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Show The Salt Lake Telegram. 8 i $7,000,000 CAPITAL Directors of Electric Light and Street Railway PLEAS FOR W IN THE HANDS DEAL. Not a dollar will change hands by the transaction a the two comare panies very closely merged in business relations. The ra.Iway company uses a great deal of power, while the power company is a great producer. ' The contract existing between the two will expire in a few weeks and a union of impr() ests is deemed advisable at that time. Companies Are Preparing: for Consolidation," The stockholders of the Utah Light and Power company and the Consolidated Railway and Power company will meet December 15th and 16th to decide wnether or not the two companies will consolidate, if the consolidation is decided upon it will-beffected by January 1st. It is believed that the new corporation "Kill be capitalized for about $7,000,000 ormore. The authorized capital of the power company is $3,500,000 stock aud the issued stock is a little over $3,000,000. with the bond issue about the same. The railway company is similarly bonded ana capitalized. It is probable that a new company will be organized with a, capital at least as large as the two combined, taking over the other two A new bond issue may then bo put out, secured by a blanket mortgage on all the assets of the consolidated company. It is quite likely that provision will be made for some improvements that from $200,000 to $.100,000 will and be -- pent annually in Jmprdveme nts by the new company. Bonds will probably be issued to cover the cost. 00 NO MONEY CHANGES" 0 $25 G. S. Thursday and FrWay, Nov. Holmes, proprietor of the d hotel here and the Anetlun at Lo n Zi lat Tu 0 Ande. a Justice f by the Praee for a violation of the if a me law. A banquet wan recently siren at th Angelus to r,i banker, and wild durk was cr of the feature of the menu. The attention of the arne w.Vrdr. nn called to this nnd he nwore out a war. rant for Mr. Holm- - arrest. in court the latter extla.Ir.ed that the hotel ftteuArd had bought the duck In small f,u.tr.tltl.-- from iy to d y until enough w(te f.iurM for the bar.jurt. He naked that th minimum Hnr - m. d"n" ar'1 ImT.hJ; Thi Holmm Q paid I- -. fin Sentence. TEHTtt 0 19-2- Elks Burlesque Circus - -- err, rr:ror tC tj. rEILMAinOfTLY LOCATES, rilODUCED BY SALT LAKE LODOE. B. P. O. ELXJL Cbrt Op?n Tue,4jr 0 a.sa . Not. 1?. Don't UH lh BSf Sttn Stad, Friday MerrJug t 11 o'Ccxk. THE DESERET CIGAR l- 00 f- -- -- Goddess ofthc Dice Smiles ent to each on Ai BERNSTEIN, Maker UNION a f I t"r1 ' i.w Tl'-srwrp.- H fr ffar t. f'. t- - - t) . !" it - - ' fc. . r .t'f"' L(iHI j I s fir i'"5 - c-- Jt - i shoulders thrown bark and . t ex- The (Jovernor yesterday r iy.-a panded to its fulleM a Unitaiians Will Hold Fi .t anj parity. Spr. lie ami Sergeant Hmr"'l telegram from Senator Apostle Reed met and Service Tomorrow cil in Smoot at Washington. inhMvedirg in Mopped for a mlntttc EdSi hat. Hemj- I i behalf of "Nick" Haworth. who' is un- v.as not ontheduty atvl roull. ronnequ-nt-ly- . No, B:uldin. j time. spare der sentence of death for the murder of "Siy. said Patrolman (crgfar.t," I ' Thlive, "have ,m KOt a p.. riot In a i I.ii . v. t;j Night Watchman Randall at L.ayton. jour new horn"'."' ". til i -r- -r r t.ar. Thursday, December 10th, is the date h . . . . "V..,. me. ...i . vvnuiil 1 want a j huiM In if. IPi Suuth S.i. fo:- his execution. for?" quoth Hemp. Senator Dolliver of Iowa, who has parrot it is a pretty bird and wot .1 ,lo tn i ton.. rr u ti orr lna; i long been known to believe Haworth in- amtiM- your little hoj." Tie o i;! t. nocent, has worked with Senator Sm.ot here s no us v.a.tinir tint- - talking i .i. p l'i h until the latter sent he following tele- about mh h uun iff. .ai.i the ' gram to tlti': (Jovernor: Til" de.tj. ,,.,; In, If . Reant. but Hi1 patrolman interrupti Il.!M lr "I 1'i omised Senator Dollivt r I would him, sait:c : it tll?-- . but .i,b wire jou today recommending a comJoe Hafetti. Til Italian fruit !!. !rr. Mr. Fi-- h vUll t ak mutation of tne sentence in the Ha- UOW tt tl).- street a half a Hork. in n.. 1. v hv worth ease to life imnrinfintvient b raffle off a naii-.'.c. - . trul.iv !! i i fi.us t' ....n'H b ...I i.t r no telegram I as immediate! y sent ' UlC' two tat a rhanw . ..... Ape. t t , I,, With 1! .v.. I tf 11. .Pill t tne otfice of the Attorney-t.Jeneraai t'liirt : ri , x, i.i ..1 lu.k." Kiv-- o. at d will be eonsfdeid with several othItt tir- - m , t . .x yu,, , Ic Tl two bt ass-bt- it I lue. oat totied f ber pleas and recommendations a week a Ml.. I,itM.t, .,r.i Mr. M kl ai d an ar.thera h thfrom today at the regular meeting of th" FeidlT r.ros . late of New York, hive of Pardons. Warden Dow of the penitential v has opened up a row Ladies' Tailoring Par- DON'T TELEniONC fik'd the following report of 11 twbrth'. lor ctrd are prepared to reeelve orders "'; e, but w f from J33 and up; Filk lined; 219 Ho. Main Hi'. behavior: rif .,y,r ompUlt), I. ntily . a "His conduct and deportment have ft. th- tal if nrrier i3iH.mr been exemplary up to the time of the .m. I sts.H! n i, him. If tiuit rov. itl. ffe tiVe. urlte to reeent hreak," the report sated. "He the 'h-- . itl.ition Mat.at' : . T't T ' has received ail the credit possible for HIGH PRICES CHECK . I S. Wet good behavior. Since the break he hr .;; . been the same ideal prisoner that he was before that occurrence." Your bii'o.uid -- nj.iki' DEMAND FOR GOODS W Mrja I h ti.it4hl it trintl j hii t . '. . t i: lo-.-- . 'r : ' I - ,"i J ,"f , t t-- .( . ,1 .'h. - I.ij: . , t.- - .' 1 . t . I i - .t- it j t si - is- s :. .". Ti - 4 t 't .ma f) .t it . ', 1 trM "I is 1 " I t -- JNti: . r.j'-.s- t- f .:' I TJn-'r- :ti S. 1 I T-t- - I 1 " LECTURE SERIES TO KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS A deal of interest is being attracted among the Knighir. of Pythias y a series of lectures now being given i i Rocky Mountain lodge Xo. ?, in this ty on Thursday evenings. Last Thurs- . White ec. Attorney W. ' ired night on. the. subject, f "The Ancient nights and Knights of Pythias" and grett ! )' lecture "ie i that was g given by W. Sonnetlecker, the subject being Vlendship." Dr. r. I. Douglas will liver the next leetiuv. the subj-- ct of nich will be annouiieed lat- r Thev,. "tures are free to all ,iiaiitied knights! prec-din- . ' - 1 ' JPierce thank Pop the kind advice Lie gave when I wrote io him," am to Mi". Buy?rs Conservative, and Manufacturers May Follcw Example of Steel Trade. NKW Yi:U". N..v 't.Mn.? day ultr'. lb 4 ' t;uu: frt-a- :r-il- j".t! ffieikM b 'bb .it;. C - I V IP t . H N"W I iiurket. tta.P at d t in ! , ' " ? is still itui t a iie el.ipmenSs trade ICsju.rt whole, it o-i:t s i'!n.j to t. - 'tl - r- .''. i'.i . .5-- . y 1 . ts- - 11 I- t- d tit.iti t !.f-- t ,$. xp.tn.!-int- 1.-- i- t Shir . j. JI !I Iff - t - f " '1 . tutit T'." o;tnr'ati bat t r f. I.5",- . f tt t' j jr .a r f ot-.- Tl.t; at-.-- e l J !r f. r r " 1 'ft f ' e ? f 1 f fvfef l r.r - tr.-- ' l. flip l t 5 t,f r, Ilk I Jk. "t hi; rn : t CA A is . "4 r.- J i.r r var. f( '.-- ? j .;r 3 l j-- r.-- t t ,;t. ". r t . - !.; . rf(.' V' 1; : n r s ow.- 5). f. . .V iff c"1 "a t tt;-a t " 'I ' j . - :r-- ? c ?rH-r-- s" t r-.- !- r- -- eo - i m . " ' 1 t.rr..'. ', 1 1: ,0- -4 11! 1 1 1 1 nt '. ire . ro a s A t .V- -l i' ear tltey h xvr af'.iiiesl I'.ltl.tvi and ; ti?. ,:! in !:!faih;r in the I'nUol Si : -i East . I 'Ot; 1 Itw5". f 1 , NATIDMI fUM, Ti 1c. livM.C". .. J " '' t J . - .t ... U "A. P.rM..,!, t A J- - bankers. CITY. . ' , - i .r ' j ,. 3 1 1 - UK. JOHN - XELLLTT. ' th-Th t nr the n;,irvln'i . . t if the f kltl !1 lirpuritlejt t f Sn 'j ir.f t tt I' i the Id'el. thtp m tkinc rj.m . .. . - . f .;-."- ! rel,-.-f dies will i tiri' tie' W.sTf-- t IM. ere tl but let V ap '. Sptlltl if :, :( inui It more. Take ..:i Not tlie fart thxl . dinar v o f : itatet m ty t rurr.l ty th. tj . i f of "he up in rrHll 'tt il lrt f lalen an : r If yrat 'l. 'Sif further r .i ,i..f f.f L. or, I i ; - r pany, ft; Itrvadway. Oakland. tnl iilt;ht. control jour district In Salt I.k" tlty h printed In thi t'.ipi-- r every two thr.H' day.', h'ut it out and save ir It. Trarsat t nil yntsr prrtnlnittK tn th- riptit.n with lilcn. 1 v-- -- '. 1 tr. 1 t f fit jl . 1 -- p--- f.J.- 1 !. OUf!e5f. h stf j r ?.. en !: .. : llo-fc- , t J t . f :.a l f s - T;lrn ( i . vSJ r lij 5 ' th i v o ; ;i t e l n ' : I 1 ', t'. s A. t t - , I")' r. ',!!? ' i I 3 - t f ''v t ..,. " . ' J t r f.. fa! tJrvfc! j;I ? .t' ! if JJa tt ih! f , - j.1 h J - . : f, in t; . : -- t . . - ( 1... j- , t. . t - - Where Your Eyes the new rating would bi for p!ce Iltemfntt re now adtf. Thouttnds It where ycur would lee rctdin. r . j , rj,.j Err.- I i . ,. 1 . - - ,, fj . tj . f f f . C f I l'i ' . 1 ' '. J V. , I t .'', . k t rv - if t. : . . a-- ( ' i' . . 1. : "it .a ' ' "' ? ' . !.ti'.- ; j. - f. ten-- . . i'-- t . .t . - '1 ' J - t ,.- ' . fi.. ...... . ' 1 - .11 ' - ( . i 4 Are In! j r I la ;.Jy I I a I, - V t ii I I ... r-- . i , ,..- ..; a p. . tt , . lo". . --.1 . f - e -- ? 4 1'- l - 1 . . tf I " . 1 t a'. 1 ? ..-..- I 1 1(tTn . r ! I ! - I Passes Comfortable Night. ..-- . I tr-t- a r r- - lnr-Ins.- H 'Tl t KELLETTS IL AND SWEET SPIRITS OF EDEN TO YOUR INTZPvEST The Teluram on time every The name fit the artier who I ' , J . . - Positively (iured(3ured Quickly and Permanently by the Use of IT'S ; . . p nleht and la tnaklntr satlsfaetorv I'l'.'iS'ess tunuiu rtv.werj. l f i r'" LONDON. Nov. 14. Lord Robert, the Urlthsh t'ommamler-In-t'hic- f, who n putterlr.g' from pneumonia, pause. ' 1 1 ut Rood e- ? A1.T t.AKi I :; Itt w-- ci .... Yttti. '.-k I'ftl'll! .ni-.tlt- i , i 1 I 1 in r. t..'. I 1 CS.,-13- v'' Qv I Ib.sire s t for the v.'ed; eiidii.fr with N'nvfmtr nth ,pt, number ir, week, the like w.ek of rC, rij tn tf'h TT !n't !' t ;n lvX and In Hr.ada flinrex ier the wek r.timSer 1.1. nw airalPdi I fk 10 and in thin week a vear a Co." " To SO il II J I !;." :i. t: f p te . . , Sick and ailing women, especially those suffering from chronic diseases, are invited to consult Dr. Pierce, by letter, A". free. correspondence is held as ;trictlv private and sacredlv confidential. Address Dr. R. V. Piercs. Buifalo, N. Y. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is he best medicine for thy cure of woman-',- ; ills. It establishes regularity, dries drains, heals inflammation ;id ulceration and cures female weak-- j It is the best preparative for ess. i :aternity, giving the mother strength to :ve her' child, and making the baby's ivent practically paintess. ' Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription cou-- ins no alcohol and is entirely free front iuni, cocaine anil all other narcotics. The Common Sense Medical Adviser, 08 large pages, in paper covers, is sent ve ou receipt of 21 one-cestamps to Addje&s y expense of mailing only. N. Y. V. Buffalo, Pierce, R. ?: r ; .; McCORNICK & C0.f - tejr s . 1 pre. Banters Xilional , ,i J 1 1 '1? p: 1 -j IS' " - ; r .- ! l t" - s -- Cy. t-- k Assrssnrrrr relict. f l & CO., 1 1 - " .. t BROS.. I CTA e f ;!. n 3 - r. r - t Kmi:u:;n n - 1 a S..t Cj.tl (Te-'- t !' t j, e- - - -- I.. -- -i p.nliv t".l I tJ, r.it si. !:.-- h'-- - 10 r:tU-: p.-r-, ?.H:n'II. . . or. Ce..'. A!;l..; la r. liver. iITT! it v I 1. I- WALKER SALE TEN MILLION BOXES Oroatost In tlic World AWFi'JAL (. - V" i. lrgrtM : . - .,. J COKBIICUL i.-- .A ': : . v f S?f; 1 (. ; oronoi: rust. onit Kitlff Cth, I4.iiO n4 TSCjrwralr.g;. C.' t A DrlTfn Artir.jt in i I 'i 1 t. R.G. DUN i I : , s 1 I. dmt-dow- r w .1 - - . f F -- . tm - s.h I. ; ' 4 t .;- r - i ,,-;- t. Deserct 1 ht-- rs-.. IV " 1 ! S t. I . Jf H e . I . o tv-lgh- '! tr.-- I !' 3 .'". 'Tf it.i ". I Tirodu.-taRn--KrfP- ' Kxpuiix of laiKe.-t- t ttie s eottd ever retardtotal . ed In O- totn-I"A fact ttiat h.:y not be.-plven t ftdl t wii-'- i iiuwh-r- ' i c that- there :o curinilatioi),of inlji a t!ir.-.tt.i ri.'teeh of values. lrule, .. bu tt, h.i be n t oii.h, rv ati e for mhii.pa-- l. tit r "t'lnef amor. k lb" depreniitK I)loll;!,t i ligbtel Ittb We.-- .tie theIn repoitt that tialphed ti eta. have ptiwb!. I tb.it Wit- -s ,,f iron anil .tid - toe, mill employees rnt.jo, t mv d v. ,. thattr at ."m- - 11. w si!lk--- J, imtabtv of t.'ol. .i.ii. iiil rai i ti. tun ma v.; fa ui mi: a; inu far raila. ii On t! ltd. tb way tl.'T tavlty. fai t might b a- - n- -'l f o -- d that l.ltn have eteiked il"H';nn!. ii- tl.al to.mil-t'a- i pne-',.- t!v t t,. r.irns of iron m: banaiio eai. -.t' ;,:! revived if - n (. fioiiH ate nadaod that th.- watfe 1.1 ai.- en leu!.. r'tidr the- - pop v . m-- t" '. '. " .s t sfcfflr. 1 I'l'I'-iI'Vf- , .tw.i.erj,j; t . ..'. f t ... . t , - f s I t 1. t;-- U.D Who!- -. pt IE?riUu OF TfiE , kt S 1 !- :. . f'.' . t ; f fi.-ti.tnig- th-Xo- ', ' 1 I j, i .1 C J t4 r . : . r S' . ! i II ' - J (!' 5 1 1 . . ; s . ),ida i'-- t1' fn rv T'w::t?; r ' T 5 to and ei'n r... rre5.:,.ii ptnern KetoTal tr.td.' .ind ,tdii.- try, but irev:ii!in p. H.aiimsra t.ir.nt.t tud the fact that omf nall a sIgn ate visible. Taken huie. cet era! basineff .ui week ii rat'o r lars r. due to th'? expansion In r t tit .roe ut tbwest, whi ! it im favored by cooler, "ttie.i v.t tlh-- r. i.r.tl M t!i-- ' eith. ttl,M an t i.oroioua ouinitii y of N tuMtitj thar.kfwl the d who first rerenv lended y::v medic.nr." writes Mrs. Annir ?.t. ! rook, of Sraiilui' Id, Fayette Cx. Pa. "We i ive a twelve pnutid baby, three week- - old. I i ok three t Kittles of fravorite Prescription ' ' 'fore IwT.y car.ic, ana th" t.me was .)nly ore mr and a hah. !lav n.i'l five children, and fore this always r.nd 3. severe time, Instmur two " three clays. :iul never ivns ata- - to do any v irk for a'.KXit tv months afierwarci. .N'dw I ; fur f'nut children. My .'i;-- ' i deinq: all the now than ever t fore. .ends :y I look a.:, tiolvvlfh?! tbm". e told one of my sisters to tnUe ' I nvorite (tilt a to :.:al tl i.J'jjt t' tj re pi t i "esoription. id. ami wli'-her deer- a.nel which sh , esildti tli'io; afl' , dd wm born ti;'- tirue ci stift'eriup was very p.iwr "The pintb.?- rtt.ttk : i.m irr-K- u; ' t. She has bttte." lieulth now than since ,r. V i.tt- a. Iivity i r mat ringe. some ye.'.rs aifo. cannot favor, d bv th . Pier.-e'I t aise lir. h.a'. Inrhat.im Can, .jediciner. enough. think port pa- t!. r P.'t h. ..t,r. Kal the kind :iu.:c he jrave when i . week ' nd.iLi.- NoVt-mt'. Pierci j.' t -, WlictK-.bu!'-!t women i' ;,ee other ".".''..: i ote tn him. atalr.'i I r.i".lI la"l - this w.ck last . ; we,.k. ..r. ffering' I tell tiitui aaait jour wonderful .l un.l t ; :. K ie ti !".'. tiil'.-- .re. 11 -- hH i i n vi. tr lli.s a i.e..!..' The benefiLs resulting from a consulta-- '. ...1 b:l!el. at- - iti v! 'ri t ft .. m by lciicr with Dr. Fierce are testified i .",. ti", .'." in 1'I in ; 'J.,!.l"' "l'..-..vLi. women who t of ) thousands tlM.lt lilt. ft.r grateful by bi.ih.-Nw .we been made new women by his med-- ; t.; .k airs! ' I "! v.'ir an", C'.'.'.'t In VI an.' :al advice and fatherly counsel given '..'.'. ': in J' r. j. It et et' Wli k of the without cost or ice. "I -I h 1 - "f.irt-- jV ; t . t . tt tit' ili i!ar, t t - X 1 4 , i f -- , . " I- Ti j ..t ' Hit I! si.t 1 ! 1 . ! S d t . r A - 1 , I . ,i-t, l"f-- ' j - I ' J :. 1 t. t r. h . - 'til " 1 Ww'S r t I t vj r ; 1 . ..- - j 1 l. s- wtiti W WELLS. FARGO S CO. BANK - . f ) 3' Hin -' r. Hl'hUiV CMIHI 'ri'f b ? f V. 'li. Co. Cook r &jur, I twit rrtRemedy ti - - W Silt 5 i 1 -- 5 ' f f1tM 'f j.s.rtftv Tntimt :i nur t ("lit. t . ' . JJ . r t Hl M ;- I . a 0 Ttrarf tna ar iwtary fytasary. :iT)0Xa B4KK I.vo T.iS'K A i. c y I; f - t .... f 1 t .1. t v, i' u ";,fs ..I .. 1 i , t wo a ii i " i Kia . :.. rti it in "..,, . - .. 1 !: C E. ,.,.,. -. H i'wle IV i J- .f l n-- M ) . . ! ll!t 1 'At. nil Tt i a;i. ,ri w t 1 :;ttvtAN tlrti c& r. p,, j '.,'fjj., DULL, Mr. It, t:t lAkt atj. fs L. J. 21$ I.",,.- - 1 4 '.J., frr;i, ;i wtM" "' - t'--(- tit j l tr. ti--- ll 7 Jwis. j 3'. V..v''.f jj. 4 , i 1 "' 1 M;.5J'-;A- J I'fT- -i DENTAL CO., - I II Street IUfettl. th- ! strret flUCEl "cnniotrr rxxsr rosxTxytxr KG EH on. KO FAT 54 Market - JCXCft 14, TEETH EXTRACTED , Ve?t TeiTipi HK t:;5i? W Sold by All Dealers laid d,mn a quarter CHURCH NOTICES. .md rwinter oi xru on the parrot. on Sergeant Hcmpel c htnre riiV- - threw the d! . but r.;:ur... fmlled rsot. ,) .j SerReant Ibtr.pl Krlnrd With Unexpected Re- reached t h rr ; I'hiitui .j i for the mis!c rubfn and mI4 . r , t ; tr '.Now mtrh rrw Un ;n. .;!r !!,: bird whh the tiler metf " tiri; I'm l4 sults.Iown rattled the di... in th. ml.. j t rti-thim t- Tolicc Seireant Jlemple has a new nnd. behold! Three Mt. nnV.,-l at lie had won. u b.. had .I I parrot in his new home. Sergeant Hem- - He Hernial, hud et urr , tl I -r j i ir not an ormmoiogist. nor If re a cent of It tlue. Th p;,,r,t bird fancier. Neither is he an admirer I . n. ''T1 tnatwh... d l.tn-- v ,rt ........ n n i.w r.. ... fl Oi the rreen lo meh mi . vi..m it.-.- t t... .. r i M-Iitt nlKht )n hi would pay the high price that a tine ot 3 ,,u'' " f parrot similar to hi; would br!ns in the r.: iv tdt 1 r. r hi! s loeal market. An.l t!.vv th part-- f Kr,.. ' .Sergeant Hernial has many friend, it u ti Ik but if any of tli"&e vuhet to precept Hrmj-r- l .n s th hrs.wg- ..? t; ' jourti I r i; (,, him with a bird they Mould have united onclent i liai-fj.l t....-- : . r:-- , rt. ! .M. I". 0t a couple or weeks and wou!d have then 'U'tri.. :t aIJ." IIr v."c'i,tr t ?...'!, .i i i given him a turkey for ThankMtlvlns: or I " ,! ' : J i e tit st it WILL ! WORSHIP Hi : t. t i would have waited until rhri.-tm-.i .' i rt; ; an' ! l a tit . t ' would have sent him a gun-- . THEIR NEW CHURCH Patrolman c'Uve way walkirg hi Wat I lii. .vn f A X .hot OUR POLICEMAN GETS A FINE PARROT FOR 25 CENTS on narm-- v n . Commutation of Death DENTAL CO, UNION Salt Lake Theatre Knut-for- t- Senator Smoot Requests a 1 TOO MUCH DUCK ''f I F.vTt'iin.w r.vr.MNo. novkmiiku it, "GUS" HOLMES GETS FOR COMBINE GHT-TROLL- EY -- you |