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Show v' ,.-- Lake AJUJL II. V M7. GRAM. Sajlt Lake City, Utah, Saturday Evening. Xoykmiikr NO. 560. n 14, won. 1 PAGES r Phici:. Tiihee Cuvt. MORTENSEN'S PLEA REFUSED WAGES ADVANCED 10 PER CENT BUT COAL PRICES ARE BY STATE PARDON BOARD; MURDERER IS NOW DOOMED INCREASED 30 PER CENT Trial, Judge Urges Commutation and Files a Sensational Letter With State Board; Opposed py District Attorney, POLICE WARNING STOPS DISORDER IN CHICAGO; hN Ml m A hrc h MKlivh CHICAGO, Nov. 111., M.-Ste- LM mly BUKLETIN. At 1:30 o'clock the board began bearing th.9 teutlmt ay of Koyal B. Young, who as a special officer accompanied the jury to the scene of the murder. Mr. Young testified that ma-teriaiiz- he only answered such questions as were asked by the jurors, and did not volunteer any information. This statement he made in rebuttal cf an affidavit signed by Juror Alma H. Bock, who deposed that Young had men at the volunteered certain information conreport for work. cerning the 'premises visited. j Peter Mortensen's attorneys pleaded with the State Board of Pardon? ioday for a commutation of his death .enten-for the murder of James K. Hay. OTHERS MAY STRIKE FROM SYMPATHY. ') i iI ?.- ( also tiled with tne State ludj ofMorse Hoard Pardons an anonymous letter from (Jeorgia, which reads as follows: ' ;'; ;i; V, t ?) Ncv. VASl1INv;TtX. , iiianhir.c of any am Th- - 14 - Ktt- - v "s a,;"' Mill opri. in lh 55 :. j n.r j j ator'ey. ;: il:n.ical Kifth' Sc,Jl11' ih'H oniclal 'b""th- th" V. Morse, Sal'. Tla- on' v the st..t a.iiev of the tilal h it.j, - l 1 ::-;-! " .; . o: !..! as N'i'.' i:.. .it--.- t:.- I... I !! itllr !.' aurt tl. ar.J that tla i ' 'l iiiliK enp'd i t ?, m;i . , v ri . i '".' f lal r- : t r.t iti"- - i 1 ft"" t lu' - i.U 14 r ? i;tn',ti!i tn r ti ji ttr-- t . 5- - 4i i of . . rt. - Ji ! 1 : i I. ''.",. t i t ! i l - .:: nr. i f .. - of j. j t .? - s; p - mob of ; and p.n.-.in.- tml-lT- 'V. 1 . P .. ; ... i ; : "'i - i- - t ; j,.- i Kar.k.ike plar.t. con, j kler.sii u ;,- re v. 1 ' d i 1. 1 1 Si. l .ili- - t". f tur. ployed a l.rp'an'ied to t a. - of fo-.- e arp r r-T and i.m i f I.. l".e ' lay ! r Cr pfiTlr ftUJV 1 n . 1 Ulltll 1 n th- v ! i k j n iVVVWUll h i h N. W. 1 "Warden State Pilson." District Attorney Objects. fi'ed a Attorney statement ettinsr forth that h" kr- w of no reason vvi:y the r ommu'at Ion should re praniea, as in ni;: opinion tne had a fair and imiiartlal trial. V.'hen asked his opinion on. the anonymous letter he at first refused to say for publication, but finally any.jhins Ft av-- : rl pay absolutely no attention to t.r-f.gof t,:at kind. That's an old. t seheme in thi Kast. and ha nbVVut-Mno weight." 'BiJaring' Is Eegun. 1?. J. and (' D. Stewart, Mortensen's Attorneys, were both present In the Su preme courtroom this morning. Sow delay was caused by the .d.sonce of th aV:-lli- l, d t' V. Mrs. d-i- p t". . of v e to V.lm iett. dy Ciy c nr.l IaUir. rrinrtf . t r e, , ,f by - 1 1 ; i v t " pi s . at. i I v I," t- - ,;ii-i- p I to.i, of ri y t ;i Pi i I u a ity, h.lfl .,, train- , a."o, and Sct c.i r.K d d finally fr a t;,uti oeie.l ( a '. .d .to d f :'f,iir ! rr n tnf-chan- ir h-r- - i r tiie,-hanb- v,u - d $' f " J f 'C it'"' -- " - ' t t 1 r J tr J, ; 1 , t . .iv:-- -; ; 1 ?v -- - ; V t- -i v: , 1 . " ' 'v .'." - 5 '1 . , ' - -- . ' " " , . , - : .1 1 V .V . ' -- ' v - .... . ,r . a V4J i - to " : I . , . ; I ; : . - ,. - r : ' ' ' fir; . j y i 1 1 . ? 17U1IVI H-- ' ' VI W ., f t i t , - J - t " ... ' r I : i v J t a a ! . IV mr- - I ' J ' - .! ' ' ' ' ' f " ' : " ' . t. r r-- ' t ii "".--- " 1 S i. " ! t- 1 t l ' , r " ' J- f T - ?t TWO FOR ACQUITTAL PREYEXTA VERDICT 'i - r Jr ' . V'. V I f t sx V V V a 5,i 2' 2e .t- ! "f 'ii ' "".i V. , r I. I f ' '.'! 'it, ef Te f r T - ; V. l - ,,- p-.- :.i- d ? (" ! v i ' J i V Kosher" Butchers. t c ." f. :, i.ts - rv, Vj:-r ' Humane Society Objects Id McllmJs of Hebrew 1 . , ".?.-- . S ! .. '' 5 BEEF CRUEL i ' Ah" r r i ;c -. 't v . k - . If, .. . T- I'- . -, Tie ' N ' - V' :.- - Sx.-- 7 i- C. T. U. ti ' - . m;:,v i r.. n,tut ri ..--- It . ( . 1! -, t ' 3 5 ''. ;m r rr(-.(tr- Jr. i i!:"'j . ;i,i-.-i- tl'.e '. - v;rw-;-- ' .b.ff -t fr r.d:J Jtr a it - jjJfd s fwA;-n-ov- It . IN' INN TI. " :. mot;. th( ' 'i Sir-- j 3Ianaec Fiower Work ' I ' ' ; ,ri jiyrd. I lly when r.rrr.vu.. n. v.. Nov. h -- or. to At last she Btff front wa.v kll.ed. f. u: M.re ton window to fsri-pthe train, and van. " lev. taki ii to r 1'ital. ,l:,l .1 if I'.J.-r.- . ht.ltl.tlv brut ...! in a u rr. L ..r it , t'..f Changes Among: 0fT.cial3. : Aurora iit ifir,ri.i-'..it,rtr- i tr.ii" Toirka, Kan., Nov. 14. YY. V. I,h-man- Pi rr, I at la r.iKro.id thi Ity has beer, a'e.ntntel mister The i ncliior. Ahrio t o! . naa of the folorado dlv is'o?i of the day. buried mi.tcr ht t f.sm ar t kl:d. Km k Plated, su. iee.lmt XV. '.. An n It a!d that th .u .r .Uciil wa h MidVinnns-.Tame t. son resirtied. j ttirown t v. on thi tmln acHli;t rn.i-.tcbeen ,f tb- - the bridge. Th" it Kin.r rtuK to U -- M Kl Paso dnUloji, a, pUcc cf Mi. I.ch- nt d ttlf-- to h k thij liih., Pyt mann. lC0 5hoiL, 0tJiDvC v. il i for W. Danger Slynnl Tlitown Too Lnte to Check the Impetus of tins Train. e.ns and n-- itMIIU ' btfi-- . w3 ' 4 P- - r. r.,n.e t S 0?i'.c?' r.ip'.r,t i;a.. - . ? i ...:. N f: . frti P C ! f ENGINEER KILLED; FOUR OTHERS HURT! beeojno lns;e.,. be. i pas? inc h r diurhtei-.- .jno. . Slie tieS,,.i to om:.;' :i: a fojtr.lght j 1 tn ; r :;;:.v;r;:::l;:; ili - ; t M in ! v b. tlv h.--t r.-.- " !' atr. r I t f , The j I i j. a. i A . un-!- I'J IS HONORED t. p-.- i , i'b j , C ..!' . , v-i..- r . w . Attorney Fight Frauds. 1' i V...i, i"t!v I the ! f .J j utah womanish:: j I j Ullt. i t 1 I N". ho en J Deputy 1 li. I , Jt. four month aao iu .hi iutf rlr ilu.-sh- i and h.id t. a r yeen : Kl.-hr.o- (.Continued ou page J0. N. Vetr- - o'.d. Yifp.K. t Denver Citizens Ask for 1 i NKW 1 s HONESTY IN ELECTION - ueioiu; - ft i f ..... . RECEIVED S - .1 riV'i;::; "zT.rivli hi nnfrz::r: Uo ! ' t'f thr4t 1 ,,,1"v" ,,;,t - u I i Rtrinllv' i 1 1 J -; ! ;kd ra to th" f tutloti. Th" artlvi'v in mmc? th orts .1'-- to lav ! p., p.. C. .pt.Ofl O' tl.f j Russian Woman Who Had Never Seen Steam En- -; . I t ..;:." '..ui Alt. fe.. r"-- . 1V; today th. tr. rr'."!il(. w p.o ! w;itt- ; JL arden 5. N. Dow of the Stnte prison pent the following communication Mortnsen's behavior: r.e conduct of eondemned prisoner "' Pct'-Mortensen has exemplary during the whole time rif l is imi'riso..-m-n- t. it , ,t - I , J i . I ' . ' -- llie.i r irs; r-- .i W 1; r ! M . ;, I Warden Dot's Report. ' ' -- . . r a f.o i.s I a MIND UPSET ofhad A TMC :",! TD BV aIJLJLL it ii f 1 lJ J p-- o;i.t.,ip,v lh i I j tf e T f '.! !t i ; j !! out Wllliain Hrldr ai . Ji.-- f f h I'ilri" ci-.- I Tl'.'nt wi',:(-fMin- en-l'ip- d f d. abdi: i i ill-- uui It for tiw Jan pt.-'- . any at! ok. Th-wja outnumbered. Iio'MT. W. n ,n! h:i : : for i be. r, swoj n mt .." d t! r l.il t.ost XV r l, Mnusp, ie tr.-.c- - t'-?n- . ' Ni:V VoCIC. Nov " . Threats li.il b u m .1 by Ifata cornea!, hi.t tl. ot.f : t I i ; ' HE DISArri AIltM ;, Pi.-- ' . r v. f-- I MOR?;n;n Since Thursday. i I j r - i .,4 ;i i,V"f it . p i. jv .U ; . ui v ( tt;i M . : s t.f lit T II Hi: AT Alleged Policeman, He Has Not Been Seen II A ..tiiii n . . ; nd. pi j N"o d ( tt I., t fr-:i- ft s r-r- s E!tim 1 1 j " ' " i erf'Pi'il I'mainA, rlio.. Iir.n Summoned From Home by I hi j v c .i r :,' A to h.li'.dlr.,; at ii 1'?. . t ; ei-den- in-n- '.'!' .i i.i! m a M ; - Illdlllt!C in Violence. til-'.- j a-- ; r;. a. ' i t., jV" i. - ? u. . . I r- .'it.-- " V l.!itn. ; .i i 1 f '.fe- - !!. 1 .. ! TOWU " f-- 3 - 11 fJ ;::M:N';r..v t . MYSTERIOUSLY MISSING1 , III jnOiS t Top of Pole. V!Lt"rl,,"umi I 1 Irt ? nois While Working at 't ri. WkH.KS;!T7inr rinnTTKtP nmroT r K1E31 Element T. ! Man Electrocuted in illi- - ; . it I., t st': ..... " - r. ! r 1 " r 5 ... U ... to i'I.tiI t1 . .. th ,t-. t 1 ... j 1 y 1.. I i' - , .. . tt-11 j M h w v " I BEER Hill'SE j 1:1 1 I I is .l t hav r.n .ht.' lira-of it fi t a ..i t !!. i 'tii'l tl. l". t i!ir..a' allort ' Th v w ill i htlt'-- tr.-ii matter ai 1 . loio'.a.iti n: P.ir.ama oii. P.- i . than)-l.-to t- tt -- -, ... '.., I! i .m r . n-a- I.nV 1 I " .tt.nr.t llttT 1' ai tl.n i hire " trft VHlH t Ji i!(vr . of th itK.iin Tit of watf-ir.stat-- s C. N- : .rt'd I'roi-hhT- t r b-t- .fn tr 011 1 t I I.-u- . KUfonl. M...:.- H hv t 2'-- : rt h BY HIS WIFE - i r i , . t . r ::eih. he Ttah. The letter wan written in a rather e Fcrawling hand, and hathe appeaa rant man of being deliberately written by w ho bore very hard on the pencil with which the letter was written There was noth SS!ut?fr th identity of the f n toitll It.t tilVtl iirA t"k tl Al'llc' fill the iireguiarity "of the characters indi- ente that the writer was unedinaied. Judge Morse's Letter. W. j iia.''"P Following is JikIk" ! with j Morse's letter which was Clerk of the Hoard of Paidons lti h- aids, together with the loioitij; P ttei "To the Honorable Hoard of Pardon.-of the State of I'tah. (bntleine;,; He- arkirit: plyirtK to your comniunh-atioi- i lor my opinion m me mautr ei ua- ap- plication for commutation of the tence of Peter Mortensen. i bes,' leave to say that the evidence in this case, while purely circumstantial, was such as to fully justify the jury in tindinjr beyond n reasonable doubt that the r'cfpnil.int was guilty of the crime as charged. at..l feel that the defendant had a fair and Impartial trial by n jury oiitposed of men who were, entirely free from any was prejudice or bias, and his defense I do nm ably conducted by his counsel. believ1. however, that t he rlath penaltv ought per to he inflicted upon a person whose conviction rests solely upon cir- c evilrnce, and as the in this case was entirely ciretiin-stantiaI therefore recommend that the application for ommuntatinn be granted. " n October "sth 1 rerejve.1 a letter r in with tlie whih, ittoK'-lhtwas enclosed. I hand you h. re- which t Vei v n aVt i. ithnnf rfl'iimpnt t ttie diT-iete.- - . .Mop.i.-y- l.'-.o- s Nov . a: H. r et iiu,i 'i. r jtvimurs !"?;i;!r-:;,v"i'.;;.:,;rr.,- Charlis .... .... - etol,ei Hat- le.-- "Vl.i.-- .t n.ti: the r- ) 1 i AT AN EARLY DATE. I'.r.lti.lN'. , lu-v- I w ; 5ur.!piir.l cf ' ,v ... K l a ncout a h su In is march that .my progrs. . . rr tr?, tourt. ih inj.j t , t r r-- n ) ;. T. . t, j ir ....jWiiiNbbD eecoo!.itio:; rVLL from Colon hi i.thmu. and the off.cU! iijon that wor.- - ut.y fiuh ingvoimnt In irn- reo.n it would rtalr.ly r lnrorm.j i y th- h.avir; , muj h. Jaiiuarj' term t.K t ill if 1'i.if motion that pone It. tip)', pi.rit Mr-- . . I1o:'.r- Th ,:.'.s ( ,,. v,;;, i;vsi:i . ! ? 5 Even Willi Strike Settled, Prices Will Stand. A't f and s, GERMANY TO OIVE j i 1 . . . ... ', .ri r I f J - l" - ti i r i. -- . . 1 ' i.ublitlv th.li i.Um. I.ui "Judce Charles W. Mors: M.v ! ar"; Mt s. ofuah has ,, Ki.,in, Aurora llodxe. ut.o Is U!n ht-Trcm th. tloi Sir: I w ant to inform you that the day tt.tnn t inl you have Peter M or tense tl shot for the t,n a tharre of muf'crin" William X. Kivn t.i cut d ionmnlr on vvid mui.ler of Hav. tn;t dfy h?c ,..ui.'ct(Hl an innocent man. He is ;s inno,-eUyou are. Petei- would have hf:en in the Fame fix as Hay if it had been known he had that much money, Ask Pter if he remembers anyone thtt . ...... u. ii .iv . ' HMinn ft..., f co.C to his iom and iet the money. of the way. ar.i it seeuis as h& if ' fi7,nocent man has grit ut b- - pun- i.if'iioi' tileVOl.'ilS TlU hY IX !A." SIc.iled October 24th. The velope in which the ,,biv lt- ter came a " t b ! u ! ?. 1 .v- .- , t I'ff-M.-r.- t j J t TnriT rnnM iwr a ctam Charged Willi Murder, tli" cf t.'ol.ir.t.Ia t to ha the dtf.iib'! Is Centinucd. :a r. J li i .. . . frfjn-n!- .! t j l"y 1 lful i - -- T. i, Demand .Now Operators Higher r A Jt Both Utah and Wyoming UNCLE SAM WILL SEE THAT NEW REPUBLIC IS j stantlal. ! To th! l t"" trl h t If Ilved that !flllT!i tvrr brought js i 'v fill othr t ret nr.tl rjvat-- ! Un iuM o iU. WOlllll YOUIl Ql hh - youth y',I. ' I t ; bn tn ) & HODGE CASE GOES OVER Judge Charles W. Morse, before whom Mortensen wa? tried, has made the suggestion that commutation be granted, because, in his opinion, v.hile the evi- dence warranted the verdict of guilty. trie ueatii ienaiiy snouiu nevr nave been passed upon Mort,en n for the reason that the evidenr was ciicum- - Nov. H. rrrU!:it Mah-.- a th: rcnr-do!. rnf-r-t?: raHtd InP at rotltl th.it he had fiurUn of a. r t of c m r y of t.',hf trarmn sympathetic trlk o;j th 1 "itc!. lie t th. t. ! piinUi In th dl- - ha. I If oula rrmi th" !ri'." put to him whthT ht rvth CHICAGO. N.-- . t t:' n arts- failing to s power-house- ltl. m k warned that every person on the or in the street who shouted abuse at police or car men would be treated as the enemy of public order, the crowds in the strike district today were, for the most part, orderly and easily handled. They were kept moving constantly by the pcllce. Few passengers availed themselves cf th privilege of riding. Meanwhile peace proceedings talked cf earlier in the day faded to Gsnerr.l Manager McCul- loch waited ut his office until after the specified time for the giving of the company's answer to tha demand for arbitration, but no lepresentc-tive- s of the men appeared. Instead, the completeness cf the stiike was ac- centupted by the engineers and fire tide-wal- BULLETIN. 2:57 P. M. The State Board of Pardons at 2:40 refused to grant Mortensen's petition for commutation of sentence. t i , ' f.,T A'aK ' ' k i t.n of Mlwrt-a- " pu M' Art. - ' yp. t, " t r- r.f-.A- T ': H. rrt ! ' ? t " r-- .f t) P ; f .! :ro ' . :' d - . t -- : r s ?! ; THROAT '.Villi RAZOR x ' ' ' t t , I . 1 , 3 ' r- - ? roarer; y.i:;i::a siocr.s . t P t .' - i - I . l"l'i. i.' .St Jtto m- t" - - - S i ' " i ; j. ; , ? l . , r - - e Mr ; f -- 1 ;?- I : , ; patient slashes ' ' today -- - ! i. " r i . fr - ' ' ' r J f ... . ? t. i:t pf4t c;y;:.- . M-r- -- " ' lift. 3tr N'r .Mr Mm ' '' ' "M'fv." Voi on - .'"-- tf. ! r- ' r--- . t I i f e ' " ilTiT' .mJ'1: it (jt-;- r! . f t if, - - ! I - e w - ' - . 'Ot ' t ir ; ' r t 4 1 I' o ; t IF e |