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Show The Salt Lake Telegram. SATURDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 11, 1003. EWARE OF "HOBO JACK" AND HiS QUEER GRAFT HIM GOOD EEWAED. CI ( Get wise. Hobo Jack" is in town. "Hobo Jack" is known among his intimate associates, from Omaha to Pan South 5-- 1, hs. Scar he wandered up the street, apparently bund and carefully fueling h'.s way. - A rood solid Oak Diner, worth $123, ' Mrs. Mary Burnham, a Pioneer, Saw Four Gen- noou in Ih see." "O. come now. that don't go with me. I saw you wa.ik this game jn 'Frisco two en di vntd Kiev nth - U. OF U. STUDENTS . I 1 M.--b 1 purpose of choosing officers for the dent body, and as a consequence, the to be one of in-- .' i omins week promises .... ... .i . , i. . ' At the last general students meet Inc. iteld Wednesday, a new constitution. 228 Hei- - non-partisa- .1 - CAME FROM CHICAGO Th' i..r . 1 f . contra ... lb" t . V.'l,- - nl a lt i th'.-'.- t rhlttn-n- r'. bin Un" . I V ',i i ' "WISE Suppcssd Confidence Men Try "Wax- Works" Game on Tourist, Who . Didn't ti a 5 Ideut.-V- a tourist, John II. At v. ell of who was in the city yesterday, was apontldenoe proached by two supposed to him. ''work" who tried men, was passing through th As Atw-1Ten, pie grounds a stranstr r.t(red into conversation v. ith him anil s.iiJ lie, too, wa a tnui ist. After sni.- preiimir.ar.v talk he told Atwtll that he had a serb.s of wax vasts of the far. of all of lirit;-iia!Ycunar's wives which ho was poinsc to take to the St. Louis fair and exhibit. Tho exhibit was ivd for th benetit nf the Salt Like public, but Atwell, beir.jr show a tourist. nuKht s.-- the wax at ?. the if he would meet stnnvr o'clock. To this-- At well ronstnf-and bade th stranm r irorxl-bye- ., A few ts later a second man tried tin- san.e methods, with th- - same story, and2 with this mnn Atwr'd mad a date for o'clock. lie kept neither il.ite, as he w as tis- d to mni ra op s ition?, having lived in Chicago. . ! ii C.reenewall of I. National Cuaid jroen t lb- n d- - U: TO FALSE ALARM toneir-ro- d . ium xruitiess journey ior r Officer Emery. Slteriff Emery went out to Hemslry & .Kmsley's gTocety store, !6li Klevent Kast street, about 1 o'clock this morning' to answer a call which said that th store, and that burglars were inside a crowd of cUiz-nhad collected to V. rf ... ... V. lU. 11 S . .t i.We.T. of tlil- - p. tr l.lK" I. th f i.ly ta:f r.pw r.o ! -- n or.t!i-l- ns' : rri. S. boo! Sup'-- t ait-Td- u- Nt I hi. w '"'ii iv ar. t t 1.15 '; A tf !'.r, - L5- . to $32.50 f r r. c "r - V j y jtn '. , v?y Furn. y v r, : o.U'"stl'":m nf si. ho.- l t o:;!d--rll- Ki.rr.t of the Mirirp t(uit..d fto.n ;t tri!( to Mtlwaukf M- h - has l.. win-r- e w- - nt to his JoilT.ah rs li.-it- t 0:1 1 . . tb i . . r . I5.t 5a ( Watch our nds. Garnet Co. I & O, n- & .- . '. ... . . .. h he ii4a o1 nr. Of. . ... I t.s i. - 1 .t, f. r,....oi-- i. of Si. IM-.i.tP- Anhor.of itly patt trirl rd 1 Lie.it. i M- LI, 1.. th' lawsuit w - ; thto. r-- fro;il 'edneltyat l.lt barracks Columbus. enty-fr.u- r l I- s- - to rr.chfd Swr-r.fo- tw . we-- P.nin assit the ,. w-- t r- - . Hock of i:. It. tern itional . turned ih- Corr-sind-t.- : - Jn ih tlio e;ty fu I'tUlll"; und brought Tw'dfth rcKinier.i. his charf.es at Fort Dou'.as turned to hi prst. . he . i. "Cordon Keith," a t! rillluj? storv of the troublous days between i he North and South. Is ?tl!l or.- of tl most pop. ular works I 011 th" book market. Cali.i-ban'- s Old look Store ha Has wek received a third coi.i;nm :.t of tho stoiy, which has had u larj;e ,.ti- - it, this city. - watch them emerge. . 7er. M. Atklno'n, p. Aikamo, H. The trip was in vain, as the Sheriff could find no signs of robbers. I and 11. Atklnoto, a J arty of Jap.u e, J f: ! .' ; f r ' I , c 7 X r. ' I.e.JS. rt W in ii Ju lt:'-- Then-ai- Jilde betn hi" h.'-m- - Th- - HhH ll-- " j ' K t in CaHforrit, h In Nej hi. K 1 !.. It ".;;' . nil rf .1 f'irntsht .it all nrUir.o.t rlehtri w Hli ... Col. S - ti j pi'ir- 111 M b'ki of h.. th.' :. statt a f o'itty I 1m d-- rd or.t nortn work jil "-- t i one of th 'Hiupoi Kdth'0"ltl-- - tn This f',ow wirdows r.ew- lo hiiki- - ar - tnu.. h 11. jlt nttontion. S. Vnillik p' i l;il r.deit I r t finbrn!- - j.t.I ! I j ' ! I j I rfI., lira !llt'd' Udolrl' t . " e". . . i.,!-.- , r ' . :.! u .1 it- - r -- ' - r, f - 0 P lit,' ... '. h,'t - ! to j. t i , s 1 1 ' H- .r . ; ( ; r r I r ' , f. Lion ? c : li ; : n 1 1; 1 c f. Ii ttf--- ' ! k- - I I mt I !n .- v. 3 ". j ; V' "Sr . a 1 ! !. I; - . p. s ral ' i 'il ir 1 e P ' ; w !! I . n i v ;b '. -h 'S"Ai r.? I t 1!1V f ' ' ;,", .ti-.l' f f St l'1-if- -- .',... tn I I h fsr's '? . l 1 i tm.l - rl to llarrv of A. rv ti: Jtvafi ',r, ? ..-- -- j. h of ) i ' e. tr. s.': g n T " J-- 1 iT-fl- vnti; 1 Atf'tat a 3 in . j t? : , n ;- .1 rr . ; , fi 1 , - . r " -- ;', tl- i . ' ' - t - I - " '.cut' T 1 : f. 4 r, . Ir tr ! r.' ot 1. ' -. J! r i lr - tr -- ; : f -a i - I ? ' - .1 . 4 r . 1 ' l I r- rfT W (r r 1 - . ss ... j- tl 1 t ' 1 1 ' '". I I - I'. ''- 1 i 5 J rn,e tn t? H 3 1" !... v , .t i 'f 1 't-- i tt ; . . . : . r nt j . 1 ': t) - "- ' t r !.- t;, f f 5 r . U - 1 C it tff .; 7 1 r r f a. ; t, - I ' .,. i t ..... r -,- !,r- T ; ' U t r t . - ' ' f f TV I fct t;. t t - " it . ,j f 't j e f ! 3 mm tt r . - f - . i - i Vd t t. t i , 9 1 " - t- i ; 1 ." 1 ; j f : . . vi f ' , : : . - s t t : , .,,- i f 1 -- " fc ft J '. ' " j-- v r.-. t r .v v.' - j r ' ' - ' ! r t' -- i ' ""...-- ! ' " ' J A'" r j f -- e S t o --l V. " i - .: ' f to I ' r ij P 1 . 4' .'e d ( - 3 ; - 1 J ( . - i- f 1 ' 1, w T? t- itr tr I: ! f 1 . , - : m ' i. f ' ( t - . r '.:.-- t: - , f ; 1 tl J f Vl.. t 1 .., t: s! r 1 S. 1 ' n,-- o t ! t.r r I f ' ; :'.' k t r v ' r ',, ,.. J r " J - - K. 1 - . f t . t' ,!. J! i ! 1 . 1 ! .1 I - f"' t r . r - ? .f t - ? . 1, " , ? ft". i '! . II t' 'f ltrt !sl 1 ' v f T f- 1 9- - h t t t ( r c ? I . r i 1 V I V 6.,, . n i t t ; tire J ff rr.t'. " of 1 o v rtsn.c i. fa'.r'f !".'? f.i.I o,',-i-. frmtfr! II r c 1' s;tfi 'y tr..n 5 He . I" th lb"fti?r. ; 4tto u l ti w I t ji t J ,i :1'f j ; ...;- ', " ,d '. I'ff'tr,4r.. l .; I t; t 1 .t Jt '.. !?! : riyo r . - r i:, " r ': a I ftn't) . . , " f i'fl - fi"f 4 1 t 'I T u-- I '' f I r ? f t . I"''1'. t f t f 1 :tt ir'-fi- o-.- t b-- )..;-- - y r t v ! T?'J f f t f ' j . !.. ! " g ;. it -- J . J 1 ,' ..; 1: '1 - - i " 1 I 1 1 . " l -- ( I 1, 5 I T) I I t i w v ,?.' ! V )r. s e-- I ! ; ii i"t) ir-- " w .. t :? i 3, at t.--- .3. - 4.i- e - . t fr J t t - J r t , i 1 i ; - .! at- i : t i f I t r d-- 5 ? . t T I. . ' ' r 5 ( t a . ! -- ;..; r 'i it ? Ih! . . T fu .) l is a!tr. !:iC I ft in ! -- .a 'I ,I 1 ' w ; J j' i . ; 1 t 1 tii t ,f "ur.'r. k at. ! LiiT E I j bcon t f r '.r"-in- t- ' . - ;.'r t - !tv iMii'foj i'.tti t m tt" urti e w no.f J 't:-.;ir."- of work t ;:?;v 1 ' - ; r tC..- - - ! - of llursnri nt l t h An t -- . rinvl ih.oKir.K ui' Mtn1 It-l t:- - ! t i;.iii In ihnt o. rtUt of this ir dh to f,.iuti, .nl,,.til thi. . f.tn tr.rr 5 I J ) - ; ; r fl-- . - t ; ' r SMI'- r Si s I'f'o I nf' , a. J t s Srir-l- an th mf ! r. u-i- !.;! . N--- Aud;b-- et li t I n ir r V , ' " 1 rv M.. ''t'V-- n h;: .. f In r - r f ' ', A I f 5 ' t n. L- . I t i ft ;', '"'n c o I f itt'r tl ft. in r f;-- t- Ti ...... f ..i.tlti furtiitnre . : l tf t 4 I s J. a ! s 1, r i Tit..h:ishard Kwrr.i'tifIh com p. try I'Ji. ! . . r.. c ! '' . i 3 A r t) . 1 J..J, - i f. 1 r: ) t.. if " i'e.,i J'a'. I it b nt 5' f I 1. II t. at fr-- u'----i f j r, ,(, ! r i run r.t -- w:-- - ourt dutlr m I V. t;-n- Y.a r tr ft of tv m ! w.y -- fn k Miri."-.e.4ii- t l !! f I r. ... ) . - . . r t ..cr I . ? '5 't j t!1 j f.rtn !!-'fftt-e- 1 ' T ; !g,n t T h ;- ... ; irri-ot??- i ' ... s - ft'l - th tai.! - " T Z i f r ; " i - "!-- "' ,;!.rf. f l!'". h rK:. .; r v l !'-- d'".t"'. h V t i A K ; h?'? t ? lit r.r Ti e . S fjrt t t be v , N i I , rt'T-- i - !..''' e n.t'i io:j' 1 1 , '.-- TT. - ? : J'r k 1 TenejA, wpejO tp r.'-nl- .1 - i ar ij N Anak:i.. j t': 'V. H.- 1'- - l th- -f recruit" for Aft.r depxsltlr.t; ti--- th- still In t t r.. tf l r ."! .I - h pb-- !J t- in- V.Y ;.- - i ). II Chf Wl.il- - j a 1 Hardware rniTit at v to tiiri.'-from a ten di - Tv.itb.n, t;p v, h l ib lrSlan . on tovrnmenta) t.uM. Can :y ,. ..s r;:urr' In tf , - i J A J ; . i':.c' e t 'illre k rf 1 f C.iri nt-i- ;'.'- if hj. .'niPE.l, t f.! we'.; C. K. I'.fUbaker . : 11V Ir.- if. - i jv e,ii atrr.t hi .f ' ' I'tip tnot.Hi! bult .. . b-- ;i r Is. ;.' - .'. ?. - t- i , -n t-- i, tf-T- '. . r.f H"k t !! Furr.dure I I f r--t rmmiK-t- i r-t- rxn-pttor.al'.- i J. I I!arey. repress itn c the American Cartoonist of lut ver. Is f th" it Kenyon l:td. H lias ilty some days. 5 " ?i 1 a 3n 1 , niry - n ! l Kree-- w rtaitdni: t f ij. ,1 fIU".t f inri fefS h, il k carload of I Park fmiSM ar. to tbe n A fiovts has Kelw td-n- . W. H 'I - h it.. j ' m with r.it- - d . this illy tr-in th- - V.t, durlr.if n mv of th- - larger ub work, J rt tn h " K igrf jt If s lr. !!r..t - .;?- ... '. S. Willlatos. . t)-.- the te.'.her-- ' toti. ntion at tl lr:trtu p.rs of Jttu ic ai:-- " f i r. r rl:l- !:; ir-v- . N'.h-o- ; ! tb.-l- rl-itH lr.t. wU ' 411" - "f tv r Mf .r i l r r.r i f s!o-.- ! Itniorted dir'-etifjni Pari. N" l form In P.irurrs of lory ni.d i of th- - nt tn J I. a larK- - jottl-j- . State ' 1 t ( Wat; t- .' r t Th- ! '; I f I I llat 1- : J. jaenly, teener..! ir.ar..-s-at K .nl mln Keimnerer a f. w .'. Ik in for th. Wyo., rlty ! at lh Ki.ulfford are! Is here ly H b.!Mne! tl lp a In O. n ? kr-i'?,!- hi'n RIidnight Burglar Call Kesults in a with -- u ! this - t'tnh ,piny ...... fw-ari- ntj ox-- J I .p f ;,. , d"rtTatI tor" itrc new company of the k'mrd. with sixiy-thr- r- with handsmv h'us" fut r.ihi ni'tnb is, at that pla--- . Lr.istus Yrur.c. auditor of tl - I; n . . ' rd I'.h IJ'.o railroad. Is at th- t n State Auditor C. H. Tlf:c- - M cr.t two t I for a fw days. Hi l it I 1 r t ii t !: to h"tn th! w.-- k on b il matdays in N if ters roI,;ee,.,J villi t'," St it it iTiov for th." puiir'?e "f Attorney SHERIFF ANSWERS t.et rj.. f.u f!.. in V. s - s aben ... uu.-b-T-Ef York. u n Jlii" r, cid"f clerk, will be in Mr. of r.er.ton's idiae. (hargc If ?1. f. t.-- Veek. W. o a t. ' J ! 1 rs'.M-.t.n- I. It- -' , I N.--w st-r- Iurlnsr their . 1 i ': i of J f WK. .l . ii n, of th USo r;ran ie and wife. ar In Mor.tirej, .tl., a nwnth In wl.ero they me to I. A. Henton rt'i-e- f S3.1 0 ' v3 ft AND BUSINESS !. pm -- WEST TEMPLE :ST., Around the Cor. from the P. . 23C) Sc i;ri tor fi''t. Um0!'ii. Ihil Ufrk. 'r... i wl.i 1.. 1. .iff, r i! !tr i.f n I ..,, ..f it i,..;' n rai '.r, n k, w hb h w III rat.:- - torn 2'. t.i . in r..cu5 trie. lolly . . ... . i. . i. ... t in H r r- $ arrinton 1i C 1" iiy ,JjL1 r f tU, j ric ....... J JL2 SI 43 Axm'.r.strr nt !: Ut Thy th" f.ilr.cl.ln. C'al. bet fusar m 3 f 2 M.33 Wi'.tcn VrlTrl Cr- - ........... .!.. rsrj ii.o up rtlc I r. . 5 t- o . p it 5 f C 0-- r '. y Lr4 ir.C t :.sir DJ2 rric . c r. s- Itee. and Oscar Carlson. Devoured by Worms. ail accepted, by which acceptance the officers elected under the old conti-tutieChlMrn often cry. r.ot from pi In. hut were removed, and it was anhur.KT. although fed abundantly. frora nounced that an elect'on for th- - pur- Th1 entire troubl" arise; from inanipose of tilllns? th1 vaeancies would be tion; their food Is not assimilated, but htdd next Wfilnesday. devoured bv worms. A few d of n spirit White's Cream Vermifuge will cause Knowing- that a cea. cryir.fr and bRln to ;ervaded the school this notice was them to thrive at once, very much to tr. surtacked up: l.in.-rac:vi.-':at .V'. I. 21. All perprise and Joy of the mother. 25c at Z. " sons of und'-ridfinitcl. C. M. I. p.,Uttrf a Kail Hopkins v.vs -i niiii th st;;i'-tins. chairman MODERN WOODMEN purpose of the raeetinj;. and 'Xplalr. d with that this pr:rtv was hein p that another the ho? o;t)o.iiiij JTty Excursion to Ojrden, wou.l l be f r:n'l. He said the (iK.sltloii W'.uKl ereale life, iiuertst ;in'l T.atrlotlsm ; Nov. 17th. li Oregon thai rallies would be aei'l, atirl an at- Tuesday, I.ii.e. liouiTl tr'p Jl.oo. So(iil train a to have rejrnlar eleetion. 7:1j p. m tempt made returning have tKden li.C'j e:it'ets statin? .ii:sl as hi real polities. the principles an . ! nHmipir the earif id.;tt s a. m. Kverybody Invite 1. so vcrv one wtl! unwill he distri'ouu-oderstand what are the nuestionst r,t istjo. ahMol.itPly u nied that h" Hpkhi. elecw uhl or should crntinu-.- ' aiti-- - theparties tion, but that il Shtihl he in.- duty of GOSSIP OF MEN every une to support thos.j elecud. T -r Floor Ineraln Cr- - l I v ir ion g o, wa.--- 1 - .ntrr Tf, y These prices are merely M4arters" nnd we will j;ive you more next week. ?", - ln . w.-rk- A A?l) L LA Hi Li J LA I. pr'.Cf juice his plural wlfn. l!y him she h oj tw wh n she rre -. ,1 th daurhters. In with four little ihll.'.ren. plains titir.t in IJountlful, Davis rounty. She- r.tte; w ard nio to this i Ity. where Fhe- - resided up to the Uu e.f h r death. stu- Chi--aa:o- lir, t u ! r CfF-f- ? silo-wa- - Ot-orp- e et-c- r- -. e fni- h-:- r AND HE WAS all-wcx- - .- r- il c IN FACTIONS s 83c s s ar her ir. ded. i;i;hter -. vl'!v,v ith :h.re itii!and four days after husband'. death daiuht'T. now Mrs. Mary A. Fte. Big Fight Is Promised at Election awas born to hrr. In the depth of of Officers to Be Held Next in 1'el ruary, he took uj h, r toilson.e march in th- cmkIus from Nati-iiWednesday. in to retutnlr.i: to hrr w ho had cff. In th relative pr'feriue I'at. r.' tf her fh assMtane every rturn The students of th University of to them. Sh- - wim inarrh d would In tl.e Tent-pi- e Utah have split into factions for the to I'resident Joseph Your.CT. be.n:n. l rrt. every design at ri1 o diculously SALE PRICES. Mrs. Iiumhain wats 1orn In ViTtimi.t in 1VH ;u I was one of Utah's p.one . sh- - v.a. inarrleo, to At ! J.n:;(f U'-is I5..rr,hini. ornits; v s; In I.IT. rn.bi-Hc- d thMormon faith Jn They U" 2. and nerit to Nntjvno in Jft. Th-ry?-,.r- and Chairs . r, Carpet Chlflonlcrs and combination Bookcases of almost over the I'rvi'r.M held tomorro.v ;kt rvin-v I'd be I i . Ull,H.TE 1 Dressers.. Mrs. Mary Ann Hu:.liey Ihirnhatn, who died in this city on Tuesday l.it at the ;;; of ST, leaes a posterity numbering !?, which inchn'rs 5vcn chi'dieih se n nil 'rn. H four and Iwo Jtrat-:rnndchlldr- .. r r, r, j- - Tr ON THE erations. Kreai-ere.it-ran- worthy i f rk. .t c lib- - -r $10.50 ,10.50 All Kinds of s Ol.UO A fine rollsboJ Saddler scat, 5.2.75. for f .v.U,t lUiXtt la I r Tit, t. ..9.30 ! 90e- ST 7.15 .. rtr f r.Ii., $2.35 Iff ii MT:t.T(J C1n. r fp- f- A J.UO Iron Bd, reduced from 910.50 Iron Brd. r?;Juc?i frcm 11 - - i.iO ST Iron from r, redar 315.00 at rdmiUr Lrry toccrselect from. forty styles LEAVES 198 IN FAMILY -- st-r- , r4uecl from D?d)i. 1.- -. '. G-- r St.. t k 4.25 S1350 get in?" "Why, why, who is it? T don't know," responded the alleged blind mendicant Knew His Little Game. "Put down your eye and you'll know,' h Id r n. retorted hi.- inquisitor. Th f r. ra "I don't know what you mean." whined Jack. lm bund, as you can of the ri.ce.isei spared Thonia? lion la ST VAOO $fJ.SO ro -- i C ") Q 3!. t c!ued from Iron "I'll stay a few days." Fald Jack. a..d t by three student:, e BI, riuc4 . from jO I ton efactor. lust night with an expres- . R0CKER5 IRON BED5 "Yes, I rerreir.ber you now. I worked you for a dollar once." "You'd better hit the travel or I'll put the otTicera on," said hU former ben sion of pitiful, patient resignation on his face that would do credit to a star actor. Not a word did he say, but his attitude for help. was a reiiue-sHut "Hobo Jack" encountered a man who was "ne xt." "Hell". Jack." he said. "When did you SPLIT A said: good one. "The rran with th" curious lamp" stood on the corner of State and Second U- f ytars ago. and fifteen minutes afterward dodge a iioliceman who was looking for you." paid the stranger. His bluff "called." Jack "put down hi eye," took a square look ut the man and vantage of. Appears to Ee Blind. He can easily rnd quickly turn his one Rood eye in its socket so that nothing but the white of the ball is to be seen. When "Hobo Jack" docs this the keenis blind, est observer will affirm that blind as a. stone statue. This is his graft ar.d he finds it a str-t- RAG ENTIRE STOCK of FURNITURE, CARPETS, STOVES, ETC. several Insane baIuim. Vhn ho' () or ne to it mat grew weary always () S) managed to ( lecipe." Francisco, as "the man w ith the curious lamp." Only one eye has "Hobo Jack," and if you see him, when he is on exhibition, you will nevev suspect that he has an eye at all. Ten or twelve years ngo, while "Hobo Jack" was traveling via a treakbeam sleeper, across the Nevada desert, a Hying cinder destroyed h!s risht rye. He was far from friends, had no money, and by the time he reached San Francisco came near losing the other on3. When h- - finally recovered, the nuisch-of hi left eye possessed a strange power, that he was not slow to take ad- if n COMAtENCINO AOINDAA NOV. IGUn, WE WILL MAKR SWEEPING REDUCTIONS ON OUR "That man," raid Jack' dlscov- - ? crer to a friend, "Is rmart enough ( to earn a big salary if he was nt bo lazy, Ittfore he a Injured and v acquired this graft, he ued to vary hi period of tramping by i playing crazy. He hat Ih n fed and ar.d cared for, month at a time In ceiving: Many. h-- ION A ? ? TRAM1 HAS TALENT THAT MIGHT GAIN "Man With the Curious Lamp" Has Come to Salt Lake and Is De- JRUSCMARD & HaRRISOJOS FURSITURU & CAR PUT CO. 5 (?) 9 W. . ,Jt -- . . I ; - - J. |