar river, tell a thrilling story of his r.xperteno in lO'H. A Perfect Storm of Geese. "I was shooting a pu.rp gun." he d- l.ri-d"and my shells carrbd No. 6 shot. I had a number of bb's along for i ,i" er g ,,! i0 s n4ry e It a v fm: - Many Hunters at "Work. Just now Hourly a hundred State hunters are or. Lle.v river, only two yfars ago one hunter kilted 42 were di- in a ducks mnne,in J'WuSh. 1T (2, lort-hanJle- Trent out-of-lh- vt In hunting ducks at the Hear Hlver r!ul, no decoy ducka re n"-W- . roun Guides, of whom there are n dozen, arc provided with 11h nd laIn th down Those mud, shovel. they put d?ep cunar motion and an odd twist, brlnr up a rourd of th jticky Uy. Thin roil is left in the shallow wtrr, and n few losen other arc simitoys project above th v. larly made. From above, as their ttcstle-bk- c ter. they look much like n Hock of du- k at rent. A novice ranriol maV to acquire these "mud?.." as they are rolled, as much pj.i tic l the dexterous "twist of th wrlt" by v.hlrh they nr tnad". Union; Big Game Season in Jackson Hole. www w t.d o!!;!. I'.Mtmt rj en hott not.te. j if-,.- f Ut!l Secds.Cnt Flowers. Bulbs tir- - M f r1r 1 : n c--- JVxitT. TH , i I 1 |