Show The Weather Local Lacal Office U. U 8 S. Weather Weater Bureau Bureau Salt Lake City Utah Uta Feb 6 1941 Inches I Precipitation in last lat 24 hours hour 00 Total since October 1 I Total October 1 l to date last lat year year 6 70 Normal Norma October 1 to date SUMMARY The storm ator immediately west wet of ot the California coast coat last evening moved Inland in In- land during the night with southerly gales along the te coast coast Moderate to heavy r rains fell along the coast a from Los Angeles An An- I geles northward fe to the J Oregon rg line ll and n light rains extended Inland Snows fell fellon fel on higher western weter slopes of mountains mountain Intermountain weather weater continued fair tar except except ex ex- for valley valey fogs and ane low cloud in central and northern norther Utah Uta Roosevelt reported a minimum temperature of ot 16 degrees below zero but most other Utah stations reported temperatures from 15 to 25 degrees above this morning HIGHWAY FORECASTS Salt sal Las Lake Vegas Increasing r c cloudiness vm i ne ness southwestern o n Utah and cloudy tg southeastern south southeastern g m eastern Nevada i with wit ll light ht rains In the valleys and snows in higher elevations Valley Valey fogs and low clouds In I northern Utah Uta will wl Improve somewhat this alter after ater- ater noon Moderate temperatures Salt t Reno Lake r Cloudy and n rains with sn snows at higher I e elevations fn central e and western weter Nevada Cloudy northeastern Nevada and northwestern Utah Uta with wit fog near the te Great Salt Sat lake Improving somewhat some some- what this afternoon Moderate tempera tempera- lome tunes tures but with wit a colder trend In western Nevada Nevada Salt Lake Boise Increasing and lowerIng lower lower- leg Ing with h cloudiness occasional i alsot southwestern light rains Id Idaho Increasing re today s1 cloudiness southeastern Idaho and anti continued con con- low clouds near Great Salt lake with somewhat Salt fog a and this cloud afternoon r og conditions ll Moderate ee Improving fo tern tem Yellowstone Lake a and n d Denver Fair except low clouds and fog foe near Salt Lake Conditions will Wi Improve im Im- prove somewhat near nea Salt Lake City this cold afternoon cr valleys yS Moderate northeastern g e emm temperatures mm Utah u southwest 4 except em ern Wyoming and northwestern Colorado f t this rooming morning WEATHER o OBSERVATIONS TAKEN AT A. A M. M TODAY I Temperatures I 8 Stations I w Stalo I Act Minimum I Today Today i Yesterday I 3 u 26 55 00 Boise e. e 29 8 g 56 00 8 Butte 10 47 00 Calgary r 24 60 b 8 00 Chicago o 31 34 00 g Denver e 29 g 60 8 00 Grand Grald Junction 18 35 00 Kansas CI City 30 55 00 Lander 14 41 00 Las Vegas 47 69 00 Los Angeles e 50 b 70 g. g 14 Milford 20 40 00 I t Paul 31 13 8 Tr Trace New York City 40 25 00 Oklahoma City 39 39 61 00 Omaha 15 47 r rr Phoenix go x 48 69 00 Pocatello 14 40 g 00 Portland r Ore s 40 56 Tr Trace Reso 39 55 00 St Louis i 35 gg 55 gg Tra Trace nl Salt Lake 24 30 00 SALT LAKE eK IH ITT 24 30 8 8 00 San Francisco 50 50 64 41 Seattle 68 00 Spokane e 23 3 45 g 00 88 Tonopah 35 50 10 10 r 24 30 58 00 4 41 58 00 Winnipeg 1 T 1 t i 16 Tra Trace Yellowstone 14 49 00 Salt Lake CJ City observation ton at 8 a. a a m. m Sun sets today Sun rises s tomorrow g |