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Show The Salt Lake Teleghah I We've Started Another Ad Contest The Evening Telegram. TELEPHONE jnJKBEBS. Business Office. Editorial RoomA SALT IAKE..Tlah, Saturday. November 14. 11K1. Dooly Block. Tcl.'lOO-X- . Forecasts till 6 p. m. Sunday, mountain time. Local forecast for Salt I.ake City and vicinity: Threstenlnp: with rain or mow and colder tonight or Sunday, DKNVKit. Colo.. Nov. II. WXL UTAH: Threatening tonight and Sunday with occasional rain; culder Sunday and probably tonight. The Man on Aleihn St. 2S8, 623. Sons jao. Dayues Will sell FOR TIII3 WEEK ONLY M tb l- -'l irlpo-- which at the prton tnke riportont! The Kxint tta- rrnr rortrl lUw. from all f-- tmprefrewill mnttx r 0, :r !inf crr.rJ ih e mriiwnl ome furthT r'commr.'ii It la i revolt , We 1. - l- 'live HM'e IIBrwftiftr - of the l1.lr In ih innr ih" Tb" rff'rjersejr ond hret)r ef th Bun3 tI nitkUU who it-- j la cjuHiirc the r"plt a r eerrUhy It SOLDIER IS ARRESTED ci. V II " v'Trr-'.:- BM . FOUR INDICTMENTS to Si88 ARE MADE PUBLIC Federal Ortnd Jury Ha D falcated rtraona to Be Tried for V Roy B. Johnson ar.d.ill f.Cv Charged riout OfTen. Grand Jury by Federal Judge Marahall of the Federal court With Forgery. public four of the five Indlrt ha tmade In a y i oi k-:v- wet weather wear. 1 259 MAIN foot- ?! Si ORE OS H. MAIN ST. 23 attrnpl. Ttw rrort men brouKht by the Frderal rracd on "huraday laat. Jury Hoy It. Johnpnn. a. rrlvaie aotdier at The follow Inc are thoie Ir.cIJtled: waa arr ite I by ITnl'.ed DouRlas. Fort li. II. Mef en;er of Oud'n la cbarcM SNAP SHOTS AT with havlnir forced the name of V. A. under H. H. Heywood States Marfhal to a money order for 13 Hudler Federal grand an Indktmor.t by the A. I'eteraoti la Inltled for vlo'a Jchn HOME NEWS. Jury. charRlnic him with havlmc forpe.i tlon of ctlou rtvUH ataiute e.f the I'nlted Statea. In hav In conducted a. the slRnature on mor.ey order. i'eeroti la He wan Indued In the county Jail In correeiMjndrr.ee swindle. Two Men Have Smallpox. iald to have adertl-- l for rten tn art tond. default of ant l.i ; TtmlM- -l Two more smallpox He will probably enter hi fdeadlrsa n c'elettlve have been IV for a fltfi them detuar.dins tl removed to the isolationpatients day, Commlfloner hoxpitnl. Joxeph before I'nlted Slates -outm. an llirkmshaw. i.y. South Sixth Hast atreet and Ibrt Church, aged 21. IJ00 Kant South H. Twiimoy Monday. J. W. Walaon worked through r.ewa-- j are the sufferer?. Temple etreu, a pe r adverlliMmtila calllns for ranch har-e- d with awlndlln band. He TYPHOID FEVER IS Husband Charges Desertion. of earh on a prtaiiw appllrant out of work at IVi per rrxmth. G orge Quinn has instltntrd divorce pro-c- r la Indicte.1 for p4'.r.s Hubert dings aira'.nst Elir.al'eth (Juinn. alleg-in- g INCREASING AGAIN lou xuntr-fel- t that she deserted him in July. and having in S.i without jtist cause or provocation. The money. coli pie Intermarried in this city Augut IT, 1NJ2. The births reported to he ltoatd of the wti-- ending Nemier POPULAR OFFICIAL Health Father Says Son Is Insane. than the prexiou 14th were Heven U' Thomas Is JEWELERS Half Dozen Sterling Silver Teaspoons $2.95. ef !. for the fff-3ni- N Boots? L ace ct-mrnd- Nevada, California, portions Itlaho. Montana Oregon. Washington. South Dakota. N'braka and the Hrltlnh Northwest Territories, with largpt 1.12 amount r at Iloneburg. and Portland, and it'j inches respectively. It wan raining or snowing this morning over portions of Oregon. Washington. Montana, and the Lritlsdi Northwest Territories. The tem perature has risen IS to 2h degreea over Idaho, with plight portions of Utah and changes elsewhere : a rule, entitled weather with rain or Know and colder H indicated for this vicinity tonlcht and It. J. HYATT. Sunday. Local Forecaster. Four telephones: 20C0, 650, lirg)r - 1 h mm mmmm Th Stale Roard of Correction ha completed and filed Ha report on the recent outbrrak which occurred at the prison on October th. In the report to the Hoard of lrdon clemency la fcoro- undwl for Convict- A. A. HoHcrtaon. C. I. Mmwclt. J. C. Schuckrr MuvtJ. effiI'. Douglaa. who rendered timely and were cient nervlre to Ihe official WEATHER CONDITIONS. The barometer highest over the upper MixflPKippl and Missouri valley. ixtrrr ZSnrtnwcst, ana the llrituth jSortrmeat TerrltoiicH and lowest over the Northern Pa cine State?. Precipitation occurred ov r of l tah. . VOt; ARK THINKING OF State Board Inrestigatcs Recent Outbreak; Favors Clemency to Robertson and Three Others, WEATHER FORECASTS. i merger & 28 a which will enable us to pell your neighbor, who, possibly, don't use It. We'll prlve three tons of coal to the people yvho wVite the three best ad?., one ton for each. You must have your ad. in by December 1st. Address, J. S. C, . 240 r-'o- .5 lArTSP PARDON RECOMMENDED FOR FOUR PRISON CONVICTS ! That Ip, a contest which gives you a chance to see what good thing's you can say about That Good Coal, Novr.iinr.n u. FATriui.w i-- VI l. AHY KIND yOU WANT. fey ' Uk WE HAVE IT. W. SECOND SOUTH ST. 65 lrac li 'Phone SOS. Burton Coal & Lumber Co., M inef Murchi to be examined am this afterisof.n lv the Uounty Physlci.in.H lfot. Distrh r Attorney .. 1 ..1 :ttid County CI. ik J arm-- . The f.ither is the compluinat t. alleging man' fiat his pon is mentally unbalanced. H-- mt-nD-V- h-- D4 I Eh . . TTfT-TfT- a worth poind of cur The time to consult an optician is ;it the first sign of We guarantee our work. Th 01 Pre- - UTAH OPTICAL V!l Tint m K "I!? Main report- week, there beitiR ed, eleven male.-- und - tam- - pefi.d re v. hi h were fourteen. Tnalei ui:d ten feniftb ". Two bodie- tepi.tted for the !H-..th- s r.f four Dies of Appendicitis. IKs Mrtle Fowler, form'tlv r at the Fr.iveryity of Ftah. ar.d 'well e!ndnt known in this 'v, on M0nd.1v I;i.t. In Tt-t.c.- -, e. of arper.dicltJs. She was the William daughter of Mr. and .rs. fib-idlet. .Mis tik ii-- of ib lle;uy C. I.vdiard. hif t.fTP railroad Nortl.weafern hltagi& w-- rf lhr- 'n. rrrl. dejoil il. s - I.j-iUr- 1 V i St. Antl.ony's guild, a cl..iri;.ible itioli. was organU. .1 among the of thl- - eit al a m. tln- - h ld iN. ii hoi. is follow-- : bl' .i w i' i I l I 44 1 -l- .ri-.'-i.l Mr i .i l! I tar. Mr .lt!, Fred . . Wej n. at .()J. n, tti-- !. aie s.ili-- - - V , Pi.gr of lb..- Johnson a "' ho'.i no "th'..- having !!;. n l"l l "it y In lh .ii r da v n.ort.itig. .livid, Mk p ir al i" or ?! .f tid a i ,. I vi.t-prti.- r J I If Uk"" t'"1:' Moi.i.i b.-ur- i that - ?!". I.-- O:coi: ShTt I,!r. I'.th. Leave Via f;ir. a. m.. Ogd.'n 7:1.' p. in. fre. on ti n in by Koldz. . g. Candy birn TO Telegram ti rj'ucxs,A tiMCOXk Ail oY.PN, ;-- hi-- M . A m 1 llansHct all your lo 11." : o.ji i bilvp-.e-- . 11 r.'j uhs, ipt ion wltli hhu. 1 ; f Socialist Lcctur Thursday. "Sorlali!u and Sorhil Justice" be th" jtubject of h lecture by Joseph liliicrt at headquarters. South Main trect, Sunday afternoon So-iali- aI o"t lot K. t j a;. 1 ;"-- trd were n tteopt featmr. .f the m iVfii! ::e X. I:. f' I -,- Tf;r- - J I tt'T'T a y tf a LODGE'lS.n aaa ttlllSlCAl 4 ? 1 . je uscinis SilldlOS g- a v 01 . V,?. l r Nfn e,.erei 1 .. T t,,' I et Hop.- - fr e I; 't .re he e prert. rihlhi!sr. f- r, plje.!. v.. I. t.rrory. ar h ,rir f I I n Mi I s t ! I ! I 1 ,,, ia. j- Jtaw,j, ' t t ul- Trbr 1 -r h Sil-crw- T. - 1 j I his rir-- . cf Vah;yr Tl x ti Vl -- ;, . . week. - ' . I! , n V.t- ! l',u: T. K; Duck Shootinn S ,!niy 5!M:h Chih H - 1 u (hm i 1 i ft 1 ' , - r..-- nrc 1 Ne- v.i .; . a :.t 0 r r u l us I'.;.?. were hni'i. efe MlVr e ef K ! A ttjer'. IT'S TO YOUR INTEREST 01. titr, gri Th- - Tf!'l..m , ..f J r s ". K tIALL, The Jeweler N ivin OncIrourth Oif the price oi 2lar., tv 1 mrs. A0?;rs csr.or.:.'ix W . 1. Vi. 1 n-- .',. r. ; f Fii ex lat Mctrtvre an1 g? c.it' r: Wr.r-.r- Ii,e Axtel - Mr " . rnmm:' Mi M-orrr- I. I i. did ...... ii',iiii I Mst- "- -, St-'- u 'J-- 1 I'"-- I M H 1 e . I;.ln.n-S- '. P.t land - S1' l'o:rt th" S'rt-a- Se.!itt.k Sn-ll- h j ' I -h I- Life. .r Mini and IV. t I lie. akia I. -- lit" Tfinp. Ie..iS?;o-t- . t "J- - i b h r- -- WntkliK ill Ae.im IUnd-le- lrt WriiT Mar ef err.r ir I i1. of Tl."''"tr ' Hurt e ri: . lo traits Ji llr!'rtf . .t ', r .i I it ','ti tt 111 tl' l T at j trip rtutn j i,,)l ,. . Is o loip,f n.f. Tl mr at I l ' '.T, k )' . si - 1 k IT'S EASY i : T thf- - 0 -- 1 d- - er f tV cr t ,rt.e " . 21 Ymi H II. IVfter. 311 I a Dyapeptl?. " n. zr,4 PL. Sa!t 1 il-- L . ? rC V fre j "". CHILI PARLOR" Uat Second South a y. jf r,-pr- : -- !.v have bee.t to; here I wriie; f lnd!feuon tor SI with djperl d"tir without reyear: lrte many lief; recertly I et a hotiJm of Ilerfclr.e. One battle eur4 me: I mt rerm oft en th second. I ha rrefded II to my frlee.da; It la curltf the a;, too." iKj il Z, C M. L. City, iJ tr '. ftrretn rjt it ti ptr.'.lf. n ttert Iri vt..ifjir,t . with def.rp-- r'tp-Mihri bair e Tb "til i irl'1 In the iv;:-ibi afterr"rn, r s i '.nr. - I 1 T.-- - a ay cau TJ M 1 l t. If Billposters Attetel. S .md 1! II Xtd i.o-A. b ff v.ee rre:e by la I eol rr. h;"fitter. IJm en r r Men. - Ihr ie..rrle I t' v ,,.1 ri r iii-- . . I'ntnttn- t'lr'.iio Srr.lt h Col "rer V liltlrs -- Yellow Van, -- 4 ,'.' t'lt E-.- l- U I.!" !'','!'. S rr the i ; om.t :. In Old riin'nthl t mbar- t'r rn tld - li! iftto'i- - 1 n-- . 1 l'l"TnX, .te-h- I. v..ni 1 c,,., ..mmonw :t it tify , 1 Iti l.rlr-'rll',- 1 ! their . -- cratcrf. 1 1 1 - M. ). !i ., l'r 'l?r.iil fr niff t,- ;i , tjn:-,-Excutlcn lo Oden. I S Tapped Till for a Quarter. A burglar broke into the rr. at ah.op Adjourned Till Monday. of H. Ward. 15 Witl Serond Soutlt The I'r.lt'd Stales court. Judse John .trert. 1.11 r.lKbt and aftr oprlr.it rr.r. A. Marshall presidlntc. HlJotitne.l lat c.tfh reglfter. took 2' r.t. vbb h wa nUht to rrsunie Us test-loMonday all the till contain"!, and Orpa'lf J. The ltiOIDillff l lv 0lCLk. police axe lnvcatlgaUne. -- X- - Teacher ef - . prialrdiiK Always the wni'1 Rood q lullty. 2 for "''. All dealer. have thrni, A. UEIiNSTCIN. Manufacturer. M Market treet. PubUe p-.- i IT THE DESERET CIGAR. I. r. c " r.op.e er T Mr!""(1 " Ihe ijr! t. The t.arwe t itniAiiv n r..i:ri't. sT'r.H:. S" t.t' i it .:i'ti. in yu c te. ihi js, It'itn Si.rv of tl pri: on; . r i e It I'hamtv-rtt 'u' u I lw Soi nr. f),.,.. ft.j.C of te tl tr ...k! .n.ii m..m Trai . ' .'1 t a ml. .ii l..!irr' f ' il -- ruMon with hi- -. w(,!r,',;" v.,n.i.-rpAtom,. I'ti-"f , IV: ll.ISc o Scrv rlh- -r..ff si. rv l.'f'. Sterv Mt. Clement Goe We?. I a flrt iri a If ; tthlf ll rt.l.Te.! i IPrUe w.re won b pl-tre- 1 lln: r- - f I. ; j m 1 tdcht. at whi' b lvtuKM. di-tri- ll't'-- I e . I? V ,.A ' !.... 1 1 jl ft rafl. Wtwxji :u ., .' mn m ?TiVr M4pi a',; h I ii-- on l Stle. ! r-- - - A M ' ' 51" every mime of tl,.- canier who! tught. Th''mi, -lin Salt Lake it ' ',, ;..,, aa'i...iiii'ls our i v an 0 ..it. I r I'" ' in- i is trtr lol in tl. t.trr... ..t L t h .. . tf e l ; l r 'SILVERWARE SALE! tir i c:s!t, Ent'rtalr.a lu r!ratSr.K I m.t ;r.Mll . I,f 4 l.rtke of Jr. 'tee In l'i'7k- ral - I'.ol irt.l : i IH.kft "1, I , , ftreot. Tiro nl i..wi.fali of tl.e !!.,!T.-- IT'S TO YOUR INTEREST To g. To ir In . T.ii of -- Teofn t -- P.armirrl ; xVi ft"' t ' '. 1 tap.e uircie. vown tb , tw-- .M."...t - .Main - , I-- ! - mro. I'! (i'!iii)t BY LOCAL Novrtnr !. J""' rg. ."1 hle th..- - .if i '': - - e yn) irr.e v rjt snriAi hivpn j lb l.lbrarv .Monday n.riiirg. EMBOSSED TAPER. Held is making- :i b.irg:.ln this tr.onth of r.:.o bo r,f tmr liiifn l.iv.n, wilh your lnoi.ofjrarn cri.avi'd iii goM. to l.o yours, regular .vr.ri. fo:- rir. Th pri baigiln of the Com" and sc-ll'itilf. U 111.1k'' a "well Xmxs It sent to send to oiir freid. I have $!L'"o of fs at,. I Xiiiii-- ; v .ii !. Watch f II. II. Ait St a l i. .tier. nr-I'i- - Ti h i1 t The 'ollowh.g ,;1(o upon the s i V '. r ''.' piat.o tlu) W 1 Some Choice Books of Fiction Will Be Ready for Renders on Monday No-vrr.-.b- er rerurr-ki- - hilt i ii' ;,rd n H :! etiitprd . . .i FOR PUBLIC LIBRARY I - "Z. - pi :! I 'dedv ..! a 'tits' it "..M .. - ndibrv. gc.l l"l tr v-- . SumJ-iy- 1 1 lo pimp an p.n.llns H r t t,n' e MANY NEW VOLUMES i ( 11 A ,i n Oden and Heturn, J v r1 : .... v "I 1 1 , w '. . . I- trst. Morning-- - 1. lt Jaous. : . S:r KrigM a f rs?" t a w i M . : ONLY S1.O0 - 1 nJl ''. ft f":'i of t ln to oi.i (.r. T. 5! r t ) tr-- - ",. t ! .( ; a i ;. '. i . a o 1 T(J.MAKEJI.?'3 r . I Tl.e wt i :l'.i.t" and ii n.Mow it with th- all. ;iou -n at Z. C. M. I. --r-e.i 5H i. t n, of ting poll, e for a couple of iu .t!g..! .o:j. wa turned . gia. d0c(l I did. and I got a hot .'."tr Mallard s Snow Liniment and I wa 'raised Irom the dead." I tried tr i some more, but before I had d. j oe.l t f my bottle. I was eurtd er.tlrtly. I ain tellin' fl. truth, too." '2v. .Vn and ?! up 53-0- " gul!t until thi b . til '' ,,Vf.r l J. I.ar.dis. "l'ort'r" fo; th. t al Hotel, ( liamit.-K.i!!.. know what it was to sufiYr withf;iys: iu I -d out l. tjin.lti.il .'.iVf.oii. . . pl.nded lot ! Raised rrom the Dead. Sl.k Urn- with brellas ' oearl and c.- OM I .1 '..). I k I t..--- oiivty Clerk. Th- ii.li. pi.K.i .),! s of tie t ach. The ofri.-.-of the I any ail- as follow."-- : I'harle la uthstrom. ir sidrnt : A. W. Str. t,,.,, 11. . -,. : r.t: Leulhtrm tary a no t:i .;:u r. tion wilh the I 'h' it t: w K" l t.e' .! wh'dl i 17 !t i a ? 1 Iri.ori'Oj t it lice ColHt. ' N lot I V.. - aill aud llirea Will Clr a Big CbtUtrna Tre Patty, Johnson. Accuaed of Rol.blnfr I Rngg. ou Tllal In the Po- r hi i Tnt Salt Lake ROfce W ' .nnl.. t, K. ,... P. J ; :io.. (". V.". M .a ir e Jtjt Fiirni- ! TO GRAND LARCENY '.;bi.-li- - Ccuipany Will Sell Machinery. ire wilh foo a .Ma hmcry eix ;. capitalization (r ni.'l a c ;iv ot l:s .s of j 1 v Tl-.- si,-r..- Pr.id.m,t iCi tr. iMiivr. M 1 s. '.Ieai-;- . zwvO u nun imm 18UOLLI1 S.UUH f Fancy TREAT FOR CHILDREN'! PLEADS NOT GUILTY t o.-l- . I GET I I THE I B " LAST CHANCE es i 'i I - n ai d William K. gan. -hargi: tin m wiiii f'.isiigni lug li bntn Ti.ir.t Soitli ir d Fourth K.if-ftrrets. it b li g all. g. d ir..u i,it- nuants tullnte.l a laig- - rlii ir t M'n on ia?i urn without hs.-r.f'i,!. Catholics Organize Society. M 1X21 " ' I'-n- .. i - " iht rni-.ro- ty OSTEOPATHY 1i 7 Opp. Kcnyork .t - Ttiir-teenia- 214 Main Street, ti ic.' s Jeweler l-- "en d. .y w i.tbn - 1 ( tun;lK. did Miortcml. d s '"' li J I here. .a len prtmoledj tw the brought here for interment a r. were f hipped away. of traveiinr aicenl of lv.e Northwei tnn, No new cafe of nutlet fever w"-- e revUh headquarter In littburg. Pa. with .he NHn I.vdiard li ported durln? tb we.kleftand ror- h. in iwn !' h.avlrc. for ing been dim barged, Fowler had m.mv wraieru furteen In Salt )ftp. i At nf. tb Luke. ofTi. the city at Use "bl'MK ear In the nine ) ered l n.r. off. rnr fn ut li,,, tl,,4- - of the Lift leiwirt there were the and thte. nine n.e of diphthoia renitlnirK In He ha le-- r hffe Salt Laker Dies in Los Angeles. year, and t h n ae it antlr.e; be pew ! lo a al raSr..id nic frlen many Pohert it. C.lover, a mlnirg mar. vhot. during tb week und. fit I. axing .fo-eret o;r -ah r, ?M..iic.- - in Ms- - city was ;v Sooth Fifth ir. th left eight afi w ri Mr. I'.iSt S'r.t. is lie nl Pi AlKi !.. Mr. I Vfdr.rjv A.of duly. of nial!j-'- s WI' Three j h'. pew J II. to a eommutilcatio-- i received for h re. eenir.ar w en!:ng thre-neweek, bfrt.tn Tl.- i'irn.iii-..In I are to lat t. Salt Man JerfU I. Iratrlirc rn'. of the i.m I quarantine broaght two and haxi'.it w id have on wet, rejwjrted l..Ke. :,nd lb.. Cdd Fellow of Mr here, will take tf hare of the funeral. K"eil ili.r bat ged. len four cae tn MUAf I r. ate. d'.4rl I,J f t. of lh'. ! antlno at tb b of tphoi l fe..rwete re,.rt-e- d Warrant for Sign Painters. during thrt week, a .i.tnt t f r MACCABEES PLAN A 1. Nath; m list light wore nit ., war. . the week before. rant agair Scott .And-is- n. II II. .M.oh'i-o- CO. no drugs), treats (Ne knife, hII chronic dleaea. Call on or write Beavn & Murry. Auerbaeh blclg. Mrs. A. li. Mur- sultatlon fre?. ljr.4-7vine. Mo. Tel. VT GETS A PROMOTION ale ahom la brau'ifjl&'A atucle eaJsnst bftn t- -. tiarr.a k era We Uerw-aof cr.ly eur dlaplay a th surchaa f tbU llr. o c .:. 9 La ta-- ft fcr t.t-ta'.v- ft rTS3SESs liverwai oo do Th r wi?' tl r rrt-- : mittfi p nf T l.:it 1,'tM the nrr-Utf- i It) S. Weal T -- ' i- - 5U-- ;. : r-- ; .nl .r ,, 'r'rf r -- - t . "" fc r r Ni-hi m y n . 1 1 .HurJny r - (!'' ; 17 Next nt Tr.x.r.rno:;;: e. fUir.ty on a - r Tt.' : 1 1 |