Show Obituaries James E. E Westover Funeral Feral services for James Jaes Ernest Westover West West- West over 66 of 1824 Tenth Tent East street treet Salt Sal Lake MaSon Muon who hO died Tuesday will be con conducted ld F Friday aJ T at 1 p. p m in m at the te Mas Masonic Ma Ma- sonic temple East s South etI etIer Temple I street by officers er of ot otI Acacia I lodge Ito No No 17 F. F FAM A. A M. M Burial will wl be b In Mt fL Olivet cemetery Friends may mar call cal at at 30 36 East Eat Seventh South street prior to rites W Mr Ir Westover was wu wasa a charter member of the Acacia lodge F A. A A M. M Crem a thirty thirty- tir- tir second second degree Scot Scot tish Rite egee Mason Macon a member of ot Ontario s chapter ter No 3 3 R Royal J Arch M Masons i and s Malta Malt No 3 3 Knights Templar Tem Tern PI PIot of ot Park Vi City T. T h He e was born at Con Colton Ontario C CanAda Can Can- Ada on December ge r 20 3 Mr Westover 1874 a son Ion of ot SYlven and ad Sarah Sa Speck Westover Surviving are a daughter Mrs lire Jr Ruth Rut W. W Dallas of Salt a Lake City two sisters Mary r Westover t e of e 11 Ale Ala and 1 Mn Mrs Mr Edith Edit aR of ot Little Rock hock Ark Ark and three brothers e R W. W Westover of Murphysboro he L Dye R Larry M. M Ie Westover West West- t over of or o Texas and Grover Westover r of J T Term Tenn Viola Jensen Long Mrs Mrs Viola Jensen Jelen Ln Long 40 of 2119 Richards street died riled Wednesday at a. a a Ricards m. m m at her home of ot a heart ailment She h was born In Richfield c December em 14 H 1900 1000 a abo daughter u te of leJ John R. R and Emma June J Jensen Jensen Mrs Jf Long g gJ had rs resided n in i Salt Lake 14 City years year Surviving are re her ber husband Donal M. M M Long four sons ns Darwin Delias Dellas I A Arthur and Lawrence o Long all all Yr of Salt lt ltD Lake City three daughters I Mrs Keith Ferre l nei ei and D Donalee e and ana Juanita Long n and d' d three brothers broter lOndon Nole and Montell Monteil fontel Jensen Jan Jen Jen sen all al of Salt Sal Lae Lake City a sister Mrs Preston Nash and her parents of American Amen Ameri Aeri- Aeri can ca Fork Nah Agnes Grady Hutchins Mrs Agnes Grady Hutchins 78 of Eleventh East street died ced Wednesday Wednesday at p. p m. m In a Salt Sal Lake Lae hospital of causes Incident to age She was the wa widow o of ni Hale ts S. S Hutchins te teA A resident of ot Salt Lake City for two years Mrs Hutchins U hl resided e In Long LongBeach b Beach Cal ri t for 25 years a prior tS moving he her here 18 1862 She e was wa born brn In I Yankton Yaton S S. S D. D March March Surviving ar are two tw sons Henry Gordon Hutchins of ot Long Beach Beach CaL Cat and Hale Robert Rober Hutchins of ot Salt Lake City five grandchildren and one great great The body will l be taken to Long Lone Beach T Thursday for funeral n services s r and f buriaL Emma Dewey Funeral I services for Miss Emma Emmi Dewey former Salt Sat Lake resident who died Monday Mon Mon- day night at her h home borne in n Glendale d e Cal will be conducted t Friday da dan at 2 p. p m. m a at t tt East South Temple street Burial ra t ain Bura street will be In City cemetery Y Julia Jula Brigman Mrs Mr Julia Jula Brigman Brigan 79 South Sout Main street died Wednesday at 2 p. p m. m at a her home of c causes u Incident to age i IJ J Mrs Brigman m a resident of Salt lar Lake e City for five and one half one one-haf years was li librarian ii 1 at the te Carnegie library at Redding Cal Ca for 32 years She came here from Redding She was wa born brn In Sheets Shasta ShatA Cal ca July 15 1861 a daughter of ot James and Mary Erin Erin- card card She was wa a member of ot Mt Shasta Rebekah Rebekah Rebekah Re- Re lodge No at Redding Cal Cal for or 54 years Surviving are a son Ion A. A A A. A Brigman Brigan and a grandson d Edward Edware Brigman both bothof bothof Brigan bt of Salt f Lake City W Funeral Funera services service Wl will be conducted Sunday Sunday Sunday Sun Sun- day at 2 p. p m. m at East ast South Temple street by officers of ot Naomi lodge No 1 Order of Rebekah Burial Bural will wi be In Wasach Wasatch Wasatch Wa- Wa satch sach Lawn Memorial park park Friends Friend may call cal at the place of services Saturday from 4 until 8 p. p m. m m and ad Sunday from tom 11 a. a a m m. m until 2 p. p m. m m Melissa Jane C. C Funeral services for Mr Mrs Melissa Mela Jane Jae Cooley le 62 avenue e who died Tuesday s In a Salt Lake hospital hoc hos pital pita of injuries suffered in a pedestrian pedestrian- automobile accident Friday night were conducted Thursday noon no at the te Deseret Deere mO mortuary r Mrs was wa struck by an automobile automobile automo automo- bile driven by Mrs Maxine Lewis Lwis 27 I Gale street as a she was wa running runnIng across Ninth South street streel at Fourth Four East street to catch a utility bus Eliza A. A Knowlden Cowie LOS ANGELES Cal r services we were conducted o t Wednesday e dl for Mrs Mr Eliza i A. A Knowlden c Cowie Cowle 79 79 who died cited ded here January Januar 20 of causes Incident to age Sl She So was wa born in Salt Sat Lake City Utah Utah October 24 1861 a daughter of George GeorgeI H. H and n Mary Ann D Emma Knowlden pioneers plo pio plo er of 1855 Surviving are two listers sisters Mrs C. C W. W of ot Salt Lake City and Mrs Florence Powell of Long Beach and d a brother R. R fd E. E Knowlden O of Salt it take Lake C City o. o |