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Show The Salt Lake Telegram. SATURDAY EVENIXO, NOVEMBER 14, 1903. Plays and Players Here and Elsewhere. AT THE GRAND THEATEB, Tonight "In a Woman's Power." Sunday night Held's band. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday nights, . Wednesday matinee W. B. ration in "The Minister's Son." Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights,. Saturday matinae "In Cpnvlct Stripes." An . attraction to which Managers Jones and Hammer of the Grand giye their personal guarantee is "The Minister's Son," which W. B. Patton will present the first half of next week. After a surfeit of lurid and overdrawn comedies with melodramas, their light stupidities called wit, and the unfathomable problem plays with their absurdities supposed to- be wisdom, it is with genuine pleasure that one can look forward to a visit of '.'The Minister's Son." An evening that can be recalled with the most pleasant memories can but fall to the lot of the auditor who sits through a performance of "The Minister's Son." a play of worth, of naturalness, a play that is uplifting and above all a play that is pure and one of which competent critics have seen fit to say that "one is better n for having seen." It is a fact that a play without heart interest the rarely ever achieves success. From ' boy in the gallery to the gray-haire- d man downstairs they all want some love, some devotion, but it must be true to nature ?nd clean. With a play so prepurely human and so admirably Pat-ton sented, small wonder then that Mr. has achieved a success of the most pronounced kind and in a single season reached a prominence that few stars attain without years of waiting. The offering at the Grand the last half of the week will be that powerful drama of absorbing interest. "In Convict Stripes," a play from the pen of Hal Heid. "In Convict Stripes" tells a thrilling story of love and hatred, virtue and villainy, but not once has the author strained for unnatural effects. The emotional scenes are strong yet sympathetic, the climaxes are .ensational yet logical and the comedy situations are "highly amusing and original. The spectator is at all times deeply engrossed in the action of the play, and he is transported from laughter to tears, from sunshine to shadow, by the deft touch of a master hand. The plot evinces daring originality and the treatment ofSceni-call-the theme is more than ingenious. the production will fulfill all reepisode quirements and a is the vivid picture of a Southern convict camp !n operation. An excellent company of players, among whom are Vivien Prescott. Hattie Laurent, Minnie" Pearl, Alice Leise, Minnie Leise, Baby May. Jack JJUis, Archie K. tie. J. A. West. A. W. Reynolds, J. Ar- thur O'Brien, Willis L. Holmes. Hiram Cornell, Louis Oulbane and W. La Rue will interpret the leading roles. "Mr. Jolly of Joliet," a musical comedy cf murh merit, will appear at the Grand on November, 2r.rd. 24th and :oth. There are a number of new and catchy musical interpolations .and specialties galore. A large and shapely bevy of chorus prirls who can sing and dance are a feature. The scenic settings are sumptuous and the costumes elaborate and snr priced In I r Matinee Today at 2:15 P. M, THreSrcfwrvir ir?", jf. Tonight Lavt Time. Th "IN - 1 of my a Item Thrilling" L . Startling f WOMAN'S POWER" Ntxt Attraction: . A -"- -"S "THE MINISTER'S Hvr arrived for w- - bt It Is one of tho very attraction? to appear in this city and they con highly recommend lt, CONCERT.. i AT THK m ..it . J f A V GRAND THEATRE NEXT ATTRACTION-Sturd- .IN riU4 on w. VrHBBJU IN "THE MINISTER'S B. PATTON - LI 11 1 -- 1 . . te -- ix Held's programme for the Sunday night concert, November 15, If. 3: Mississippi Bujble Chaimcy Haines rr THEATRICAL NOTES. The popular-price- d Novelty theater furnishes tin hour's entertainment of vaudeville, giving five perform ances dally at a, 4, 7:0, Si 0 and 9:C0 p. re-lin- ed m. - Florence Roberts, upon the enn fusion of her present tour, under Irpdri k Relasco's direc t ion. will nlay Ikt regu- n me df?-tln- ct at the San Francisco Alcazar, and then go to of Franco for two months of Thomas Q. SeMliroke. Ph nil hi . needed ret an aeiuty and pmi-- huinr, is T,i er- eld. for he had a birthday In hi flat In William Favershnm was a vii tini of street. New York, the othptomaine poiwnins: in 'IV ire Hani-'- , er evening and cfiifffp I to ;htt much. Ind.. recently a rul had to forego playing "Imprudence." preMimtbly Lnau'e- - of .cllt !. iker will Ik- - oMi;;.to wait imprudence in diet. until Tuesday. I).' pmiii 1st. t .vitn. H the production of the Pval iijm ra, ""e'ln-Miss Emily Slovens, who is Mis, rell er n Dref-- l lu I, ' Th Fike's cousin, has a preeminent role m eh.iriK- i.- in dnt ha -.t ar.) to clve "nelc She is a young more- tirn.- for preparation. Li he.u "Mary of Magdaln." wom.m hardly out of her teens and has are goSn e.n under the dlricti n o! Mr. received her Mage training under Mrs. Mattha ltoy. Ktoi?. with I'rof. Anton ' Fiske's direction. She rrtves promise of I'edei in: with th n.usf ami a successful career as an ac tress. j I'rof. Kolrt Harry with thf Severn I novel ar j dun Inn eciila Loftus observed an anniverIn addition to the Jo. al wmi promise!. of saryWW her birth a few days aco bv a a nd hit. th-sout- reere-ation- rl 1f1rt for t' " ork. - P-- t vt" 'Tt.ttt' ere ISll" 'ottln, if $.1 - . (iti f ' Vr'r.rt l r r.5y. e ? i SRHCIAU . 1 1 4 'tie In th .t ar-d- J tr ft .V. te C. p.; . : 1 . 4 4 4 4 t I 4 4 4 4 4 1 4 4 I t X ;; ; t(tttttltll .'i; iit-f- 14 4 4 4 ro ertjnir.i f. M fr.ini-l"fi- S : t : Attention ATTftAiTHlN. Tu. - . Wt-- . N I Kit.s- l. to em- sal", f Gi',. ti ! trrts't, ; NT.XT MM I.ulef. .mnbc! ! !;. - t- .i 2"'-- ' Sr if m t r Irl('. X.S.. a-- i.t ?n l icmr.tr-.-J CMARA1IISC Th .af i t .:i ir'i Orltr j Auptnrr.t'.! M I:ir al It- S;- - Historical Costumes, Scenery and Genera! Properties. j v.-- KING DODO 1 9 1 nt - M'ft'KH, VV TH1I DlICADl THK 0)MKl)Y.('lT.r.. N MR. PICKWICK - l V. SAVAGE HENRY DeWoIf Hopper f I PM KING HUT DODO- 16-17-- I8 at 2:15. Lt - 1 blS. CURTAIN Mon., Tues., Wed., November Wednesday matinee at 3 p. m. 1 "Musical Scenes from Switzerland'" INDIANS OPENED FIRE ON THE TOSSE Otto I .an gey An Tea Afternoon fa) Kcier Caprices Hazer (b) Laughing Water rilKYKNNK. XVyo.. Nov. 14. In nn n- - (rr hp 11 y p,j th.n some rf fhrir (a) "Carnival of Venice" Soloist, J. S. DoneLson, Accompanintetview las. evening ;v. 'hattcrton t arty were t!ot. ist, S. Kenvon. The (lovcrtmr tat-that thrr ran Kan jo selection (b made puMit- the result of hs Invest!-gatior- .s "Tell Me Prtty b no "tuetietii ai to where tl.. rejpon-f!o)lt- y Maiden" from "Florodora". .B. Kenyon his made to recent during trip e.. Th- - Indir.nH were viniat-Int- r Accompanist J. S. Donelson. central Wyomirr,, in regard to the re?Grand Selection, "The Chaperon1" tb laws of th State of Wje.ininti. Whit mark knoulnKlv and v llfully. , r l the murpossibility for th Sioux outbreak. (a) Pilgrim Chorus from Tannhauspr., dered ofn i weti tuttiiyr to Ihejr fhort-ly The Governor afrertPined that Wagner h b Slavonic Trance in No. ti. .Ant. Dvorak ejtjty. Th. Govprtior Klarrl before the fisht it n on rejorted ti would trial. If Soprano Solo. "Iins" Song" tlinnujli Suppe Sheriff Miller ;,t New t'a5tl that a t.o other re ifion than to li di. ate t: Miss limilv Larson. With violin Obliuato bv Prof. ih.lr band of Sh;ux Indians weje net onh' II- - tfeiiil rn": r u n! Youngdale. In proj.er liirht th ! lv huntm-. rame alnn "Darkies J.imboon the border. Puern Caprice. el", Leu t tut of Wcfl-.i- : liranu uveriure. an.l 'onvere rounth.-- . but , ha b.,p nooed o! ovu th were a!ei laurhterlns the rattle of th' nd Wynnh k. for the .,ik of It. timn AT THE SALT LAKE THEATER. ranchmen. Thts-- lejKjrts ere .ti an- - i co natit. tr.uM go to th In.t ..f u. If they an- - lh rn I f n .nl th Indl theiai. that the oranl. posse of six men and ntarteti n earh w I'n fii.i i j . Kiiime. tiiij.t n t w lt: t!,e Tonight DeWolf Hopper in "Mr. of th" Indians, meeting them on th I toper pur.lhu e rit Pickwick." I - III." ! . SHERIFF'S i. -f lr,it la Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday night?. Wednesday matinee? Richard Golden in "King Dodo.'' Thursday and Friday nights inks' circus. .inir. -- ej V - . II M flui-ees.-- bt-cM- Lu-der- -- A t V VVA 11 k. I r . . - - c-ii.t- a 1 t rii m- - 1 . 0 bou ih bi. . ,.. a -- ..-- . WESTERN LOAN & SAVINGS COMPANY ::::: - r 1 1 ! tI ! ! tt!t I I I t ! f 1 . : t I 4 t It i i it e r 1 to l is j . i t y. The Shetiff attain overtook the on Lightning reek Ua ,hiy after, about miis'-t- . Demand wan mad In-e'ia- uion the Indians to halt and run-endr- . f f.1 Tl..- - . (,,! This was repeated thre iim-:'- , n the Sioux opened fiie. the officers replying hnnieiiutely. The Indiatm tied h-- nil f.if- Ua- - of . t e,-r.i- - :. It,r. ii , ,t1 r,n.ujnrr iir riCTunr. kiiamks. n. :..ir. :i mr - . I ,.,,.. .,,. , I 5?o. ,. ' . t. ,r , T jud ji.r I k.. -- - fnir.ll ' - 7 . " 1 .. -- All .i t t 4fj 1 4 'v 1 n ,.,4 ,t) r. ...u; V. fTl r,, f or " . I I , - r ..I . m Where Your Eyes i New Wilson runortxv norxx-- . ! ! 1 rrrr. :t uittnr. a, Are now retting would be the place for your Thousands would tee It wlicrc you advtr-tii?mtn- L SATURDAY 3 C V3 . 7 Jr . 11 . I SPECIAL! ! TEA SALE N. 1 Hth. v UH r i i an It - m ' r- - i lit Nt-rHi ea.ly. Ht lac lire now reading. Unlcn Te II A .rf P't 11 ke. H 4 ) It & CofT Zt i Fa. & Stove Co. Tickling Cough Dla Uy card with HILL'S ' a: 4 p. fvra. 4 tna:"-- A . jx s tii ti , .S J4 f s r-- j, ' f BRONCHIAL TABLETS, 10c Co. frrpsrailoR M4lrin. llrba. lioM ae4 Micts WonrrfuI Curatlv 1'owta, 114 muth Vit Ttrntl. ALT LAKE CITT. CTAlL Jt.!--- S X box. LEE KIM YhG. rtajt! and fjitia t!it4 SCENE FROM "IN CONVICT STRIPES." T ! Japan laf t! n joi i 43c pr lb TJrr.t! iti (o rtt Cfcte Will pnmrt Kinf Hardware I I J Ti:n , Iff NeiT I SPiNearing this afternoon at the (ke Theater in "Mr. Pickwick.'. JUks circus, to Ik? given at the Salt Lake Theater next Thurfdav and Friday nights, will be up to the standard - TV . I&eWolf Hopper and his comedians are Salt The hmedy will also be presented tonight. NiY prospects of a large audience. In Old Kentucky" concluded its en gagement last night before a crowded house. 1 iet. f-- in cnmlc The most notable opera that has i made either Cast or West 'In recent years is "King odo." This sterling work ran for twelve months at the Studebaker theater in Chicago; Daly's theater in New York and the Tremont theater in Bcslon. It s. was written by Messrs. Pixley and The secret of "Kins Dodo's" sui eess is that it has real merit. "Ktnjj Dodo" has not a dull moment from the time the first curtain goes up until the last one fall?. The muste is bright and headed by Richard atchy; the Golden, is an exceptionally stronx one; the chorus is the best in singing iuality that the local stage has seen in years, and Henry W. Savage has presided a production most elaborate In point of The feminine scenery and costumes. portion of the company is also notable for Its beauty. The most popular of the Fungs, "The Tale of a Humble Ree," Is bilng played by every bra.s band and restaurant orchestra and whistied by every one who'can pucker up his r her lips. Then comes the topical song, full of local hits, which Is sung in the tirst act, called "Look in the Book and See." The Amazon march is as fine as has been seen since the days of "Pvange-line,- " which is executed with military precision by an army of Fhapely young women, and there are many other features which delisht both the eye and the ear. J- Whcri can you co-operati- i: li Dry Foik of th- - ("heyenne river. Whfn the r,f!lcer f!rt reae hd tha Pairs DecUred Off. Indian ;imp the bucks were out hunt V.Dl.lrst-nn Nov, tl it . , f deing. Upon their return the She-iI.ii -l t.ttliflmanded their surrendft. Rom of th h tj.e 1 i .;,!) etIndians !! (M.r tn that r Willing to come In. but ip j; hji. others were not, th latter savlnir that ! tl. :.trl if th" tin the r t th.were J ,r . r ,eii!-!.! n ("harp-,! und I.e.) Tier Smith. T they : , T.i in Smith Mj, i!r!-r- i i"iiiiilv Kaj;l Feat!) r. hl Sioux nam-ha t II'', , wn It- pi.t be am.' defiant vhn tin- Sheriff t'M liean rfvtj. tu ..f )! al.tf," t htm that th Indians were vto'atlmi lh M i.i.s , (M;"e law. and replied that Miiler had nm men enoturh to tak them. Of He then ordered hl party to break camp. As they stai tetl, the She! Iff and V.' it - Th" :i n xl.ai. his pc-swent with thm for nie it.'-h i ! e "Ha it thr mi! distance, urging them to m re nder nn 1 .submit to the law. Smith refuse,! Un tt.at ..f r.m..;'s in t! ifiva.irr, M tr the Sheriff retired and added five tanth-me- n ei-.ir- TTK II ir. . N fVt. TT ! c She-rlf- ni . Am'nr icr4 t'tnrrt ia'Jj'. Tigr ,,.,;,rr ITJ m.lU. n sim- do better or as well with your small earnings, than tn put them out at 6 compound interest? Onbmk can pay so ly much. Co-o- p rrativs bankt arc the safest on earth. Their record that. Investigate ours and proves and you will be convinced. Call or tend for circular. ifitfiMvm 1 fr ..'.. nreet te-for- e 4 rvrtf tc ; torer.Jr.fr. TVrfrrr rd I p. m ak your attention to one ple proposition: SKroVlt SOtTlC. REFINED VAUDEVILLE. WKHT - thl We NOVKLTY THEATER - ihe Tin: nr. is no -- I n St-t.no- r.ooi t. lar annual engagement i fliii..I MKE s d fel-V,,- ; MANAGER. - s An organization o? superior merit ed by that funniest of ail funny ?. J Of Kelly, will give the patrons of ij,fL Grand Theater, November 26th. 27th to enjoy a vt'VjJ Sth,rcrean opportunity merit in "The Head WaltshoH of . ers." The following p SON. JU JK rfr Utile luncheon, at which ome of th II. Sothern guests were John Drew, Lawrence D'Grsa- - and Kthl lUtry MlgS LMIJ.V LA li SON. Soprr.o S)'.- ;( more, a ellamond ring for Ml-- Inftu rnor. donaldsk.v. trt:st. was a present from Mr. Smhrn. A lo MR. H. J. K UN YON. nnt thi.4 what particular i ai crsary that is conjectural. Many theatrical manager engage rx tenslvelv lu nut !''. bulne?iM venturrs The lat" J'hn Ift II. Din U0.D. Tiis t tin e,i extate Investm-nt- s, I. Stair ownn n Detroit newspaper and big blo.-of telenhon rind e'.eotric illway stork. ier jind MafI r large ludderi if San Francisco etnte and Matinee Today le eome lncnrjora!rr and e?l- liavc Ton ht Performance. rrctnrs cf a nnal automobiie lrjr.?U company. Sine plnvirK "In Old Kentucky" li'- ( ti,. been heard of Laura Hurt and her rtdmlret had l en v. n Jer'tr.sc what had become of th Sh lc r net re lonifx to liht now lit the top cf Hel-of Hwnt.1,1 in llnry IrvinR ! pro.lm tin t, it a h i i i f "Dinte," and is tl I r.l cf rrrdlt'v) with 3 p!i Kr mii'i'i' hit. U 1 'JJjh 'XL of entertainments of this organization. The circus is to be given under the supervision of W. L. Hn.-k-and W. R. Day. assisted hy every member of the lodge and a number of prominent citizens, including Judge O. W. Powers, Fisher. S. Harris, secretary of the Commercial club, and 1). 11. Hurley. Arrangements are to be made with th railroads to run excursions into the city for the benefit of the people nutsk!; of the city. Om of th many features of the circus will be the strtt parade Fii-da- y most-realisti- hf GEO.D.PYPER. y. ' T &d , j. , Kt.lB ttSftturdj. South, lnttt, With Huxnfta . p, m.. CONVICT STRIPESM Sl Tuedy, 'V".," 4 A Story of 'Tbunultjr. Fridny y at 2:15 well-know- coniy. w. v..nn-- c euL P J nee, commencing Monday. field's Military Band ..SUNDAY f c? :-(- Jones and Hammer beg to announce Mr. W. B. Patten In "The Minister Son" for tXr lights and a Wednesday mati- so-call- ed o 1 i SPECIAL NOTICE SON. "THE CHAPERONS" - i F. J. Hill Drug Co. f CORKEK OP?. rosTorncx. CULLEN s. c. SaJt Lk il ran no, pre?, 8trttb Pa City TrJr HOTEL C.r frtn Door. |