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Show SATURDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 14, 1003. I f It! IlK 3 Zeus on our fleet the rage of Horcus dread i li b. As when the north vlnJ. in an- ,;tumr.al hour, O'er tho wide champaign ttilsllc- down doth blow, v; V Clinging together as it caa. t, h MACHINE. ,.- - While, careless of thin ' master, JJ J I V H i,n Mi' f.ffi" Mrii Mill M '" Mttrhett Mt'Li:M M.iv Mll Mr A Sinni! (S, pM car- - C rt r ? J"hn ) s M Ml ;:...! t S-i- 4 I J. !) Mi.. nj-o-n i i ! And'TSiin II try A'iiP i ..nil I..) Ainh r..f. II I r I . i I.U T-- - I- I I A :r " r AilT-It- i- .iff h'l.'i"! ! rro-s- t J. ' at r r Rr if r. . fee ! I Al;-i-:i- ' A' ; H-- . t n-- '., Hi-..- . i - -T- .'! Jo---phi- : , I Ar k--- "ffP 4 - K "' ' - V A r - d J ! - .,-..- - I ' i" .to f .....T"'i" II - I el .... I ' e- i i ... j, . , .' ! n t,..,.. ..... . ....... . h It' 1T. Smc) !.( i.;-a. m t C 1i 1 HI, Ti r I , i, ""I I.' i 1 ' A rrcfitablc 1'Ucti P.O J 1 1 ,. I k P. O "A w.-n- I . r- - I - !iv , , C.r i'i:p v ; - M-s- i, . I - '!..' '!; 1 ' ..- - v- I , :- I i - " 1 1 , . ? - i ' : c:.:r- , ; .. r jik !'.!", ' H - t . l -- I 1 i" . " j - ' I)r.r7'."''t C f i',-VJ - f r. . C what The Telt qrim will do fcr vour busi. ness isk any Telegram t. 1 a.m. advertiser sshzl it his done for his. l ll.va w: e t t.t. V :'' Southern PaciTic t'ompanyV. Lines ij ( 1 c;ia-:stor..j- 1 tvrrt'. 'i v ft V-'- if i . - 1 il 11 a tj t- - t- - 1:,- , o c rt hi:a;th, v: i.'lT'l. I tH5 ,rt k l ... 1 1 .k (inl ! V ; , I fi-o- I Pif.i to -. ft '"rr-m- i V. j i 'i. ii Ground e& lUrlh. - Orcattei.1 'j s 1 ,1 C t r, ! . ar-- 1 : j ja-r.- J F YOU wzr.t (o Knew 2r!ii?ornia 1 i lt.Cl't.j nef;-a- i:saaasaw3Braawsai5. as; ! " I .. rr.jrr A. C- TTl It A. T A f tt. p .E"h H P. ? M-- st t tis.u.ji XVmtlk at fir 5' 1 tj SEI i -- a; "M .;.., fc, Tri.t.....' ' .... Mti I I c K r .r .i.t i.ks: t'lrt t - ;i far4""' to ot: Is; t Deitrht'ul rUr? to VUit. A . : jt - .. ..- - . r pi.. l": ! '' . 1 ".: 1 io st. 1 - A. Xln. Btsmt. C0L0rVD0.UTAlt SHORT LINE IV.fli, i . - t - I ! i ;,, f i.ir it ;' ! 1 e, Mat. j I ir,. ,ir t Atf,ivp : ; . . , ; . nw tra - tt-r- h',!A. 1.1. f"t i Trs T, ? tf . - Itk'le, ?ikn i ,. r,-- l.ie . i 0. i ftsJ.I ..f t - ! ! .., - ilfr rn , , - 'v. Mia Etrei, en I; r;i..l..;TT, . l -- TI'i'Ml 4 ' HI .... . JV i J . f4 ( r., i i . St-- . r' t . - . . r uirfttiK- r Pi I h-Court M ! .:, J City Tick at OiSca, 6PDEVE?Ife 1 r fte i.- j.r - t. ,.;; ' i ; ir " f; . ' t. I (. V It. D & . 5 . r ' v t.j ". r"M .t Jtl , . '.i-- Ter .. ! . s'!) : tit f.t:...-- . ".r v rk ; s-j I,, t t ' eak. . f k ttk. 'f OrTi.t, i '!! j, lt, .13 lk"aw ... , r. j .. Mmn r-- -- - !r . " Ot ik k::.J, . ir T! ! tm . TS, ing Pl, . t vIi-- I. v, ,:t l.ak . i " I' on II' f l.trr, . r.rr.. j , ' t prins i' i ei.tMiv CSty Tlc&n OfScn 23! t .. !.;. If d- C ;.: pi.ta't I I kf-- i'. ir f .ti e C r... f.'. 1 Iinf kr.. f'fcf Ce Fee. (vir.rjr t . j. :fw.r J. n'.ril- - t D;r-- :. an rrn-...- I 19 .,t ?. f iq ia.;s iIm: - - r .i"irt t:Tef Halt i V JJMHt. . " i I KlMllW. tswn til i i, tit ; K'rn ..... ....r tl - , .. t tfr 3;33 p.m f ''"v ' Ii r ..5;35 p.m . !! p. i''r)f,( . r tjf.fa.. ...3.33 ji.b . -- KM.tl ............. J' t p. t35 rti." . .... - n ;" lilt ivi;. A r..rT rj ii--t- . ts1n- - ! nv, .... titak.ni. ,,., h. tf &. I i:. !. i - i ! Mirah in Daniel Deronda." Mhs Avr-to- n .rr)!-i-i "i.- - wri is herself a writer, and has conAtUtn-o- 'j T S H It tributed occasional short storks to I., wh I hi." r." i.. i i; v. Audi . n;m American magazines. t t . wh r A '' Aldrirh p. n ile' Asti v A C ' ,iiv on i McCIure, Phillips Co. am publish- i: H At';; -- on A r. V i ins ior ir.e tioit.tays n fpvial edition of ';! ' M .rri. t .la. their "Emmy Lou." by C ni tc Madd. u .'. .i P' . f J W : V r. A M.i 'V 1, Martin, w hi, h made tin h a su. hist -M ii Crow J" a ll.ilph is It year. dainty lift!.- book in red .. ii i ii M i: '. .;: i cloth and cold, and uniform with it are Ma J I! p Hi,,. THE EEIGN OF QUEEN ISYL. : h i r i "I ' r published William Allen Whites Harry re M.t ..'tin of P,oyille. and P. .. .11.1. t: I, .ii ' . I stories of quaint hil r. ::iv to Thf -- v.rv'i: J Gelett Burges and Will Irwin, the one Madness of Phillip." It. . r .i.i"" thr- ; are isThe I S. t .t.V: known for his work in "The Lark," and sued as a set. lUtv.. C V v u t" v .v. s ; Iani; the other for his choice and amusing itoatllo-M ?l rt Sanford Stories, would be expected to Of the niivnaminu of honks th. t. l i,o it.'fik C " Mb, ri' i, ' V, produce something original in collaboend. Stewart i t f w v. : M. i:. Kdwaid who Whin. ration. "Original" id certainly the wrote "The Ulaz. i Trail," Mas ..hlU-e; c ?5. tiriif I'";m. i i ' k ' word to be applied to their new book, r. . Mf v ,5 t; to while an listen ent husiastl.leceniiy M 'The Reign of Queen Isyl," that ' admirer :'V" 'v vit- it spent half au hour in praising !..e ndi' Ai I C & are Co. out Phillips "Tne Bitted Trail." ' i: , bringing , S .1 this month. It is both a novel and a colj cp t , P.. i T V,. lection of short stories. The main story F. Crawford's r,.'W ni.vl. lt.ik. t AA J concerns the story. of the disappearance "The Marion I ' It H X. Heart of Home," sir C.ilheit ParV.i.iwp ' :.o , of the queen of a California flower fesA P t: .!.,..; i; "Old Quebec: Th" Portre kers f of I V,.- ;h !!.. r M tival. Grouped around this are numerew frtincp." and Mr. M";K? 'Lif-- i ' ' A J rf ous stories of adventure in love recountt of Sladstone" ' i ir into their secoivl ' i 'o. M -' ' A ;.- v ,; i ed by the characters in the main story. eoiiioiiN on ini n i.'r, i . at q. oi So par. ion. j amui-inIt 's done in a most fanciful and V .1 T also did thre.. other books published bv 'I.- - M A f vein and is quite unlike any other the Macmillan l '1 ' C rr. p I "The Marie company .. r I book ever written. I. r 3 Forest." by Stewart Kdward Whit"; I It rv lo." "The Gold n Chain." by Iiss W !. p Mr Cr.KCTES AND COMMENT ' n r. hn Overton, and "Aunt" Jimmy's "" I A Will," , . v new , the i ; M r it i stoi C for virls ihel by OF BOOKS AND AUTHORS. 1' ! w the author Osgood WriK'-it- , I' ;,'. i J f town." -. ' H 't v V.' "Th- - Kinship of Nature." by P.liss ; :, t . I lh.-. I new The . . ' book by MortiniT n:d frt volume of - T the i by j the youiiir poet. Is announced for Imme- othy Men; is "Tn . L k i ; Putbar." a.u, lS ,i r N X diate publication by 1... C. Pasre - Co. "World's Child! ei." and tie , ;r r h 'Us t r M w - in .t by th's talent'-family. It tos ,.....,. i c. Booth Tarkington ai d his iife arf in huiTired retnht tiou. in oiori n' ; p.. ... ...-:,: . r iih.-,fr. !on enjoying the v Mr. life of the paintinsrs by t rary s vMi.;.t, -t. j. hr;-- : i ; i t ..:.,.. . ". T.- daughterth'-- b.- ftl-ul- v.. ritj.'n th-city in its social ajq.ect. V i c t: V ther thf b;i-- f t',M, i; v. io.!i IT is London that the of la" aneiei.t a orttl .,f If;- - j A t .v.. .1.- dtmrlrd for Morlcy's "Life of ilia, nn.l In lh: book (!: "A' .; A v is unpreeedeutej in the history of p'.iit- - scribed and i htur-;,?!.!. k: it; t r "ttv i a j . s hem.? Messrs. th MacmiHan i f,r had biography. ; v,.t.l hn ,.r, t: , their resources taxed to ccpe silh even dr. Menp.-!;.:d ; l v. J s i: ort'lt.;th npj . ; : the rc.juiiements of the retail trade. V V iiiK on thlor ; p . f i .' i. : C. The Macmillan company v.Td publish ir: Th Xr.vrmb.--- r rur b r ef n,. S.a ut j k" S- -t L this month an important and tim-dvol!.(!.- hy opr.s v. ith a ume on "The Opening of the Missis' Townsend P.rady. eiitilP 1 "T! C .. , ;'p 'J i 'ti. in ct,:fe." la v. ht h thi d:t!n;:-;!:.sippi." by P'reiJeric Austin Oks. instruca J . t. b tvi btor in history in the I'niversitv of In- iti thor :; ; .;i at liU r ' .' p:..:...' dia t. r K vv r.a to form j r subvt a:., ... i,,rv : at o has an a owl bJ n P r i ne ',v f , '"" and i;i ttr-.- tiv- v.h,..- th .h.ii'.c-outparty is tiTiiift-'.r.i:t 'i . in little sixteen mo.--- ., th. I'Jardr n are drawn with ".tali-- !; t ' . ' Lover's series, the opf nintf volumes po. lit" A This a r.a a V of l.,v an '.! v. h " "A Hook ol Sui.dial Mitp,," v, ith j mi'.. in Wall tr- -I', . IP'; '. i an essay by Alice Meyntll. ar,d "A Car- - sippc:r? as th- - l..ipj--t- . ;) of c. ; !.!. Or. t ! 'hn Lover's Birthday Hook," ..d bv Ur.idyV adnitrab1." lit. r.iry " o Alfred H. Hyatt. in tbii ..j.Hal to th rf.ij. r's t ..'-i ' The. array of si. oft ;t,.-..- . iif.t H. b : ur. Samuel at ii arrtn bequeath"..! the sir.l p.-i- . : hi h a;, u: l! v manuscript of his rt b;hrat. r.ov ' "T ii x uiru.aiw .i lcji, i j m son. wiln an mart email, providing: that tit should i.ot . v without the ,oi:s.-r.Mr. . l; t!.- v.av. .: a r. . . i :. i , , of tha four sons, and only th'-- aft.r it tr.r,"t had i k.e-., r.V; be-.V.h. ft-"r i tL Cb,m,.-V ' Mi. ' ofTfreq to tho P.ritish mm-u- ia for U..-kr-nv P.h' v.. Cbiaid-Mr. t t' ,t,l tjr.' purchase. Tln- manuscript I written in .11 I f". a notably ! gfble ataJ h a i"h ma pi Inband. ".Mr. Salt." by Will Payne Olou hton. ' , ..,717..,, . " - a n Miiilin & Co., Poston, J!,i?.i, N a b?.-.i.. . o---" . I a ' i so itii: of .ijeverness th.u it uin t!lk;. '; V VW,J " ', ",. . rank far above the ninety and r.ira- rov- A " " " els of the day. Ti:o aiunor is a lit. rai v i t ,.. yl" . C . .n This j.nfcrnatiin Jar. 7 Be cf Vitlut t. a i . craftsman with -a a..; 11;,.., a, T'other common. and he has made 'an' in : !!,- in Salt Lake j to S'fet.t study of conditions in chj. TlaCity. io. storj- nas a immn-- r som-- P.at snr When t K ro Pa r. Ml to tr." in a IT a"ani. 11 e CI iiuwHIs. i he f ff R lyjS ft living r"ti.-- !n aim line, an.i tno i v,.j t!bctlo-.of y of :.:...cnndien that vihieh tht-- ;,r, placea ore (1ot inv.nti yU , Mo-Clur- at 1 I .1 1 static-:;- ofj'.i - ; .!..!? ST. u- - v. r Ii "t ff .. . I ! i I, r.de- - T T I. J '.n ' ..I H J S IN" t'.fm ;d . J ."OS J -t )- I. TIlOMAf.' th". Ai l , 'Jr MJ? .!!. i il'.N'TI.K.M Japan, and now president nf the Ibitish Institute of trical Knjrinci rs. Mrs. Ayrton is --referred to as th- - original of ill... tt. V, V. I -o : Mrs J W Mr C H i i .'U-tti- 'r Su-sii- j i Tt '" 5tat:. 1; 9, 1 "' l'-- t:: t h. j 4 n.m O I .T ... ft r ) .....-SO- M: ' -- i ft.m A III 1IATPY BEST. r ""I j Jone Mi-J ni' u. r Jhnnn Jo nor Pi. .Mj. t.eoM . man's Translation. Mr h '' J.ii-il- ri"" " h. jn'rtAmiorjsK H-iz- v. r ,t mJ.w Vt:.; D-.tr- r a: T.:iy , A. m-.-- "' r'At.DF.lt PAr.l KT.VTjn-Knr- r J A Mituon Arth.r J vt?eiiy.70 i,r - D roj;T dopolas o.a IJt.rv rirfrf, rrrk r;r-n -- I , v-- I.rurv IU!Pi Port- - r Mr : ?.. J tV;;!rii w I. ti , , t rrt ! JU'I'.RAT STATION . 1 Thou, where the .hist v.hhled e.hh- - i. 'rig to a ad fro, A preat mm larc in df.it h, wast mightily lying low, ...! k iU Dir.t I i Pn Irimio, u- ,. ..... .... Ti C( lFT., I ". M , nn,. I rilOTOCTIAriU. Dra o'Kril OSjti-Ml? jAhni.nx Anna Mr rark liUn Mr vi-ml.- jtt . t i. w h i.rt ,.td j: . ! Pua u DnrAKT. Tim ! Mrs K - . . J 1 J M'i4!eln Mr? il l Ji. It. t v : I ; i' i h K irk; il rt. h V U K ' r !; J.t K' ilT i;.l:-jUlAl'X K- - f toill!l Ml" Itrbrr. Nt. D. fi fx?r, i tut I i . v:- I I fr.f U l i;ri v .!.! -- --i- ;. Probably greater care is taken in the selection of a name for a book, than in any other thing about it. When Joel Chandler Harris wrote to his publishers saying that "Wally Wanderoon and His SStory Tell:ng Mtfchine'' was the title he had chosen for his own work, the publishers thought it was a piece of inspiration and just the fanciful kind of a title which would express attractively the contents of the book. Now that the book has been out some time an unexpected difficulty lias arisen. It is probable that not more than or.ce out of five times has the correct title appeared in print. The critics, In combination with the proofreaders, or perhaps in disjunction with them, have succeeded in pretty well misnaming it. It has appeared as "Willy Wanderoon," "Wully Wanderoon." "Wally Woncleroon" and "Wally Wonderson," arid probably, in districts unheard from, more changes yet have been rung on it. . r ' t;"-.r- Win Mrs lUch- Evans Mni lir.hirtoon care Mm J Kersey ird H TP ,t(,n 5fr ncuidrn Mrs H U Itirhai'! Ml'" I'urrtd M" V S Htetituxx Mr Jur- t IT '. Pish, r W M Arr.e-- i: Mt rdiiniifv !n; O II tviruin . h Ixt Mrs S t Mf 1 Mrs Join fiav !.n w Mr Mark ;or.lMt Mia 1. It Hall K.M..I.I It,, inl,. i y t "hn "'A I lor.nold Mi A'tre Snnifn Mi A I "' iaVr.i rs Mi M.y D Msry S ur,ul f n Mi UayRr.rth Mr John Mirv Mr M Hookrr Mr- - llaltie 5?;... ,.. All that month the south wind blew , Unceasing-without pause, nor ever veers Saveto the eastward. Mm A B Mf W J t.tnrr. r. Mt! llanRa i: d i,r.n Hn t v.' MHre r.tHI - 's Jo!; J : lm-'- Klit Carlon Miss Chris- tl t'h.ii! Mrs M M C.r.r ili ll.il.'.i J Clayton Mr F V Clark Mrs Oaf Mrs An- CamphtU i.t.- U A i ns S Catl Mr Mh?a Davenport Cj be I Doves Mm Emily Dunn Mr Jeney IVPriek Mrs Jan d-- t lJl h Tim Time Tabl: il l - Kurrrh Mr Lli I..uFm Mr I lra - .Mrs - IllCBt' vn M I . Mar- - MIf-- i Kticrltf il!-b.-t- Like a heap of dry husks, mid th windy tddyinpr-- i whirl. .1. This way and that wore driven along the f.) The torn ship-tiinrs. .) it.' G Iturdette I. J J D 11 i in m i r Tn,r!,i J t Tr 'irv J J !. TIME v Vrrn i; ittnl '..n Kiv J'.rir A1it rr D r. VrsVf " A J"rJahn II Johnson Harry I. pe. i' i..n W .rttimat Ve Thou J,tk(irt I J.j rot Fnr.U t i.larn !" ..Hi Jritt-- r J W w J'T ! fl lUi MS Unthurtt J A llartrntn J Mrril! 2 Hartford llenO-rv- I'hror .1 Min ChrHtl M.- Kenedy tollman K J pVh iMr I I ' C ll4.'..e Mm nrlriRH Jtrrtn 1 tip. acters which the biographers only imply. This story of a great woman, the sister and equal of great men, cuts deeper into life than any of Mr. other writings. It tells of a fine nature stunted by petty tyranny at home and betrayed by a lover; of a despairing vow to accept the first chance of rehabilitation, the stern exaction ol its and the consequent misery of years borne with a splendid dignity. It is the heroic struggle of a nobte and abused nature. The theme is large and fultill-men- Andernon HuI.H Ar.nte Mrs II Oatea Urown Mir.lc II. Brown Miss Maude iro.k Sirs Nan HoMne Mt! loil. Pure Mrs I'hoM Mre Ilujch Pelbnger ' j I r. Mm Mary S Pfrtlett Mr. A is. Launched, and with black clouds veiled the earth ami d"p While the darK nih; nme verbis from heaven's stormy J Anderson Mm ThOi Snfr.M!i J Darrmvx.nh J I A DIES' IABT. "Hetty s Wesley," Mr. A. T. Quiller-Couch- 's new novel, has not'yet been reviewed by the serious critical .Journals in America; but those in England speak of it in the highest terms. What the author has done, remarks the editor of the London Times, has been "to realize the actual life of a real woman, absorb it, live each moment of it in his inner self, and then write it down, filling in the outlines from his imagination, painting the scenes and expounding the char- STORY-TELLIN- I Ix-tter,- " THE UNRESTING WINDS. A llrri liaron ih tsu.lt THOUGHTS CtOSE TO TEARS. Quiller-Couch- Hartmtn Jack remaining vncallod for at W.the pofftfuV To ob ljiks City, NovfniUr tain thre Kttprn the jjphan-.-;nt muit cull f r "Advert'scd m.it rtv the date vt the lint, tf not called t"r within two wN'k they U1 be tent to tb Dead Letter of nee; Literary dPer JL.J2JJCljr AvxlVl. JLjtxlV12 ADVERTISED LETTERS. , the work worthy of OlJul -- .. 1,,.. - HIS A j . V k : u-.- -- - n-.- ? 1 I ! . r - i- S . i'r; - i:-.- , Term atcmjsox n-- . siin s a ft - ; I- 1 V - i ; i - - ? t-- ! rN-.,r- ir-:- t. . l 1 bu.-ha- ! -- ? . ' . . ek-tP- . . t TMr't f.'- riTV. A o-ti r i - D.-Mrl- J .- i UAKCJ. ji.-r.pi- JTAV. f ci5 t.. 5 ALT LAKH ' -- IAaK ur Jar , r'tt.-- ' j r PiATITJ llAhT V Mx;r f . rvtr UUli. r; -- rrr t r. ' r c. it TTPT'Ot'' if i. If-,- I ) j.b-is- f STRAINS DAILY It . . r'AYllL-- - M'-.- -- ; bd a - 1 . 1 - - r c t"!.i t. i:aT'V, PS. C:;-jf-- r f-- V. v.AT;nt:x. Air! Lk Cdy. .t ; - - I 1 n, , .1 Jv V. , , 1 - Xf-- v , , i -- thn!an!i-- '- story, conMoercl as ..... ... ..v. -- own, io t.iuso . ' I the mtimalc pltmpses or nature and the people whose lives arc spent iargoly out of .loots. e of Animals." bv K IJuckner (Ceorgc W. Jacobs & Co., I'hilaJclphla), is a book v.hivh aims to show the near relation between men and animals in mental and physical phenomena, and is the- more convincirvjr.b.:-i-aus- e it does not the matter from a materlalistie standpoint. Tin- - book is one of the helpful sort, apart fiom the ''inasmtn L batability of its arun-.-ntas it makes a Mmr.g idea for kiimmss the dumb brutes. toward s . - tr-a- t , -' hich Vv'aan. Presira-n- t r's "Simple I.if UooscY. lt si oke " of so last year, and his hook of this he Letter YVav." win ' i,o,a y McClur.-Phillips & Co. jn a sne, Wri'iiay dress of soft ff I. Zanfruiirs betrothal is the lady beinir Edith Ayrton.announced, daughter of Prof. W. E. Ayrton, a distinguished English electrician, for many years in the Government Service in India ar.d JRhly year. i , t j i ! "Th. Immortalitv Charlc-- hi.I U iTt J;,;11;'11!the I). '- n b.a I'lUdy w,:rl bv th of In's is n- - V.'h-- n Pi!!- -. 0 Uoan's Ktd ... ..... .1 's hi: b n i....r h liphtr and ... JH- -. .s. Ii:i H of Mil North t.r.J Wit', ty, (art- - ntr. j.avc.i). of a ihild a:n- fa my ays: 'A noMck 80u. tlmf, from h,r.,., v had. and probably inhert ,ak k iv un.b r th- - raro nf nhy- ney,ans she find I ken.v ! n ., vr.. ,t sir advertised rem - Ups wr un-- d f o that Wfakiiffa known tn mothers i..a l,i1 4 wetting, but no traiin. nt "mj lov.-had any marked and as evrrjorn fl was anx onrifcieu wuii rnious to s the nibarrnw?!n(r condition removed Doan's Kidney Pi da wit., i ro. cured for it at th- - P. J. lidl Prow iV.'s store. They gradua.ly ft renRth-- n d th overexcited and weakened organs u.-- . d they performed th !r work 1 iint'i'-abyI know from observation nr. e?t from conversation with other mothers nnd ehll-en in Fait tnk" City rruardlar.s of that this tro'.h: Is mil. h j.r.'V'i-ler- .t and natur .by s. than th pah'ie Xrw . when a rems-lar" aware. . ... whh h can ,i . ,i ....... i .i;i.m. .in tin work quietly nn-- thorcurrhly Is within h i of or rearh any mother guardian I should b mid i think thnt remedy . known. To fay I ndor" Plan's Kid- r.f y Pll'.4 for thr waknes mntlon'd above verv mildly express" the facL" For sal by nil deal-r- s. Price 5o cents. Foster-Mllbur- n Co. liuffnlo. N Y. Sole amenta for the T". I?. fj y r.-- Mr-r- Ll Mi- ma.i. ;'"1U7 tran?f r, ni'' ot t..h.M)00 feet of ijino nom one party to rV - ; ! I hip Hand." by Panv.tf! are . 1 - J.'1.,.,. . r,T.-..t,'!.- Lacs; t , lhf SIX I -- . i an-.-n-ir- - voi-njrute- Si Q3.msn i p j r it a o v i?.:.!b .P. ! i ! i& t 11 a C "3 ji - r ! J (bit t A! r.: l"r ' il i : P ' t ft ': '. iT- - tr fit t j r. t.iik p n r..- - trtp. l.'t ;Vr I ! . . !- , a b r m t;?:rv. : - n sn ! ; i i I ! i i r .'.T p. i ft T. -, ,- i it- -,' : ?, 1 it f 4 ",' V r 43 .1 c : r Land 1 3 " . : 1 t t' . - yi 5 C; w M . r c. ! i priAKc. ,. i:;n.r. vt . i ii.'h-iim'"- f ( r ni-t- ., Tnv, Zr.A l.Via; P.x. t -- . J '! '.1 1 :' . CXTT. ' TT.II. f! i -- i. r ij4e nau aa -- aaJ i i u f,niAn,.iiiiV'r..i tt' ; T 2 C . I fee c r t ! - 'r i - r .t Si J a ! HAL S. RAY, General Agent, Denver, Colo. a C. - tj I take no othtsi, 1 ft.ttsth j l'.ememoe-- b 1 V Hi f c. r V. aa -- , fi " n alt ukc c:r;, viac. S i |