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Show The G cxut uvvxruinru njxnnnnjvr'LarruinrLp in S this i nnruwwi iruxruzruinr1 nnru vxrf MRS. CLIFFORD R, PEAHSAL.Hi tertained yesterday at a WEEK t'WILL t The Miller, Miss Allie Miller, Miss Dorothy Kinney, Miss Blanche Burke, Mis.s Katherine Gedde?, Mrs. Samuel Adams. Miss Elole Sherman, Miss Leta McMillan, Mrs. Robert Glendiming and Mrs. William H. Cunningham. . h ACTIVITY UNEXAMPLED BUSINESS .r STORE is ripe. fntnf' H the faculty of the University of Utah in honor of the students was held in the museum building of the University last night. The reception each season is1 considered the big social event of the year by both students and teachers. Last night the time was spent in dancing and social chat. Refreshments were served- by the College Women's society. THE MARRIAGE of Miss Mary Sharp and Frank B. Shelly will be solemnized at Palo Alto tomorrow. On December 1st the young couple will leave for Manila. MRS. GUS LUELWITZ will return to Spokane Fhortly after Thanksgiving, and Miss Leta McMillan will go with her to spend the early part of the winter season. .' MR. AND MRS. REINOLD V. SMITH have returned from Tuscarora, Xev, and will remain in Salt Lake for the winter. 4 f 4 4 4 Dress Goods and I I Silk TURNER arrive? day from IJaho Falls to continue her musical studies for the winter. EDNA WELLS SLOAN will leave thif morning for New York, where she will spend a few weeks. MR. AND MRS. OSCAR L. COX enter- tained at an informal dinner last evening. r 9 MRS. DUPONT PARKER of Denver and Miss Kerr, the principal of Wolf hall, Denver, are spending a few days in the city. MR. AND MRS. W. L. HANSON,' JR., announce the engagement of their daughter Myrtle to Thomas y. Miller. The wedding will take place next Wednesday evening. MRS. C. B. DIEHL will entertain at a luncheon next Saturday in honor of Miss Dern. . P. KIRCHEN and little Taffeta ?a NE PRICE TD ALL ANOTHER OF THOSK SENSATWNAI, (JUKAT NEVER UNDERSOLD I1AROAINB THAT DRAW THK WOMKN! MONE-HAVIN- K 66 yard X hac-iu- Values up to $1.25 on sal? at 79c a vara. 4- 4- - i:-yar- 79? 4-- 4 Values up to $2.50 on sale at $1.29 a vard. I 4 44 444-- 4 24 First street. ROBERT LEONARD has returned from a two months stay in the Bear River country. fvf nny fto? fir Knj 44- - Ui With 4jj WV'v rrnu't. tl.f" . nr-rsi- ll.i. but lth U Irif) r,g Ihe crowd, l 1 a I r. c for lb tlr9 for i5J nlrrful Th U About r0 suits In this tr.t. n ade LOT of extra quality lon skirt fwU I Vni-wl- L T ri tT.i tr k n. tt b ?6.95 soft, clingy silk fabrlf. similar to creo de chine but different ' in that It has a beautiful fitin finish; this is an exquisite material for evening gowns or bodices; usual price $2.00; selling $1.50 for, a yard In $8.95 LOT ta;r of a fr. zlb line made blouse suit. tUt I bn k. wHU uff iH.f.rvn. lined h lieax y satin, ome In .xf..rd jcray aj.d Pm. r I.T t r.nl sme I f. t.rcuhr lx, .tof,.'ay l tr!rrm--- lo l lt- r ll.- - tl. - a' '' 1 3 Kj-1- I . rr. a j:; ; f i i t k r.-- c l niittr rr: ku1 r t J.-- Dfr I Krh $15.00 from '. t y t s nud walkinir Mon-l.y and n k ill .. s!l. fi! ! AI ( ' ns( '' '- - !!.- - J. $20.00 rRu!ar pri t- - - i.. -- c r-- ' . t 1 1. $1.28 tr.. : p' t "i i s . i fr'i f . - s I i 'i 1 1 t j;" i i .. . . kS 53.70 : .-; 1 Selection No. 5 ' t3 Tat: " S2 L.r.r-- ,. x 1 1 V 1 . ! - V t 3.70 530.00 k i - .5 , 40 5 Selection No. 6 TV iJr.e-rjTi.sr.k? ,; . t i n j; w n f ; f r I : r. ..01.40 J : a Tl. fe j . I c-i- ti ;V : ' f . - I ".! irr.;! (i i ! i . ml U..'r. . r ., J . . l. T ti'' f 1 It . y. t S . . ' ; ju'itfT ; v i If lHt?5 .., ... f ?. i.3,'j.j: ir ! t 'if r.i TV 91 r I S25.00 1 . I. I VI '' t - i!Mi !..,-- l.i,. !! I ich in si fuit H t M r ,t nUi many I !".--.. Thy bUJ". tiro ,:i. cr.tv nn l Mm k. In dtr. '. . ; t'f.l'r y . r t t i f ( i !l . ,.-,t- 11 j : 1 I rl .A Mor, liy ard wokft -atV rl l.irK' L 'T . . 4 thu ........ 1 t 1 1 h :i ' ; i.c i:.--- r 5 1i i I r r t J fr " - ! ! t i : j tikf glv s ! - cm.! J I. " t ; ! t t, t ' Ii.tr t . fit ( $13.85 at k v rUitl fntir, 7 nt.-- k i' 1 Selection No. 4 ;T IV1 f rd :"n ii ;l b t. I fc. - t 49 d v' f I !- tHr fanrv ir.lHuf. Vr.etlan. I'.rd ir 1 l't I u;". a I.t", & r . !, friTir,-- tfr; V'V V '.it'- it I selection No. 3 I ;(' fj ' ) 1 r !. U 11,1,1, '". Off. 5 iwT 'J : Al klrtd ! .Ur. ft P.tllMC lntilfn jlg su!5 s rir-LiT . r rr :,r !)!-- th. ir..dth arith it II l fahlon V.lrt; jbitj, ?u h a mlilurr.. irr.' tr. klr. I l e. h' U1 :tr l .sl-vf- Imported Dress Gowns. r pi J cf air.t .tnt lin - vli lt d K"d juJit nt t.Kf Three thin lot. zlbellne nr.il fiiicy nixtu"fs. frm skirt coat tfTVrt. trd'.atl .H tn'.lltary cape or plain lox plalrd n l. all s'zes. rKtiIir irb'e LOT l. I r nl bl.uk. .lifT. r )::- 4 thi th in r1nr- - ntt-hd- at A new Investigated. Wtidhr., . navy blue, bro.vn. erny reirtilnr price 1P).A Men k day and Crept Meteor. Representative Dick Wants Election Laws of the Several States t tJ"f f , . 1 I m- - r i . Be Closed Out f. r tr v rr. n ),, ,? I." ', IhU 1 - . i.tii;. 1.D; x ...... a yst d i h'd, a ; ' 1 ! it i V. ' 1 past month. SUFFRAGE AFFAIRS i r 1 - t..Hi" iiu!t $1.25 and 98c. NEW RESOLUTION ON e iiiii'l' tf lb irc f r rrct vtlt Th'f alu. maiic lhi nn, irtri!lv r'" Mie an uior ttrrl f Pifw, Tb ar ;lrat lh de chine. In till inches wide the evening shades. Including black and cream, a beautiful soft, clingy and lustrous quality In two grades, value J1.30 and $1.2.1 selling at MUS. BARCLAY left on Thursday for Helena, having been a guest of Mrs. Richard A. Keyes for the Yard i 1 i turned from their wedding trip, and are at home to their friends 11J4g On;-Pnr- d Crepe Dc Chene. re- iSn.it. a I.. d r j. liV l v-,- . . - Selection No. 2 Foreign Tailor Suits to at the Height of the Season at 3.JL) yard - ir-.t- 1 M t ' "-.- j 11 ' .,' U' up 3 All Our Fine FOR EVENING GOWNS, nil the wanted weaves, rolcrlngs and effects, consisting of voiles, crepe?, eollennes, glorias, silk prunellas. etc., bought to tyi up to $2 od a yard: jour choice while they last at, a Ct holidays. MR. AND MRS. W. J. LAMB entertained informally at a Dutch supper Thursday evening. MISS ETHEL BARR arrived in the city on Thursday evening, after a stay of several month? in Honolulu. l H, vaIm 1V-2-. t T' i i i j , i.vi n jta luf Notice of What's Going to Happen in Our Suit Depart ment this Week ridrose. granites, hopsacktngs. vlgoroux and crashes, all th wanted colorings for winter wear, lncludjnfr black. Monday and all week, clearing prices, . a yard 4- 4 44 X . drr-M- t' En '. A GRAND ASSORTMENT of heavy weight fall and winter dress goods, confuting of cheviots. serges, 4- - lrfr' lcr. y ! r 1 w . i'.t i f ic Tat L.r.tr.t.. g. i. '.vise tr c.1 this PRINTED FLEECED ROSETTA C " nr.l c rraxm for khrotias. lid Something . CO himI or.c wide. challlfi-fintst French yard rliil for fall ist m:. Z hours. Printed Oxford- - Th to Ulrst , for iho bM- j i ; tiias - c V rs . XI-- t I'lM'.U f.l,M. r- A rr.i;:' r1 5 j. . tt- J t t s 't 5 At-'- . Selection No. PIECES SO t - J S r-- in t mini;y ANoTIH'.l; i .! "mrl't j"3 O'CLOCK. 12 t ff-u- f't' AND STKCIA LH HCIIKDULKD KtU O FROM 9 TO JVIOINDAY m nr Jvillis .J r g t HH-- Il u-- Silk. hand early Monday. Taffeta silk 19 inches wld, our special sale of this line of regular fCe taffeta silk will be continued for this week at, a - " ! ttty t iirsrn. n i-- the I J- U ItTO F.e on daughter have gone to San Francisco to remain until after the MR. AND MRS. M'PHILLIPS have Hi: Til!: Us:aj i c lu I i,:u',r gains fit m us. We would be dis This appointed if they didn't. week's unreserved economy will kindle present excitement to still higher pitch. Don't let the bargains Jdip by you. to- MRS. Specials. Inducements "Irresolution" is not In our vocab ulary. We are not afraid of making our customers enthusiastic. Not afraid Ihey will expect Great Bar ; Grand Thanksgiving Multiply E. KING was yesterday elected historian of the Ladies' Literary club, to fill the vacancy made by the resignation of Mrs. John Cain. MISS LILLIAN mm ESTABLISHED 18E4 MRS. JVC. 621 I?-12- Winter weather is at last at hand. The stocks are in the t prime of their completeness, and BEST OF ALL, prices are several notches lower than we have ever before been able to name on equally meritorious, equally desirable x merchandise The season . THE ANNUAL, RECEPTION given by at OF ONE AT THE AUERBACH other guests were Mrs.' Rachel MRS. JOHN 1. 1 h BE en- HATt UDAY r.VKMNCi, NoVKMUKi; lunch- eon in honor of Miss Dern. f Salt Lake Telegram. , WASHINGTON. Nov. black only. r KUl r Representative Dick of Ohio introduced a resolution "d M"' ' t prb e JIT.'.O. Mrn-laP 6 at, -. SO expensive dress gown.SLAUGH aisd vsttk .it l : l today, which, after reciting the Uw reguyar THIS TERED WEEK: the pro lating suffrage, and alluding to the cur- 4 ducts of the best mills of the , .. : ; . . tailment privilege in the United j.ates, world; all the new novelties nnd t .'i i r says: zibeIn zibeiines. effects: panne Resolved, That the matter be referred line tweeds, Scotch and French to the Committee on Election Privileges, novelties. These gown pattern T are expensive and will be sold thin whose duty it shall be and who shall v eek have full power to investigate and Inquire Suits on Sale on Sale into the validity of the election laws of 510.00 14 i $15.00 Under Per Cent the severr.i States and the matter of their enforcement and whether the right to vote Valm. Suits on Sale $15.00 at any election for the choice of electors ot the for President and United States, Representatives in Congress and the members of tne Legislature of any State is denied to the male inhabOF .GREEN DEED OF AN INSANE NEGU0 FACTS ABOUT I'ANAMA, NEWEST Ml: MB Eli IN SISTERHOOD OF STATES itants of any of the States being 21 years KILLING old and a citizen of the United States, except for participation In the Rebellion or II. srro's aR'd victim f il. a o.n NEW YORK. Nov. r worn. I : t . : f : m f r. any other crime. .!t;.- - t :. ' ' i . The o;i !rifo n( rr,snn aii 'u' t lo fi! ,.r )! ti- - ., rushed out ol the houne iml to-.! ;rern, the "Kailior of Grfatr r Nw Vrk." or as.-t t.'. :, f Ho The committee shall have power to exit ' 'v t It r d i!ig man annum. In aU.ut h r head r.i ut il. amine witnes.. s under oath and send for and on" of the city's oldest utul most re tame time chKIti upon ii'.m Up. . i;."-r . atout th" ill J 1. ft tb-and It ra ! 21. -- Tl : : ? J . ' " '" f t I" : ie a n a records and other evidence that may bo markable rliizn8. was tihot nl lntantlj Wnp to srwak to In r., A vit trl-f in ii . to r. t a rf'tm-Will, ins turr.r I V'. i.it- - tT'iUs, or tif.irly ep:jiil lo lh.ll of ftr, i tivi,."l ki.kil on th stfps of his home on 1'ark vain his s J. i : necessary for a full and completo investx U5 n I j. . It.iC-ivictim and hon!(.; "l.imu ym. . I I.i i tigation of the itsevira! b subjects herein II State of tt. liana. illlams. a n'gro. upon bv orn lius M. tttt S)!oiJ f'e." TS '""! t T'. I told OU I Would C t rrr w !jh f 1 o '" authorized to avcmi'' shall mentioned, and , 13 f A """! f n Ulas at are I,uvjrr aiid the t'oroiier r vr.ll' f fine Woi;i. i!n. The sit during the session of the House and to who id bfllved to bt Insane. ' !,''. I r t ' ' : i s I ".. i tt-- y t ai I t in have such printing and blndinn as it th out- the left side of t'ie i.t lvl. or- .- in th" l.ft I) e r.kfir..- - coast, and Io!mi. an Xhc Th ehootlnK wa.i ,j. t ; , j ; ! . '- t - ; l i i f I . .: j . and hnthT at i?w l.i. of t5 - I as shall deem necessary, and it shall make come of an Inan- - delusion on tho part of : :: . i : are iited ;!- -. ard these .irt Anv Me was ;;!! Lrl to - j tv a full report wo the House of th full in, ti is ) . At:.-i n had tand"reil T t . Mr. Ore a l the ' h. , t that inatnut iie.it a as as ntft'o at tiS date -i possible. vestigation early of J (.i nual!)' by r ore than : v ... ... I .( i - t ' lia him, for when ho was nykoil why he had t .;'. t i i ..! n j i tar. ".. a r 3 t.i dint ."'.' ir. The St. Dennis Cafe, private committed the murder ho replied: "I did Fire . ? Plant. i Destroys i racking 1 1 ! 3 r. . i. '1 t fatly t " i i J I fct unexcelled sert ing rooms on two floors, it to save my character." f s 1 re i i.-- t v.ift st. i.:.i, in . Nov. i Mojlifn f . ; f.t., Il f -- i J n.a vice, popular prices. 268 Main. There were thr'; wltr.si.i'S of th traK-ediransff-1' "i lh for rslKht t il' f. rti.ixi-itf o b f.y j Ji! i of le ;i!4k.k rf I : ; ; ' I ; ' r Mrs. Amw hrav, a dnimstle In Mr. th- - NtN-';j . I e- - 5..H.V MorilS n . r Ir. ftl-erI'.l.k l!.3t oil,. i' in ljfiih. p.jte r tlrei'U'K family; lOmil .Mlclnlsoii, nn erI r t ;rii'.,y, nod Injured adjoiiur t.'l f bjil-t' t t , . j t v:- J "5 oisr.et tl"iif the iVnip.e ;t of Par.ant i I? f J .Oft' ciitiman. plant rand buy, una Patrick lyr, Jl ',io. If ss, w tliene th of to With Atlat.lU Aceorclint? Itnssei". the try. petrt tifjiro must have lv-waltloft for Mr. Ireen to as II l sotr.flimr. I f ... .? tlie f .r-.- ' Asplbwall. vr i'lI'i;. i. ' V T OGDEN AND RETURN. ! t ' a ' f come h'mr from hla oflK-' of nf out it hit .i ; i i l't e t ' s?'r.i"'', nr-,,- '., l; itd a. htt in th !'i' The negro . whs etandiiK vetibi;l. Ht.j . .. a ba . of The - '' ?ti T : Ihn ftty ..(! rf v Insures Pure.Soft, White Skis of the housi-- and as Mr. c!reen started to lj. y i of &tout Only $l.O0, It w ; to thi hull . , i Ihe IUes i .it ? ; asiccod tho three stepn i t, ,'. lipsiati'-B r , , j Q) and a Beautiful Complexion, r'A1. In : P ; f..nr ard hurv.i ooor Jtoward at Williams him. advance'' r . ". ji. lri Nov. 17th. Spc l.il tr.iin t l Tuesday. enrcs Ecacma and Trtter. At I i f Th.-ra was h of wori'.s. I'rdon brief built Interchange ii,u ft t of tl r ! 1 by the na I'erm&nPEt:. p. u... l. (tregon Short I. hie. olutelf nn. and then thf lifRro Irw a founle-- J lTe t..r t a!. siTov;r.d n I 'I,, i. ..f v. i v. . : hair remoTPB Blackheads. Krc i'Kd-'. I2.r.o a. m. tn.ldr.ii;hK J ' c r r f it i t ; In utnccufton. Mr. live shots rai'bl fturninj:. j i; UoJnc. Su' In w, frvnn kle, I'impli,, the tlrf-'to the i:.-sank mine bix ijavcmeni. . ppott and Tan. Led wit. e j r wr.Kh. aire 1 r i Ti jy .it ipuUtion. i Ift r- rf ?; i- i r f .,i trcaininK from hl ha.l. while hi murpT-5-frr;i Icrma-o7l-? "Th Anitflus." Iis An:-le- . Soap a let "The I.i.Hel. tl.-- p ainoviiils In r.Uttvler In t s. thf levnlvr to h! Knutsford." derer. ti t,r Ittct kin U lnauritd. r r ff f . rf f t J . Salt Lake. t. The ff two f " in of vmriiua Smnt r(.rt w against th railing of tnc hotel west of Chicago. the r.frat jioeket.asleaned IV1 re. ! i,t e 1""! ti Sold by Dru35lft, of j j '! i t . If awaiting arrest. S a '.im'.te.J . Jr-f Ii.dUn. Hoop ; , f f r.'tm'ar n frvm th'Spanish. f tt-i- f . K?" t may ba ordered CltttU William H. Hi;rns. carrlaic" tartT for I '.'. s r run h persot from the Kurojan value f f s :r j t a! r v t i' d . t ; ; c . t .? n Fund In Treasury. Hill hotd. ws one of ti e f.rt a , t j) IKirraa-- BotbIs $t r bottle. Murray ptlu the connirira and It e I"r.ltd Hlate tsr-- ' li tf the Hil.ltH P;-f- ls , f s. j ;:t'i T !. whom he lxi it t s r Y? shlnrlor.. S cent,pri 14 thf to ach t ri neKrt. Nov. r Pernuk-Royal- d tte-nfi by : c Twljjg S"p, In 'i 5 fr.iraKfd romrrerte laUv and m v;,-lhi was atotit to walk away, and turned him t'eilM fsi nt of the treci:ry t.i.nc ,n C in th" rr-j- . f.b tb-- Pi ,!r ; . ;';!s In one pcJue, 11.23,sentexprtN j. ; n -r,.; t Doih r. 1 the or ration rf ihe . over to a policeman and a detective who eiul fiititl. e.'itislve ; if..-..em request. . . fntraits and of ttie f 1 i Testimonials w dry j f ..!-s j e r, ; f r ; , tr.rjtlati"n A u i.ti.u) moment n 4m rushed up latr. In the dlvlHion ff rleniTtoi rerrvr a il I2 htnlt. tTZ.V phylc)an Paium . t o ra.f.ay, rrnijer J 4f le r on ,r FREE was the spot almost Immediately and shows: AvatlMbto caeh balance, ia.vv., itw.t., Ana Bottlo ir. ulllon I l r cif of Agents. Ihe I 1 ' at -- 1 ? c xtr rrrrjJS4 fJf j:- ne- dead. f Mr. Creen j rrAs ihe 1.1. IUi,MMX. r. 10 CO.. , ,f O. pronounced j l ClnclU. the thmus at la THE f n ..ft t;- r ?,e ft.ue rTot.s brssKlit t ' I t'.e t J f; ; 4. J 14. j $11.65 . j 6 . 51.68 . 4 Misses' Tailored Suits OneThird Off Original Prices 4-- S7.50 at $5.00 $22.50 4--4 Vice-Preside- ; at Suits S4.80 : 5 at nt H.-Am- lrrw n i; ift 1 p-- .?... . tt-.-- .o i:-r;- r 1 s ,'. . u,r :. ! . 1 . I;::: . , -- ; ,... ". ( It-.- . '. . -it ! t j . r Pr,:. ier. mm itI ln t.-- t'-ft- z- ln r.! r-- r-- ffvVt I -, rir!iiI al-o- - fr to PEXUXA-BOTAX- B rL I' lio-je.r- '. - !.:' I ! -- .. j- 't v-- It.,i -, sw i r,-- ". . ' r- -.t i- : ? a T ';..., r ' 1 ;r; ' '' . '. . 3 -' 1 ' - 7-- - e - . "'.') : ml , 1 ;' - ft -- e - 1 1 -I r I . ? 5. T . 1 p. I:' .ti.;' ? - ? n '' ' 1 '... ; - 1 : - - fc ; i;-'.- X. . s- - !:'; :.- 't, - 1 or pTrts. !- 5 - u-- r. !- x ti-.- e 5 ; - a-- tU .- '- t. T 5 At-lirl- i- i.-uj- y, r )"'! - . '! i ;!.!, 5 -- i |