Show RI D AL Party Named Named'S S Bette Smith Makes Plans I For Her Marriage I To Mr Archie B. B I Kesler esler I edding plans of Miss Bette W. W Smith daughter of Mr and k Earl V. V Smith Thirteenth East street and Archie B B. B Cesler Eier ler Jr son of Mr and Mrs Archie B. B Kesler Sr 1155 jale avenue avenue w were e announced e Thursday The me couple coupie will be married Wednesday at 9 p. p m. m in the thet Rowland wIand Hall chapel First FirstI I t v nue with the Rev A. A E E. E Butcher utcher performing the cere- cere 1 ony Miss Smith has asked Mrs t David Vid L. L Freed to attend her heri i Kid d Lindsey H. H Kesler will be beest est best man Ushers will Include Robert E. E Kesler Rich Richard rd A. A K Kesler David H. H Kesler and S. S SE E. E Newman IIA A reception will follow at the Alta club East South Tempel Tem Tem- pel lIel street The couple will willie ie leave beave ve on a wedding trip and on th their heir ir return they will make th their ir home at East South Temple street More fIore parties have been added Smiths Smith's list of entertaInments entertainments enter enter- one of which will be given Friday evening by Mr a and d Mrs James L. L Miller at th their ir home 1256 Gilmer drive B Both Bath th Miss Smith and Mr Kesler will be honored Planned for Saturday Is a luncheon to be given by Mrs Ri Richard hard S. S Bennett at her home 1386 Butler avenue A breakfast breakfast break break- fast ft will be given Sunday morning morning morn morn- I ing by Mrs Stuart B. B Pett Fourth avenue at the Town club b 1081 East South Temple street and between the hours of is and 7 p. p m. m on Sunday Mrs Ar Archie hie B. B Kesler Sr will en ent entertain entertain en- en t tain at a tea at her home |