OCR Text |
Show r Good Racing Promised at ON WILL EE THERE THIS SEASON. Kcnil- - M-a- : ninw-roi.- m JiU-t-.r,)- pilotss. California has turned out half a dozen good boys evory year. ' OURNAMENT CONCLUDED The handicap bawling 'tournament which has been going on during the past month at the Collender alleys" was tinished last night. E. (Iambic, a scratch man. took prize with a. score of lTVZ, and G. I'ltchros itooci with 176i points to his credit. Following aro the players anl their scores: FOR SALE ht " 'tnA WC W. C. I'rke P Sitv-r.o- pins 1 pwl A. W. Smith Pl K'.'J , Stndlh S. C. WANTEI b ........ s !lt Zi ra I.M r n itr- fur - k-f- y tails 'can b ngrein! upn. Route II. u the patr.t- in n nedtib d. u niMna the local boys must k p on trainthat .T. 211 M. Center ODerated bv Farr, Street. 'Phone 1274-- y Kmbraces the ter ing a month lonrir than if"M:al. Th th f.in'.ot arlie Indian? hive oii ritory bounded by "Eighth. Popperton O. aggregation." In th. E i"t. but they will Place, South Temple-anb" at Honif disadvantage bre owing to Houte 12. th high altifuo.', and th- - 'Varsity playVOnerated by Arthur Kelly, 23 Fard- - ers should nuke a good fhowing agairiMt leVs Court Embraces the territory them. hounded by Seventh Fouth. Main, Ninth South and Fifteenth West. First Pugilistic Frost. Route 13. The fighting ganv its lat season of Purn the at jar lty l.iMr. 211 M. Center J. Operated by 1274-- Farr. th ti'hhs. t'ght-top.rid night, lii'orgi' Embraces the street, 'phono ," no t cht r it t all. "Kid an.l t'ititei bounded South, Fifth by territory t ff a raw exhibition. I'aitt r Main, Seventh South and Jordan river. pulled went out In the fvo:i d and It N Route 14. aid that. Tibiiss e jo5r;:zt--(ti the . in fter tht aF.tir number, AfA fifty No. S. Operated by Ralph Carter, First West Embraces th territory w a." o,"'. . Pounded by First South. Seeor.d West. Dead. Fifth Sorth and Sixth We?t. Impressionist Painter "' I 11 irr.r.i AIUS. I'iv.irro. the Route 15. FsioiiKi iiftt r an pn!nr.j-ij .'rrj.ri !.! n eoti,;i' i.tit of n" v 5l:at' Operated by Arthur Ke"y, No. !"! op rriii)ii w.'!K t rll ;. It., !;il.i,-rS. Eardley's Court Embraces the terr' . bounded bv First Svith. Sixth West, 1 ,11 W. 1.. povnty-thiyers Ms in art. Kd hiih Fifth South slid Jerdnn river. Route 16. FOU RENT PUXXISHED. Operated by Max Schick, No. 270 Fourth Strert Embrace?! t.j te: tory -: CMS. cms., t:: f"; 3 cms., bounded. by South Temple First West. First South and Eleventh Wpst. ?.'." rm .":, ' nil fur, f r Rentes 17 and 18. he !: kn i;ig, c!fe In. !r,iMi rti. 1 CvotUt. No. 519 R. Operated by West Tempi.-- ' the territory V,cunnd by Ninth North. Main street South Temple and Third West. Route 21. Operated by II. C. Crozler, ?13 s. West Tr,mp1'- - Embraces tbe territory bounded by Seventh North. Third Wc3 South Temple and Tfnth West. Routo 22. Operated by Joseph Jensen, No. 443 S. Kmth Eai-- Embraces the territory bounded ny Fifth South, Vwftfth East, Seventh South and Mm in street. Route 23. Operated by J. IT. Miller, No. 2277 S. Seventh East Embraces th territory hy Ninth South, Thirteenth East. Twelfth South .nd Eighth East. Route 21. t opornted by Oiorge SoderborR. C17 West Third North street Embrarca the territory Pounded by Ninth South. Seventh East? Twelfth South and Main street. . Route 25. Operated by J. II. Miller, Nr.. 3CTT P. Fevciuh Efist Krr.brnces that territory bounded by Ninth South. Eighth ICiist. Twelfth South and Seventh Ka3t. tilt hoard; f ir:i' vtr.i.T.rtjt. ZS, LAKH hou?--- h.'i, ."th ROOM R :t r In i.'. 4 W mo.; Hid K. Z: If you owe for The Telecrair.. pav the boy who delivers it to vour house. Ton owe him, not The Tele-ru- m company. If you vkvnt the paper Mopped, tell him to slop it. If you vvant vour addrsa chanced, tell him. If you can t catch him, drop him a postah Ills appears every day or two in these columns. Save it for reference. ad-dr"- f t ITtHHT rn cur. d So. .CiT. ROOMS 1 1 1 no; t : V.t:. NICELY FrHNTSHKD ROOM3 C.ooD location. Private faniUy. ill Si 3rl Kir: houstjK-j'liw;- c! : -- FRONT NICE ROOM. MO! F. RN. tm but ur.U cola a:tf. , R. U io. MODERN. I FRNIHfl ED ROOMS. prt ferrrJ. 1 Fu'orn-av- Bt .' .it . OOOD NK'EI.Y FUUNIPilED 41 ti, ..i i;.,t. wc.k; j.r FFRNiSIIKt ROOMS WITH FOARD; S1! So. Wist Tcmide. I'l N'jar W ih.t R. XX'alkfr" h n riat t JAM Kd RCDTT, tt .i t'T, ll.o !: lie i D nm "trurt.ir Pi:r f i' t. o r 'd n in Atnlly piv. Ittt-!r :i.t.T I! Rae. Itv 1 . . D i r l f: t ii.--l I an !) vf' ilT. . ! XV air lrrr- jt'.. f i: i l r.?l l f g tim a I'l t t I I ! tii-.r- f Iti fiiri, si I t .'.'I t n I- - t-- J t 3 f tV Hiit t ? t f : T rn r . r 1 - i- . J f fsit.ii! t ?. f .! t 4 " t t. 1 1 bi 1 p n. w 1 o i 4. (I Mt 1 .aW !' axv irsj.i.ia Tt'rtKDiJt I'ar Iri a ajr M W. IH ;" ? w xj' o f , .1 1 1 k and I t f ! Y . i !. aa-- t M ii '' I xJ f , . d. .1 n't hXt. l . t t.s.x l.ui! i.n ;.. r rn-- i mo- D ! I !.. jr r . ".-- I".'.- l.ruirr . rrr.lhJ 1 n k Vu 1 ti rt i'lr. m '1 ' f..l . ; r v . rt.f al'h x it a a--- r . a t- ; ..a T t cl rt'-:- - I 'P ! r " i risin r ! .'t '.- t- -.i !. rr I. fDNTYS u:n. IS !)!, mnr tnd So .tr. Ct.AJRVOYANT 5, Wrat Tarn; la. TYPEWRITERS. . on orneyt terms, Brerfis-5taut- t :nd-haxd- . f N i r a. I 1 r-- 1 5 rr, J cafti K.thadi: Co , Id 5. aiit p ffa iim i N T er-.- a r.U'. I r r . v 1 to or aa :.a.ot t and I jr. f IlItAf. I" ? a I I -- Ik f Ol op-jr- t ra-- a bvinf lor OUlMnlt - I :' J 1 a'. I - a ! 1:. a VS '' .aa 1! 1' 7)H, 1'. a r M 1 1 I t r C - ' 1 't ' A J ' 1 .An SI r ' .s I f 1 t i : a I rr.t I." i ; - - J : : t j' a 1 t I t.r t .a- - a as 1 1 i t , I . i ';'" ir.g a ' I I - . I a t - t- a vw a 'i P ! ? rv i r '.;ti"C ! ' t a an 5 4. t i t . -- i ri f a o- -.t ai j ' . . a- t: f . 1 "- t I htt. tit i ; 11; ? f 1- . 4 t ' , 9 1 , L1 141TX'' . i- r 1 a .r it ' - Xll i 'M.f ui 1mi .i4.t ai.a JP 8.C tr $a. i.i a "I BP, W , jr a. ANf M";t T N Trr t.' v f "' or . t . Darn i ' i ; , i i a P-W- .. i 'VP a -- I g-- a" t a A t; j 4 ; a t Pr-- f ar:;, M"'f a;t taka CTir. th, VFN-- a t .tx::; li.lurt-r-it ar nnrrt-- c;'st, , I .! T . I; f t a T IT ,t 1 ' 1 ! I 1 j 7 t Ml. J ; i- -' r f irj"-- : J j ! r. i 1 1 ? ctTk' cr S-t- t C a :"', a ; I;, K k r A NM "! ta. x , J rLLrr aca i rr.rr. nat i '.fl. . VI .vort jtn To am.-- v i a FA 1 a, . . iV ' ; t, p tnil i. ot'la. w r (- 5 H I" i i a H. r 4 a ' NI a .,t . t . r itni .r.. at ttN tiftn a t r- - . i.i; 3 ' tNTI -- a, v, Ii Fart, f "Itr : xx r. ,i !. i JJJ t'a, a i, ri CTAXTED- - , ItoFffToV THE ItoFRCUJl uavi: tara ir tit .o- .a. til A CURAT KNAP? tAtlTY rwlffllfT A a I mutt a"l tr.a rtlr-iaaf taul I txtna In lfl da a Tw K' taat 'frftti CitrrKll. la i I It ' LAitiK a??d nrrLTCTOns. - " '. - at T, ' i ft i l ' .4 ., NKTTD f ... " 3 lat 1 t. a:a Tfa-r- , I.. i ' f arma ri i J J. Afttrrit I x, t I Ta. r-- .xoi; mrf I f r. 4 i rr.r-so:fA- L F k. j n v? F.Ap'j j: V.-..- .awe a. !.-?- rr.D Y' ,?' . ; 1 , a month Hal taveattrHrct Co. W. ?r. J Smwih. AN A)-!.)- t r I .If?. . a IK pel In - .- -T t I'--a . r x . -- " ft. F a-'- ' I .).f,'l- If 3 1 C;r. :;t A ap.-w- r. -, I f p.s'VA.v r..:..vi t.t-- lT-rAT- a . p lta F4n.fi a . .. e r-- f . r t is N a ; jir: : m. I r.ttn.;,raAfr.r,MX fpi a at nf.ra U A tjus'). i, itci)NAt 'HIT, ra Ff Ht i rati X,mft I.a fily RANCitr.s Ji r. if ttl lUir.f f ' '3 I" 3H at ":t D at , - I. Ht .i -' .:..,( ti !. a I !" tr ' t tr.strl at ' I rt r rl. I'MicJtjr FOP. ll I1??.-- J . . it f "f Jf r t""-':'- It-a- !h. r- a 3 - t : a- - ! '.'il'Mt 11 1 ,1 t r t"'tr t A, Jf- rJ tr, t tr, fr twa. aar- K --' f II j a I' tr-- I' ' I a " I 1 n-nNti- J '. J 1. r "i 0,--r- ! I""" i ft N A tIit."i f .M'f, - & liaajr Irrtaa. M ,t in N I'! I4 . !o:rrr to loak. 1 a . t.li in t . i 1 . .! '1 at . i. I ..,- A A . trwi'-- fv an Hff'l, i: IT, a!, jt an.l n t a. at t I". h ! K v. ti . : 1 1 r Wraf 5" n.t LYNN. PALMIST AND ASP XV. rl - , atra. l" I'.- t trl Ir.Jl 1 ;t- ff-al- , " !'. It - T-- to 'itn 'f:;licl :ot:ci: t:j r;tjr ar4 af?. rrtnrS 'j"i!v r. (I I r Ft IH , ! . f 'ii ft1 f'W'm . VPS. I' ll AS-- : r.rtAWi.?:. riitt l tn..a, a n lf--- 1 -- V a f !''J i.,r fwte, , J.- - ; . PS . P. f-- . h. a-- H.v:t nd ?., c 11) a 1 It iJk'n c a a-- : V.' ta. I.c . U'jivf 1 Hi . r A If t j f llf Vt1'! r 1 firs rnio'4 t. and iranee .i f XX i;' ll f t, afa a t tnlfr ".)!' ;! ! ti- ''-r- n:r nvild. ;:tt. .nt-. l J, a ;-- .! I i l;tr ?'-- t r-- 1 r a F-.- ti . r r I V.;..'- - . tn I ;ii "-..- t s lI -la rn intai:m. a:-.- ! ci yr a. i- j.r"ifi. !,. $. in - la ri r 1 'n 51 r . . ii( r..m . I ToXX N a;.--- t , - 1 1 4 r 1 Uh j4 Oi'.olMi IDt j l :.t rn k Nov. jrtH, At uS 4MMV. . N " X'. ir.l t; I. ..If Itt "- n - m I X. l W C- IS rn 1 F'- IN .4 '"I ft rn -- T r"t ,fp r r i r-- .I !4 AUCTION CALX. " I ) t -r J M A ti i: a f a 1 .r.!- i'mf t e;a ltrrrrf r w no at r r tj.-- r. ' ii ... W r r.arrrr rr.xrrur. ,.ir,4 "iTTrD M I ai ft, f r- - ... Iri':"iri;i; t r n.Anx. taiioh.. ki:ti ii .- pit lo. rn"-!!- . t f I I :0 ! HICTCLL3 ASD RXTAXRIXO. . I". 1 1 V. -! 1 . - 1 lei i'i.Tri;JI ix ii . -- a f Sozlh State Street 4 t-- ft I M'Tl"!;!: rr. A h - -. r IN- - atrar-a. ji . ft vi!b. 1 102-10- ! i 'LM j a! ! Rr-l- " No i; I; nj-lhr- p 1 w. : tp I"lv;, A. . Vm rs IV r ' i. K' Itt'd ttons". V"""'-- j. TT"r.TTTjfW I IT CLr.Aja:0. t o r I ft r. 4 f 'ii rta-- '.'.; '.;f;. r(; - At a 1 ?. J , Vm 1 1 . I'iiilrijfi - ,.f f ill no j w crftmn, wrT tiiipd ha.l Iika tVr. a.mt;.a tri, f ln ht !l: ft 11 a it nrnrr.n AATrtTrT x . . iU:i tn. atnx a a-- 1 I . 8 " ft' I: ; fr-i- "1 ' . W ;.;, j 1 A. n '!.... m-- o ,r 'i " fllmlC 1 ! rt.t'rr Ttr ta. AT i i t 1 e wt n.i 4 t ( P r ari.w'i. tijt w TA1XOXUL t . sa M.Mr r twill vm i; 1 "i tvtTnKii tf hait rwr r? Ia4-ia-tr- ML --- .i n,r ANtNrj a. CARPET if X3TXIKO. H-r- 1 r 1 t..,rr.'- tr a u.o Mam at ' '..;t i ra-'.- if t CO ASSATX2LS. atrr ; tsi; o I r-a iK'nvrx-q- ft Mtrt. pi 1: tur ir.&, iiat-r- It? r :. .ri:U, "1 !;. . I- ai t' F n. ..t. .. p-.a ' ri.l b-.- k iri. :i;i x k, lf4-- . M Jt-- i, l ! It:.' AJJt P-j- ji .(- - Buildinr. l - lt.-- l'i-- . a lANITAKT CO, "vt Mol.lTtN I ltl"t-- " CAST KID i. r ' r f . 1. . r.H ""! tt:o . I. ae ul ,r t ' Mk : . - y. l;f.. 5t R3. t f;w r, r,r;t: a t?j..f C. ( tvn iiamd rwit. tradk t.AKi: I D palt vih , r ' ti at. r. t - P-- r riy. .oi ll tir fap'w- - "!''.. . r tbirc !" rn !! au IiTI a CIXAT?0 AKD s .u... M st V. ! , l: - Mm I.ADJr... a4 ar.lr Ntrw op o A. RICHTER, n s( rn l.ov - iv a rf ;n l:I.i - t y fn. I. rrvirrr r If. vt :mTit cli:'r. u afT!tm rr lrio,P. mn'. a ar;rw. ! t t ,, I ir fen.-- r tn:e'l-1 a ...( f- i. Ca, tt.1 J I rt.I.hf fl,ieoi-.-ir:r a 1 1 i.,r 4 N,--lf - . i"h' st. 4 i:v. I' x T- I! I tf cra.a " t. rnt. f -- l 8 a MPT A It Jt'M . 4! , I b--- x. r' t CASH JtXOXSTEK.. k . T I . . no Pt ixvnv . r 1 ! fv;j A. JND HAND fea.-it- - a r;ifnr. fr..r !;."" :klfr t ; cr !", 1 5 5 r fvir' tt... 1 i i.t M f.i i l la.. J5s,ho. VI ar IfltJ. W All, 'f t" m, r r 1 FT r.i:tT-- i'f'itr. rrnNiTfiic. W t . f- 44-- I am. M . . f l.t , rorr.f r i DI ft , m imrr r'f toinal, i i...!;.t imr t l ;r i SPIRITUALIST. M EXGHaGE California and Eastern I St., ' uk. p t IlarrlnePn A COMPRTKNT aw piinitt.R P Pi I '. l.n' Kivtr.if t iH, Ha ft unt at t a : . i:.tr 1: :','. ,ai r .1. k l,i fr i t I..fr ' l"s. t Uh. In !.. n h.l fs nvi V I'.tmtni'.!nn fra f. Si- - M.!iM :. KE1TYON HOTEL f iT).'-- t"--r.. 3 LEARN TO SWIM. tn TOHF f ! af(-! 'a . . " Prcjress-Hera- ADiT.t:1 o . striTt: It A MKIt, D . J.-i- il SALT LAtv 1 7UTTLEBRQS., OSTEOPATHY. P.O-jMS- 0 i rt. ni'h rii fr ". f. I . location; Sl.ii - fa-tr- 1 ;r.- - I.irillT FOR So ;t! r- 1 .". rr.t friftt. .lh a-t- .::. t-'- THB G, C. RiCHlBR CO., 0i t tf1, j .; , li'V-Utf- i BATIIt How Do Ycu LWi i jr-- r Wt mtoMS not fprnisi?i:p "Tl XX. So. TTr!;t!.for a . - pt. FFRNIFf IKD 1 r -r it t 11 d r nt . t XX" j w 4aMf. jh: r4 xxt ETORAOE, ti 1 tf ffttf- r.-r- 5. I - LA ROC FRONT ROO.MH. fD'.f NI Tjor, Ko"d location. ci.ia;. CI W. Temple st. ND'KI.Y. IT'RNinnD ROOMS. IP XX 2 ... tt-i..- r. l.st. M So. 1st -- U n P. I 4. Co.. in,. ' I'l CNI5H IIU It . n t o.. t ..." ff-r- So. WiTII ROOM i'Kht 2: 1 IPr---- f rtd s ROOM 3 FUR P.F.NT, .!. U-- sh. m I I ! jt In I j f v ff- S t nt'rrrjn awia 11 t'" jmll W. U rt t it a! c mi)tn rxnrvr.lryraa tf tiatr f f.t jt 1 Itoo.Mi AND VrnNISIir.D XV. KU'KI.Y hoard If t fr. f. trg-t.uj- rl-lr.rr- tf IT'S HIS PAPER. . W. So. t IlillLI n m ho t-- . NI'MHA ITCNlSItED ROOMS. CO. . M. ari X!a!Ut th V ..! S fVi "t... H IT t joj uir.t ERGS., 145' Itfaln at,-- t . n.rrr.NisntrD nth Fo. ltt!xhir 4si ((;() r, 111: TJiCY Aft it 11 t. DijircTon. (ALT iu-I- e..k Sojth Temrte. W. 1 1 . 2r,..I 1: tit: Wala,-n- R.. t FOR SALE ROOMING-HOUSEw : a hi iVt it 'si i N i 1 n fi fi ; l !! wr,. ct',,ir,rp f. r yn.,i 'A rt?thr i r...m rluuit. A fteitn l.ou . arrtj. Ar J ' tf hnk;i ran b d!-- tr. injr a to t.,t rr.'iinrb,4? 01. A r.ur oj i r'e;.!:v to kI; :in ihe (rro. t i. hn lb t t rrot.ijrar.t in t n :'- . a I o tv.rvt: r. c itr fir iiittir' nor-- . .. v w w e ; .. 41 addrr that thW V.'.k. right? TWO FRfi.VT rooms. T"t r;Ntstinr fnr I.oum' t pir ? no ehlidren. 4:.; s n tv. f. KDTN' CHArf. I'.UDKU . TlC-X- lUala 1 Got IT. C. Embr-- . I. I'UICr Dm-- . lc j e S. Q Wc a;r !i f'-- r 4 12?.? Operated by J. M. Kearsley, No.tarri-tc.rWindsor Avfrrtit-Embra- ces the y bounded by Third South from Sep. In end East Thirteenth Eat: from Fourth to Fifth South by Main to Thir teenth East. t I- ! Route btcb-fr4- a: n 1! - r DIAMOND HOI OUT OF M CON. fihuy Ii a goixS in rii'mT.t M KN'H HIOHEST PP.ICK PAID FOIt rv.- -. r 4 hi. t and c.!t to ip.ihine, C. (Viniil' i;il t. t TAII Jt'N K .. tOIU:nr PKIf'KS tubWr. paid r.ip tren. u K. tih Ho Tf t Z: coffer. brn. tr. . -'! Trl. . IL'litr'n Itril Tltn : k-- na TmiR tat WICKK, XrZ 1 l Route 13. KIM Ilrva e. rtJi?r.JLA.L .. rrmm i r. 1.; P. Ctri Wfit. CAFH PAID nm DI.D PK)KM AND rrv!4. Mnlna arln.x a OI J Uok- - jurr, ro-.tn- ' n f ': . f"-ritcr- y t i-- LAIUIlrt KTVLI.SH JtLAi'K t 11 k Pi, I nt. r.S ruin. ft.it- - prle'' II, TIitram. DAY WOl;C HY WOMAN. Y Opernted by P. L. Hall. No. in A Ftreet Embraces the bounded by South Trrnpl", Thirteenth East, Third South and Scon 1 East. r.'r i t- - ffcn t Fi NT.XT 11 1 1 IX tlOt'SKS, at Sort lor Tum; xrxv on pApr.ita T. tatata. r"a HA 1' ncr - . I. A L Aiierlcae w all Paper Co. - i ".at.it - r,- ll. run iiaiimokik nn. i.ir.7.!: onjsi.rn. raa North. fir 4vtr.Pr,rn't ' a :j rst A RiCHTER. l' CKNT 1 - fr If W. 11 PAH. pr If l..r c f.r.". y r-- -tt :frir r. tju: rni.T r:i 1 '!- SCTOWXTXflL Ttmpla. that wttt c'v 5 ou 'it a i pntife ilar and i. iw? j .u I.si in j rt. wil . The Carlisle Trdlar. have agreed r r fuotb.ill r; meet the local t'niveri-iteleven hereon ChrlJdtrns day, providing a suitable guarantee wiil t jut up by o u h Molirt? thi- - local mar.a.Ti t!i nt. wind the ivd n:e:i last night thit any reasonable sum will 1 guaranteed, nn theni to 11.1 !.! tin Ir lsrur. atkd Th Indians are foinimc Weft for thn n t nniornlJi purpose or playtnK will New Year's , and n tout th-meet a numtt r f trains. Cw!i Wnr- ikt. wlin his the trip In cHhsk. ban rrotrds-, Cuach Holujt'! of th bu i'I team, that the Indians will stop flf l.rre for a same, provldir.rt the money tl by-ni'ht- ? Poplar d"itM roil in rvrrv tl.-- n iai ron j J IOC A r-- 8CAVXS0CS. CHRISTMAS GAME WITH THE INDIANS d.-.y- Ilft. A Tc-- r aiu ; MISCELLANEOUS. WALL PAPKU H3 t MtnY H--- FECIAL c. : U W. tKD SOUTH, WALL PA pi:h pp es I r Z 1:: Jl I d Uh K,H. I;t. , 1: .I. r nr.coitATrr tX3 jutr rvd A 1 is.. 1 ..s . WALL PA Kit PALH. WALL I'APKIt ftAt.t:. -- Em-brac- 1 II. h 1 T. V. Jones, w pins. -,7 k ini"S G Kami" a 15. L.. Uniwn, K pin1. Damascus, scratch, 1 Kaui-- - VV. . nr. I Pvxihrwia adp'tnirv in 1 I'll ;." I SpeculaciYi Prcpcslllona ..!""" l77 is, v. ?JB I.C--- V-'- i ptns.. J,.,. plm W. W'idton b pins, " k tr. .1. H. Smith 1) pins. 7 ". J. t)U-l- ') pluf, 7 K in' mav he found the names and of uldroes of the city carrier agentswith The Salt Lake Telp?rram, together the boundaries of the various routes which they control and operate. These averts purchase the papers of the company at wholesale and retail them to their rr.spective customers. Subscribers s ill de: 1 direct with these carriers In all to the starting or matters pertainingstopping of ' th? paper.- payment for subscription, changing of address, etc. Houtes 1 to 8. Operated by "W.. K. Parr, who Is also central manager of carriers. Offlcp. 149 S. V.st Temple. 'Phone No. 710 the territory bounded by South Temple. Scond East, Fourth South and First West. Route 9. Operated by Arthur Kelley. Nn. 23 Frm' ley's Court Kn braces the territory bounded by Seventh South. Thirteenth Ka st. Ninth-Soutand Main. Houte 10. Orerater! by J. IT. Miller. No. 2377 S. Seventh Enrt Fmbraees the territory bn-nG. South Temple arid North "Main. TT? Tt m:wu far rnof. jii WT DIAMOND COAL. ..I Hamilton Scrutoh Kirk wood- - pins Pr. I a. l)t tb kind V ptin II. G. Crabln' '.'0 piiiH A AND t. Navnjj W. Jrd &oultw Cor. U4&-- P'"I .1. RpIow rrtf. Tel i-- I '. TTrKWHITKfta. PF.NSIir.ItR F. lln of IllTtor and Cjrtxr, - t. I. pi t K-i- town. cheap. fu',1 P. Scratch .Scratch , S. Spitz--ptrs f. Skllres Svxatcii I;. N. y.nmst P phm W. Fowltr Scrutc-luinlltoi; 1 NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS, h'irttrs, Orov. ..I'M . MISCELLANEOUS. HK.VVy WORK TEAM. WAOON K. Whitney r. pirs ptn Talamantes S.T.it; h W. Mclnil Scratt h IS"!-.- i- Mtt pkatin.i itjsrt. wint nrricr: tn-- cb-9- .' 1 1. 1"4 fr.m.hr.trn. tr. lfeurr. u.-,0- f HAEOON. !' Scratcn ... C. yndili Nephew , t f,lm rt-p.NAc- . f jrr.4ra. I trm. mb' rm. fr, Miirriirt. mt rA rf.tjm.! on etIw .rT ar.d!'cr to rr.l J I'NS N UK;.rir,. . ... . ?n i WIf. ITl. hno 'WbWf r ( llair fign ekst location is dflr.g K l b Jln . tri.ml r nt. Apply H.x 147 Ulnthnm Junction. I'tah. IT"3 IT' nit . l-- J. Total Points. 'r; I'7 il. fm. m. U Ur.coJr. av . mMrh 1 II cmplotr..! for . Mm. fa..1) t hm nfr lm rsrw at a rttan rxjl t ran . Mr AVInhfr a ! nit .f M ! r.4 r 't tbrir rwf jf TIE.-iXKWFOI'Nf IANI I'rr-IMKwatch dog In th world. 1'J Htle St. FFUNITURK AND PIANO AT 7f ITII pc-ond- Players. Handicap. K. ; imbb S ratch O. I'ltehrns 10 ptus t iofl l'As. -r- la ( . d ld S3 - n A. RICHTER, c:t. 8. st. it W ih rr y nn: WltXW, itoMn nkw u inki.i::i rS Ki. th foT'-U- r trrrifrt airrojin rn.- in jsatin! insult C, Don't Build 13 !. rf.i mi Vcur own hcrn you ren bay No.rbrirk ij t.. a derre. tonnctcd atth lot on easy t rm for liio. roiis; h-- f W 11 UOROD " -- . l?M. MOD -- . t-- C?l. srwisfi ?iaciiink. c rrn month. Vh!:. fao, 3 A. tt "". . (Sttffith tare n Jm. ., f.. r huiu. afvd It. j.Nt;t o-m kr '.'.I. , i,. t.rr rrrr-.-crju'krrjark hall. HjJ fvf c!.a.i,jiif, ut nimiu! lt rot.imn. A. RICHTER, mtrn. .r riw.in, HI ba'.'.d A ucnrt amj lt 3.. nt.. Tel. M. W. - d rt :.PV m &- UW. t-- r, ml r,. V. tf rW It) front fortOratcag. on whtrh I am lrrIr b il!Uin hrm basatiftd tu!U to orlr roitaf-n-. tor Crn iinu rnr.y a horn I fur Itctrt llirnvm.brm. .f Hubr NfUfcda; IJ. M vlar.n. ao ftl.l nnrthrrnt f'r : mr.t Z4nUU th iMrxl for IV. - Call-fonti- two-year-o- 1N hauM4 JJ rtrc rL"RNiffiii;ili.jt-ii.;i- t :JS W. i'aftfum Ht. m-ir. Ill N St . Ve, 4 TutUa Ilroa, IrT-Hrai- IIP W r.t - fc-r- 1 . irn-mlRu- top-notche- rs season, which opens at Oakland today, has been anticipated with great anxiety ?. by many patrons of the turf in peoconceded is by It generally prospects ple who follow the- game thatrace track :tre the brightest since the war several year ago. There w ix! doubtless be more horses here than in any previous year. While there is iw certainty at present in rejwerformers. there will gard to hish-claF- s he more shifty horses than ever before gathered nt one track lu California. will Doubtless many good performers be developed during the meeting that much consideration. are now not given be plenty of It looks as if there-woulRood, material here for the California overDtrby, and that, in spite if theclub In California of the Jockey sight stake for a net either November or December. Th bis event of the opening day la the Inauerural handicap at one mile, added. There are fifty-eigwith entries. Kenilvvoi th occupies the post of honor. The ctt of Sir Modred is given 119 pom ulf which is two more than Beau Ormcnde is asked to enrry. Next on the list is Divir.a, who displayed such excellent form at. the State fair meeting. ..Claude,, the frequent Derby winner, has 114 pounds, but the distance looks a little short for the porwof Lissatc. g J-- r, f-- r-- au i., .. v,r r.i. nr.At, estate. thaTs nt; Tuiti.. l;rn, Hi Main. Tl1 tU 'KV There will doubtlrns b a good a rk ri'lnt A Passing Chance; Grab IU Ctty trty.I H.fr. tnj!VUir lt class of jockeys out her thia 0 on ahlf h wi;j to ..ur cr rrr.jr. son. Some of the will ') IXijxtfii feet, til fenced, bomlnir well and drr mny kind of a rintrs ytnt aunt, jon xrry urmn nr.d thf rrrr M do some riding, but there will be a jr-city water c th lot: th hu (w raty ld tnM a tuUfal mg tor a brick with electric Itcrtt. utory , chance for tome of the b () bath, jru ho; and ctld nter, on V. 1st North; l tr RAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 14. The race offv-rin- T1TT1. liROtl II MAIK ITT.. ?tb II pt... nr. utb e. l , Jt H Ft , in. ITi f. St . rw4. ttk , r. trv !t ft.. rffla. & I worth Favorite. - li-c- TO JLE2fX 82bw rt rrtrr. mrt mitn4 mtitrtf Trtrfdr. ptrr bcctmwi f of front owr nrt ground cti lho K rmtr rho!.; f.tk I. H. Tts lnd Ut 1h Bl thlm. frtotlnr ivt l ft.r chajr rc. Kh trr or and flr. H.v "C5 1 ..1, ESTATE. L muKoiKrv THE FACT STTF.L. "REMAINS THAT nor homa arc oWJ tbrougU my ncy than any oth'r In th city. Why? mm It ou r tratd ligtit. & you wUh to purcB. A. Klcbtr, 1 W. First South. HOGSKIN Coast Meeting Which Begins Today; SAIX-KZA- nf.w.it HArrnstxaa in KEA VI lil'HT trt. tor ff0000 TOP-NOTCELE- TOIL F.' PCTERSON. ItEAt. ESTATB Jt you loans. S3 W. jrrui Routb a tarRAit In a hou f r lot. or to buy tr.e. I fiv aome cju investment, O. Knd "l-A- AT THE OAKLAND TRACK JEST ATE. REAI. FOR SAIX H AUGURAL HANDICAP r Salt Lake Telegram. Xhe SATURDAY EVENING,' 'NOVEMBER Id, 1903. 'W aV-w- ia ot. .aft, '1 S2"a n, |