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Show The Sajlt Lake Telegram. QUOTATIONS MARKETS dealings MINING 10 f ATr n day iivkmnc;, Novon.nn indignant. Aocm an honest man and he is filent. This rule also applies to Mortensen. Torke:,n statetl that all the time he and Mortenisen were goir.R to the grave in the field. Mortennen'n face was void of any expression of guilt. Had he been the murderer of Hay. could he have lifted up the overcoat of his dear friend and gazed MeadfaMly and unflinchingly upon the face of Hay? I say no. YNCHERS NOW GLA Intended Victim Proves a Complete Alibi and Is FROM THIS AND OTHER CITIES. Sharp's Accusation. Acquitted. s?:w Tor.K, Nd, it b -- Xf.m "When Sharp Fald. 'He murdered you tjr f r. fr n for a plec of paper,' what was the result? Kveryone immediately cast their 1 "1 7f 1 t.jr-lit St, him. glances at Mortensen and net ir ' w '" r The on of t"1 tMa th t' prices at ran, because he was the last man fieri with jii J l c t" ' ' ' It : fn f otvt The l- bear tml t.-Hay. ptn r is tt Ar Htuatlon, ur.t t i f,t- , Ss" '"If Mortenren wao guilty, death if too I ' " w IthKtan l the tr . " 'T cf . r a ''' "7"io o. II f t f ! sweet for him. Hut we claim that the j ab! .toi . m" prriun T r f 1.. . .ft f rffr . . . . f ' f t V C , l 'fv i lt.rlr r, n .n. .- i. . . . r. ; - rrts . r"rr-t evidence, being purely tin. umslantlal ! a ii f H rti "5 . t'..1, ifjtui evidence, would rot warrant hi excuI iU p ina'l yejctrv!ay, and ft HI U wrnt down with ctrry ji unv.j the rtV n 4fH t.r-- . f t u f': tion." 3 ) c tit I- - "' t lit " -- hurob.inc .oil. f ; n "As 1 stated In th" beginning. I am leached. J w I Daly-Judg- e .f t v ' U!ei..i C!ci o TtfSt. ' h thoroughly f.im'L'ar w'lh the a.i and the tbe to!?r.m. mde flaj ptarenl'v "1 f. J i i !" 1 1 f him guiity. liav you anvthlnn f.ilbI to m, 3 t blifve f C t w rr.''.y J .Ii. for,, Mfrtur te fr.)!n-- ; tatWuvar j J w Vr l -; v : the irl tlow puj.h new 1 should like to hive you Introduce : m mj t It vi ' n $r at f" !.'.) "har n rent. v;C IS 3rt.t'f-- . "it . t.t;"tf f ?. '.' ISart. h. r it." sald Ju.-tU-e f t I? t .ird-!;. mx, j .! f . t "J i I'wcr Mirr:;roth lrppil d ca n tol.- t nt . N" Vefk .0 4 . "I said In th bevinnin?."' t ontlru-t. :. t on t th nt t,r rd mm are of ir' r"May Attorney Stewart, Vlhre tmit. ' f r . V t v.." 1 frf-'nt 2V. .T.fir grtt'ne you who are familiar '.vlth the evlder.ee, an Sarrnrnntj wtl l a lm C,o j lf-'" lr 1 f,F 1fr-i:yT-- ' " for ; but I take It that thre an- - Mniif memt i' lo'tl. f h.lr t'nn. rull at prbc bctwii Star Z't rntp. bers present who are not nt familiar 2St : !f v '9 if-tf.' - j et 1 and Crl!- .ut to S. ith tnl" Ktw with the record an others. ;ir.d for that Sam cntji, o :rtAi. 1 1: to the ;o mark. Wabuch drof firm rlo$t at r.i Yn t'T'-i'"reason I make thoe explanations for ke- - held c" It. ?f. J.r,.p t b :fH U g. nt cnt". their beoedt." ." h tliftt The total Jtlbft for t he rk !' 1 to tld.! i . ' t Finding of the Shovel. wrre trat.nfern d, of tbM ircr g ta . e of j share", th fel'.-n"How do you explain ti e ; I H a ptk being d a In Mortensen" If Follow jus; are the !o?-- i qotHtionn nd l.t barn that had been recently washed'."" I.:. asked Justice Hail- h. I 4 frIf UCjtflf ft' Henry Mortenen. brother of th ac-- t Ajax ,1 METAL HARKET. t'f.tU : us d man. Jumped up an 1 said: 1 f. ' M'tiur 'i'o')t).it i "Mr. Krnst Coulter was a. pii.terer li!v 'T J .......... d rhovt-land had that and II.i'.-J;!rC?- - J H.Pt W- - i a i v, at retire M'.y '.a tiir,g It for plRH.r and h was th i y nt f.i - V . A ' ff ifomi sin u! t man that washed it and put It In the IKasV:er Af HUit IVil ...... i r iuii' it-r ti 1 tiio.-anbarn. He is in town at th- t.rr. i' r t C at- ; .., cJriti.d cVntral . "' can testify to the snnu- thing." tl r ll- tn S!i f r ... jr.-- i i.;t-- r hi ! Bt i;', .o T.f l ti 5 t ' A eorrpa risen was it I , ':..' i t I. l.uiie ' Vi ' - 't' S. ' o m.iJe V' , 5. s I'., f eb-;i ? ; Mainn.uir, t r the I 1? a! an! P,r" f'Ta' "r "i case, a nd an attempt made to show an ' I 't existing simllirity. and that many . r I Jit r.t Noith'-'tU t r V t ii t.irio rircutiistances wer- In the i BINGHAM PROPERTIES . fr.m t j I ; .it'll cv first case. It fill iviro ... ..... ..... .... . ip f 1 ra Ionic take "I want to say to vou that since we t i4 . ' .. I r t iti c have b.(jn M ot .) UNDER attorney. h hai BOND SECURED . r Kli c a . t I ti t fun;R".sied, nor Intimated that we SM-;- d .! s tT . "i- i. t in intro Ijee testiinonv that was false,'" Sl!r kr ... S:i:lU Hlifu . ia Attorney Ntew.irt. "V. have -n , J St..r 'oni!t,t n t jnifi t u i t v j r Vol I'r. J J. ;:"il It. mho vH ,Tjin'v t . l If you p!eus. go to M;l!nlli;.e of in bfle.jj: k atVtyl .1' ' tie- penitentiary. Th re you will find flali . b , I I" Sim I'nsnril.rtilr,) ... .1 ''-.I ii e c "t I .lit ,1 ! five allseed murder rs. f f th's.- - Pet"r t'pele rf . .. S. Mtrir. cemt'.iti. ..... j '" ; t ' s" I tf t j t. c Mot'nsen wns the lait j",n(,n,of mu I". 5 t th- . Ul!i ! of I .' V.d.e ".:: t "T l rf !s to l,e the first one exei uted. Does I. ;!. l." ral ...... M't .'.'i '. t ( . i in 'C i tri' th ti.iK u:i U , I t. hovv anvd". this ,fr '" fallf.r-.say not. It delay? ' ;m' K t ' n. . ri ftn-Mf-.f I I'ri e.fl.f other sttoriR fn. t to support ou cont'ii-tiotic i j in 'n: Shrin, rl,;'.,i;)i To. :ni)l!' lUib.i that public sentiim-n- t overiidinc lau.-r.ii 1 - cf Itir.irhfii. tn, .Vr . t ut-e- NEW YORK, Nov. 14. Edward Green, a Mount Vernon negro, arrested a Jew days ago on the charge of having attempted to rob and assault a young white woman employed a? secretary to former State Senatov I. N. Mills, has been acquitted. Green was threatened with lynckinK by the people of Bronxville Wednesday night after the girl had positively identified him as her assailant. Now the citizens are thankful that they waited until the case was tried. Mayor Fisk and members of his family testified that Green was at hLs home on a political mission at the hour the assault occurred. ARE SMALL Police Warning. MARKET STILL SLUMPY; DALY WEST AT $33.50 to,k jtaushfr w! ifhns a; rilnul werr rirtmn1 cf the tt tiorr.ing. 14- - "f "' t:r ,. ! tdil 1- - pi 1 i horr, ly d4. 5'r l ft. t"ct r- 1 Wt-..r;,- d - i- -r " - ;;. !''" . 1 1 -, j'-- .4. 5lrU tl .tti !'. - . J1 n: v fn I ?- -- ftft . , -- t- - - :.; 1 -- T . tt'-l'-f ' tr i !- ii'.o; - f.eit e-- " . ,n. loan . fr Mortcnsen's Last Plea. i.r;' hfl long-handle- c r--f - - CContinucd from page 1.) ! .: . long-handle- Supreme Court Justices, who claimed notice of the that they have had no 10:1" all were sjoerial meeting. About the called Governor the and present meeting to order. The printed official notice of the meeting and Peter Morten.-,- : n'.s petition for commutation were read, together with the communications of Judge Morse. District Attorney Kichnor, Warden Dow and the anonymous letter from Georgia. During the reading of the latter, the Governor's brow contracted and a frown overspread his face. First Speech for Mortensen. Attorney Charles W. Stewart was first given permission to speak. "If your Honors please, of course you pre all fai.iliar with the facts- in thi accase, so that you are in a quainted with the facts contained therein. If you will remember, at the time of his trial public sentiment w as mu h li a 1 julice. fi,,-; t j i .''s against my client toprior to his arrest, I.title l'hlf ,' ..' which continued i grow during his Eeny EfToits r.t Delay. It cf ictrr.H'Ti th M irthn lr. . jr. tl Kt.n "t ' Snijr ; ' trial, as was attested by the fact that "I maintain that be ha not ha J a f lir X'. Vork t i I ' .'' AND RAIN SNOW j akiu.'!;ii 'ibl). ARE over 1100 talesmen were necessary be- and dvkp ' Hi' .hmn acenda twM-impartial trial." t- iu 4 . ji i 1 t.A Well d'ei d o fore a jury could be completed. I would ..."j "Pfeasi on to board Ti,.. thii wb.it tt i'i explain . ... a of brief history t i .' n rfha!i like, however, to give ! a t or..!,r.,b l '.:. "' , : fci'iiind he COMING has it claim that you liaye ?pth THIS WAY your the case. ,t! I tlv. MMn 'f ri:.c Jt;d the Kru- - Mv.n t t rot had a fair trial? Yoai ni" making Yi! I!i:'iI I,AP. 'Al.I.. ti onie lOetty broad stateniat. and w Claims Absence of Malice. I lv at-- . I t! UttT pio;-Mt- y t.i ft r ft sub-tin-- ; .t.:.1;c-. 1'i V son.e met ntiat Inb ifn." qui kly rI 15 "The defendant. Peter Morten?en. wan . tl. dutir.c fv. J::-t- ! lMlV Wl !"!. 4t e it t' h. p.art j . b in i a contractor, and the deceased. Jan.e.s tcr;ui:d r 1 ,t: ;.. i i t U. of "l only i sop.n Ab.vi1 I t c"inion." t,,v R. Hay, was n.n otlicc r in the Paciib-LumbeICRiC.. it .It b TANK CLT AT, n'0 5 sc. ' t inr. i stated Mtornec Stewail. "and i'o no m pi I"1 s.l I . :v 45 ! , l.'.Wfr M.iri'ni'.U). cornpnry. Both men were exi to ci i'your netior. or (It :; ,.t :.c. o M- - f b -( ;..nr Plf . J ceedingly friendiy. and in no part of the j ?5i'in g ."' Judfrc- - Mors" in if v tion com ? Mi. tu ' if tt i. 'j' r I ..i Ml . ! time is record it shown that at any lbt ti i ; tar.c.c . i U mm. in t ti j.r but ,;, pei Voting it K.ijal testify, Mortr-se- n i t t had ever made any threat to j would refer ou to tne tlT t. N". ' .itf ti. I.'e Jic. York. j? i. Shrifi'- ttlnnd col dissentli'g opiu- i ; j t u Ill- l.taoTd-- . C.'e.t take Hay's life. At any time when a ii'ii . J. t'.i icco.f? I i '"tt I r V f.'.-.fJi f ' j Mnrioiieaux. it n.lr.imuui o; judge ii !' man is accused of rime, he has a gre.it nt j.pi!h'"l c is" 'I'elie. rti 1 '. V."jr. 1J At f J vito'clock Attorney Stfwart v.asj t nt 'Ii;.. t'n.lrr !J intnl thing to fight against when public sent n i still , alrn ol'K.V talking. !:'.M!1. U' o",iion timent is arrayed against him. It is no 'rr!j t." t l . i . cc itm.;em ii "I to say in conclusion." sld A cl'fft h . n at it" more than natural that he should b ids. imu.j , . s : :'-- '. we t like would i.irrl .r. M; "that lb. Sl?vait. ai Attorney 'linn' r."(i;dite)i excited when placed under arrest and !;from N.'Ml.tr, u to r M Ii a! . t'.irtHa. u.K tlie e ; bnec in thift t,i,t l t: closely questioned. As yuur Honors and takevaiiiiiu Ce t'.. TA at ( onidf ration w a t Cf1il.ilinmn't'. into I'd d i't' i ;t the iifial-liri know Mortensen was closely questioned, ! . wi ' May TV.: i .'r f . ) tit's state at the time of hi arrest. I ' !!.i.t--I; .;.. " Nc Yer k. 3')" 4t 1"4- ; r. 4t 'I i. night and day, and that, feeling a spirit ask yon to tak" tin'irr ocsiiteralion "l ut t lib b ie o X y ! . : w . r.t o. of lynching in the air, he may have als.i ., I s t the of cmp :; an. 1:' utir.a nt. Its ' !u.t public 1 at I f'I.rrar l ir ar, ;f torn113 h" made some admissions which have sin e w t t 1. i ' ",' r tn n Slur . ' no'.i.i:. 1 ft been used against him. Much of the Weigla upon t!u- aftiors of th- : At t'"' Al 4 lO o '. ntend that if your Honor v. iM : : Tii ' I"rt f Mit- A F FA IRS ", was evidence introduced at th trial . ; tMM? I'ttio, i 4t ci.'irt a emmutat ion t.f rr.t-r- a i . the i t based on these supposed admis.-'ions- . 1 . 1 J ' ibfrtidant mayr have a h.tta to tbar a ij M ? t.j Mb !!. I al , r '; . te ", admit that in a e two. I 1. rn t t Question About Money. At. bi. 1b" V.ll k ", ubeb .' I ' .t J t i' t...fi';i!.t ..i s i l : . do u 5 matters t for 1 v loo!; dark the r i 1 d ,' ii,;. "A question which greatly bothered t j ' JSAt.i:?. TfiTAI. . we a but u to ' still doubt his i: A hae j gu.lt. the jury and the public was. Why did W- jc-ili l" j if.,It- K "' r. ! h ymu !Ioi iis to ninsi.i-- i tlii t ' . f Mortensen keep his money in tlv hous.-i ... .r-- . J i.. m I: rcntb-iii; , ., nu. that J " i tttir oH'Tfuoj. if TUNNEL ANKXE LAURIE i It .vas brought out at the trial that the . Totie! w. for r, onsi.iei ii. atiop." l it f ol jour M. 'U k a Merchants' Protective association i NEAR3 BIO ORE BCDY. 4i" ' an illegal judgment against him, v. hi- 'i. B. J. Stcwrait"; Speech, . tl if he put the money in the bank, wojM GOLD MOUNTAIN NEWS. It. rr.i'id J. Stv Pit Ati..ri.v t.ext I.. t bp and the mony takfn. tn-- l Ml1 stale 1: "The last of the direct testimony In- - ' "I be tlT, tit t.4i t).. o' Pard ... tan j Tl.'ic U a . of t y troduced was when Mortensen end Hay. alJT-ii.- tf ' "t ;'.! H," ( t our jf4t I T ' 11 to I'OMtion 'vlth lata if ' b 'I i ' . with the receipt for the money and ll l. ' ' '- ' oi-t A" h . th Ait it.-of I ii to "iv tl.tt th atiidav am e frm . t f ' t ' t note, stepped on a car. Mrs. Hay saw 1.,: t : rt f l " t in at at b eii u Lite a i)i r .:.! t. t - ti , a .1 J ; ' I I r. tl t r j I. am I i;tr.iott '.".'. tr. fer tier nusoa'ii out oneo alter this. an. in,I i miM t: t itnd :: n v but i I Ij i In lo wh't it l..i ,lcn iarrt, that about 8:15 o'clock." r ttsrr.rl ti W - ee in a f k i.cto lit-ore t. i i t ; - i.. , - ""V " V any It'.OiO, on of tl it.-, s a.niM.i;j aMal o t al anT f1fli aciiiioi Ask ho Questions. e(fJudges rrit :,' t rut iilii ns. We l.t- - i.io.e tun bft, whi.Ji t. K t.lt Im "Was it not in his powrr."' .i.?ke.l Jus-tiof- - hut (or. xjjt t ou Id . r.r.t gi i Mtir'ir;-k. ll.e irround I . ! , i tlniilt. lh:'ui.h t I'r f j... f f, Barteb. "to make his ntion for j.iise rf . pr.b'ie .n'ti:r nt. ; ? e '.5. "Tff.i IK" ' the remainder of the evening cUar".'" rf k. tth ou)e ijm r. 1 . . Vt I f r t: I de' it his in tor nnt th "Wan I at ! ' r Enrich. power ft have luci . Suggestion by . . , i " t , f, ! JS . 9 t ' fendant to show nh"re he secured that I' ' ! w tr tl t I think that i ; ... t i tf e J.jt!E"t t r f I Mr. Y t:;;c o.4ci i I be V.Or a'.e th-' , f amount of money from?" aked Justice M'pocnaed r' ;,a" ar l comj-n-- d - i ! b ,' 'I5f'.- - ttj.o a;e v v ; "j i s r . .!' e'.t.p.i c lb r I'.askin. "Recause if he could lmv c- t .;. 1,4 JT: e j.t l: .litrll. lin-d at plained that part, it would hae fully "I ju.i of ip.e .. 1 oj a ion and mir k ti 4. r ' M - U h'. , t a natural piece of evidence." yddd tl.e h;t t .j 11. !. S to , biouuht h'tr aid mad" enjitht ir 11 Justice. a Id d Ju.'ti.e .M.t'arty. to t V: r N f t Mondaj. "It was hardly in his power, bee. us" lt!y "I h.txe t ea.l th--- lii-s , hIhik thopii,ion k It n th.il lloi'.ittl I' of the poor condition in uhi'h hi . nat. i ; ornciALs a! l dt.n'i HKM-scornsi nit'i tb- fji t. t ffrih ftift of ft ' - . . ... ' ... t were," answered Attorney Stew ai l. F.ti..l Jtfttkf r.aitih, "iHte'i 'I ou SNOWIiOUND r:C0ME i i. t j ' at Th" I'l that ihir.k that it would b a '.u.'-tou- ' .roptrt), Would Grant Commutation. pi- -' ' - .ft . ; . a r i d b h,t h v. nt '..' v H iH ii . .. to : in ail 7i r nt tl l.o'.v can to me J "f-i i "If you t ft t b Ii explain fully ...ti!. t r,.. oh ma!l .I K'id vla 1 tn fejdat.t Mii'.itiri' lie c:ame by this money. I will - tun- of anciurt - . t " of Hit !' w.i riut i. btii'io::y the rirsf to vote for ion, but I m thi- - It. T. tf lit r a'. J - ...i : - s..vr . f u ! Sl.oaii ll..t w am t:onvinced by thrt c viden. M that th ia to i I,, M p. A t v h . u; t 'i;'-t an ' I : o. defendant is guilty," flU ; t: Justli? i r l!i" .ii Ifsr. fill e U ttotk I Of i.l ,t O;, t.v. f. ft '1!1 VH" b'.itrtt lirn.l!" In tbf Ml.-."Bartch. t- LOCAL nfOTATlONS. I'm t., t 'i i .. Jt,, t that tl,..ime rjthlvsc jr......t-"Prior to his last sentenc e, " b car Aa lir-- ! ii ! Yrt?k I t r i !.iv in a i tr. U ..i,; A M . for a ttorney Stewart. "Morier.en nave v:s a t - t I 1!. Yh V a. t fr fc r.tiily r l Mr. d ,r j .f !.;- - t m . . tt t : li'ii list of people from whom money was pclifd tr makel;oal I". r to t. .!: E,v t t t ; (' ,i it" that jt ' (,ai In v Mr h 1" l i -due, but as some of the people yrre ortt tf bal tr.ln.-.p,.r'- d .,f,.'ait I ;s j, lntfr5'-v !i";- - xbuim; f ? tf"' lthr, Jhr of the State and it would require u nee j.) , r. .Tu bo l; f akd 'ft' of tliern to all hrir.? aiucjunt t -i i mcjney f t .ti.-- ti. S;e nrt r xt r r ,;.- ; t r ,1 t t y It j thi. c ity. and it was j;.;?ed over." c be r -c t not tt an .iit,.'ai it f;o:n ; a i ORE f I , '. TINTIC"S OUTrL" Continuir s? his epeeeh. Attorney Yei.r t ' art said: l.i.-.Did Hot Try to Escnpe. t I. ft:. f. , h r i St .o l i . f r. t . YALE-i'RIaCnrOa Mrs. Hay's Movements. N - Ta I I.N tfi ' .A ti: v: W.f.'n Wtieht r , t! i t t I 1 . tr..,?., to run Mrs. ano did not from hi? li.Vet Icatlotlt it o,:el til b lay "Why tli;'1:-f ;'. f tli'" - b'-rJlovtevisen'f house until almost 1 o't o V:. j a .Sid not je,. m I at M.i; i ..ft! '"i iied.tl :, twjt''" FIRST HALF TIED v. hen her husband had h : that U'o rated ..t ti .1 I! I 1 of tti.v i tl.' ret I row, cni ', ? (. was only to one for a few nnr- - out br.-- k at ic... Jl" I it pt ,.n: t) ute.s? There i no tostimon brount r. r i- j r At !! t..- c,t;.,i ftiti.-' I M v r ev.-I. LI TIN, milwent ' oui that the r1 if Moiei..f .'i :ikt f It l". I l. NOTT I. .rt k MININO rt,! side his own door except his own ?tat- - i w, v . v l r " , t.'i' i )io l b" t ' .:'. i l.;r Ioosa that he went out oa th" port h to woil.i . '. St re ... a to be fo,..l nintgood-nigf to Hay. ha-say l.e b" ,, J.l er..I jn t!.- f e , ;r, ,)n. T. iff . , ! v. ,b, r. i M.r. Imv . f f" t a ut cji. Mortonsen's Actions. t ... .u s 'i t ' A i ion n.is rn'ol and t.iiiied th-- t t ' t t t ' . S .t .. ...... ,. "..Vfter Mortensen had t ail-- J up t'. lb .1 1". Yoai to r te..r an' tit i. . J t M irll 4 t r i k in PaiaPC Lumber company and they tofa. t i n, fo!: tn At- - f i'i . j l;-. ;if to J f t .. .. i tiMffy It . ft ' 't with the bank of- torney Scc;il"5 M.Tdavil. 1, t,i- te. i m i r. . . gether had conferred f f . !i I :i ,. ficials and the news had ! u i t .v i t;l r.iie. for by CrK Hi hni.l- r I 'r . f' . . over the country. Jan.e-- j Khaip onee ji'.ii ;c fir Ihe Supl'-piPi-.ee. a1 f tojrt-- 1 f . ........ .. 'I'"! h to P is .Morteuven ter l .. l . on !"- gr. ccornpanied t ? oi.ni. 'I f t.- 'no t f If t home and acrud him of the murder "i' . i O r- - tt ' t f trt-- i'i I ;tt ? fH5 Kf ' FRANKLIN CROWD STIIL Hay. Spuria! tres v,a;- pla d utAon Distiictt AttDincj' Speaks. t Hi Jl ..t liMTi-Mortensen'f. failure to retail. .te. ft fw Aftotrey Kithbor ua akcl Ill BONDING MINING CLAIMS. a thif of bi ins a thief ant lie i.s ; lo "peak and IN r. h.ttd: t tI if-.fn'H.ii i.!tff. ! I "Vii! Mty to yri i. jrc n i le:re n. that I ; - i t. f.-c J ; - I .j TMt .i. U r.I.hl! A fTVi' t A, .lb r.i !' t'c that i! ! K'f.i' C t'o n C.lierilily to the .ee, r.t f t .i f of frleiwlv. but have pot one to bu'lrccf. th" r M .r ) f t rn of ibr ttiry ' iota of cli:Tffert eliterce then v.a5 Ini . I f II 1''' P t. I II I I b .s I t t t e i I t f lopn rt o.,. ITe. t t ; of nt l t troduced in the court. Th tl'tl nj(,ii ied .tt r "! b th Pnani ial toialltlon "! ibe m-- ! Mil- - l! r l"! iirM of hi btiok.t. p.il'.v jr. I till yt'!t"ay rci'n-ceit by the prorei ut inn. v. brutht fiHliMtiOll ti nt f'M..e VAiuctbb :TW0 FOOTBALL GAMES th" lurrinif I ' U !p tlie r;,ff, Hail Jnr. blot k cif ctonr.d In Ihf i'if;irvtvib tti. T,UltMr,N I ftif V I.. Ki:i.N tl for I -f, . pone (.11 the uitnpces t ubl n1 fi. t hatl . Ik t) at tpureti ur.di trrvi. In l nr." h era. f t j IM f njlrt t. t . r r i fi xplained pow he came In pot e?'', on o' Within thjni tn t h- - M. rpentllre .tt t. mo tnl cttU y t THIS AFTERNOON lf" . the $.HS'M. he tould t;e'-have been and M. xroup of clrtn t laiirn. the ("nr. t.l e. tf !, ii to convicted. Any question you Ki"Up of tr. rlainir aid tl,ii.-- ' I .'hall be more than plad to an-- f n ( h Krouji t.f fttt'ir t lalm. hnv , t tbl tvt ; A. O Jfni.ftfi. "i The Tr!f!h I ,'amrv j a h Kfiiic ita.i Th- ri.tire blt.rk j 'o!tinita. nrrl.e-- t frtn thai Ai'. rt"!'-r- t ' f f -rot. .. . "Mr. hr.or. In m:r opinion, if of tt er.ty-foti- r r t tin rm tft. i la!n thitt t A!jon th? htbi. riant. . World I h forth in ttie f the lig f'abiu tenipany. whir inx? t f f i hi- of tr.cm fultT. th durlr tr iff affidavits is tiue. do you think that we ban Wen tytttrni it!c filly reidrir up it 1 t iwn ,.f f. would lie in corniiiutlns his leriltory nil throuch tb At VttJXt-r- " 1"! i.it k.--. f 't. . v ' 'tit t wr-f-Ao . tt.-':, - tT X'ft t fint-." asked the (lovrrnor, wbb-sntT.i'f'.'" . ha mail t l. ... "! mi;, o T't r Hivi 'et .! prr nt: .. r.uv.ti lf r t n f W tt I ivrj n. rat uubiuwwii iimuiui ....,., si ink tli "No. not." can' Attorney , t.lt. A.t . . ! b- njtii full fot. r- of ir,n !urlr. T rt t) paid on MAt. Ur. ltntd o! t,i 4 r. nte r tt r r t.f J't'iVt d. -- . f ly J t t ' 1 tlanswer. Kichnor's dear-cu- t me inif r. t rt ltnrt?. I Iff t" ftp jwl-(- tvaTftV. Uf Jtff f 2! ; ; . - ! j it pr-s-r- - !! btwn He n-- Moi-i.-if- - ,. 5 l.ir - rt ??. J.-;- j 1 " i - 1 rr-u- f '' ltor-ro-- ! nt-v.-- .1 1 t-- t o . i . i v 1 ; - r tr - - b-.- ... - , 1 l'-.'l- ; f fi sk . . - e . " J j - ' '. " .. !V nt. , ,. l n. - brl ' . - '. I th-?- 1 llti.i,J- " ' k-- e ! r-- ft -- a 5 1 d r..'' r-- 1 k , r I , - i I. -- i fu-in- t '.t:r - ! J ruP :i t'.e.-ii- a-- e vi- - " ii-r- - 1 t - 'J1 .i t-- !s; c . , t ! !.: Sh-tip- - 5 ln 1 Iwr 1 fr-;- M-r- - . I . !- ;r !ur .. I r t,t!-.l- u'l. - l. ln-t- .! ', ft - !J !- . p-nro- def-nd.- n-.- -. !- . - i:tii I- ; - ? . l . : r i- !;!'.rr' ! c 1 - , I j r - 1 r3 4 f- - . ii-- I' r . . " . - ' 1 j a b'-i- 1 ('-tltio- n. ''.' 4 I b. 4 t:' jt' sr c -- . ? - . 1 - 1 I - -a po.-;:;- "1 ( .- 11 : - ' S3"-- . i it t;.. - - . t?-- ; t- - 1 1 1 . 3 : it' , ;- j - !- j . s ., " Ju-ti'-- In-'.l- ; - ; !. I..i i tt - cmrr v - f - u-- 'n 1 I I - - 1 l 1 1 1 - ! I V ! i f - . r- 5 ' -- X - -- 5 k a 5 t- 1 1 ? a-- . n 4 l- : 1 1 d-f- - c , , rr,-rn- t . ;. .';' ' 1 j S'.-a- - i, - ! r- - ) 5 i! - - t- " -. t- : S ; - r- a-- : : if" - 1 . t'-- i - ! - b-- ! r - I S I d t'.-.i- t ! . I !:-- .. ft I -( - 1 1 t - - f f of--- ! I-- Iib-i.it- tl-.-- - m-n'.- bT -- : -- j ht - l I.'it ?' 1 w v - j 1 1 i c 1 tele-jrraph- ed a-- 1 ; 1 - i -- - 1 . 1 l '. 1!-' . e 1 . . 1 I e ! . - i I - ; eft ir - h -- r- V- . 1 f.-.,- . l'b 1 ? . t rt. .,-- ed y h-- ani A'-,f- 1 ., : Di-tii- , n-i- ct j . ' I 1 1 I . e ! w-f- " . T r - . a-- I " ir-trt- t- - Famous the Over Fully Matured. ev-rth- st inn tt pn-sent-- ju.-tlfl-ed ii-- h lt i rAir' - - rjrt th' ffr n -- - i t'-ltt- )t fo. ., 1 1 J -- ; ,.-- -- I f- - 1 ..-I- m. - f -' .. |