Show AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES 55 AUTOMOBILES s FO FOR SALE SAL BELIEVE IT OR R NOT I WHOLESALE E PRICES PRICES- HERE ARE THE FACTS UTAH'S LARGEST STOCK OF I USED TRUCKS MUST BE SOLD AND WILL BE IF PRICE WILL DO IT 47 USED USED TRUCKS TRUCKS 2 i 2 TO 10 10 TONS TONS WHOLESALE PRICES ACCEPTABLE FROM ANYONE WITH C CASH SH I EXAMPLE EXAMPLE EXAMPLE 1936 FORD 19 1939 CHEVROLET V sL r. r TON e-TON T PICK Very clean clen TON 1 LONO WHEEL BASE from stem item te to I item A ye very classy St Stake k body 2 speed 2 rear end encL Goo Good I delivery deliver unit for tor some particular r buyer Worth more than we w are tire Urea Perfect motor Priced under unde the market at LIFETIME EXAMPLE EXCLUSIVE 37 STUDE Truck TUck reconditioning and TON PLATFORM service plant plant Located Located at rucke are old lold under Good condition throughout Guarantee which South Maln Lar Large Lare g e one ans you TOU will be pro pro- 1 75 parking lot at rear for ed as J long n as aM the e truck c in your n name our convenience BUY SAVE NOW MARKDOWNS UP TO 45 45 0 We Sell the Best and Junk the Rest RestI I LYMAN MOTOR CO DODGE PLYMOUTH DODGE PLYMOUTH 3 30 9 0 So State I So S Main LARGEST USED CAR LOT o EXCLUSIVE O NEW A ALENTY AND USED PLENTY LENTY OF ROOM TO PARK TRUCK STORE They They- They GOTTA GO d When They Gotta Go Go- Go You Get a BARGAIN ARGAIN Stude CHAMPION 4 DR DE L XE SE- SE JAN AN Heater black finish Top con con- OUt Outstanding low cost coat trans trans- Buick C e. e Black Blae very nice De D De rad like lake new Buick Sed Jl u Heater rad tad immaculate W Buick k 9 Heater rad The a exceptional Plym De Heater radio Hurry Chev he 2 2 dr Master de Blue finish Chev hev Sed 6 w. w w w. new finish A l. 1 Lakes Lake's Only Buick Dealer So o Main 4 PITAL PITAL ITAL CHEVROLET HOUR 24 SUCK UCK SPECIAL Chevrolet 83 Dual Dud cab and ch cb black Our Our reconditioning manager said acid his Eia trucks truck ready to go I recon- recon the engine Installed a new itch Ilch and overhauled the brakes d cleaned it up ready to go Now n you n-you you guy guys who run trucks know y r-y y must moot be sound coiled mechanically or Pyre cyre useless to you and when our manager manager says say she's e eidy idy to go you can bet your hat bat it at Yu units unit hg ready reay aX 1 Always ys Better Bu Buys s pita I Chev ICa Capital ital Gives More Lot Jot ot That Shines Till 9 P. P M. M uth loth and State 5 Y WITH CONFIDENCE CONFIDENCES S 5 Ye Years rs Serving the West 37 CHEVROLET tASTER DE 2 DOOR 2 t F TOURING u SEDAN Another outstanding g buy It Its It's fastest selling car Factory In at-In It In de radio and heater condition Inside and end out The Theor Theor Theor or Is 18 that popular Thistle green 4 1 the trine tires are from one of the makers and show little ns ne of wear We dont don't believe you i t duplicate it in the city Est ost st New Nearly Bargain Price Pricer r j uth Main 4 1991 PACKARD CONY 6 6 15 miles one owner Perfect ou out Packard radio and heater il l 3 UJ or 6 2150 i V N. V. V 7 Chev 90 do Pl 25 ln gg ajor at atto 40 to E E. So 4 Lowest Prices IN IN TOWN TOWN- WE WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD 37 Plym D. D L. L Sed 36 Plym D. D L L. 2 34 Plym D. D L L. Sed 34 Ford Coupe 35 Ford Sedan 38 Ford Coupe 36 Chev Sedan 37 Chev Cp 37 Chev Sed Radio Heater Trunk 32 Chev Sed 34 Chev Sedan 3 I 1 Chevrolet Sedan 95 33 Chev Cp 33 Ford Panel 37 Ford Coupe Radio and Heater BLAIRS BLAIR'S Open Evenings Evenings Wen Well Lighted 2 Locations 2 Locations 2 So Main So Main BUY WITH CONFIDENCE 25 Ye Years rs Serving the West 1939 PONTIAC DE leE 2 DOOR 2 SEDAN This lovely late model car was wu owned by a most careful Individual One look will convince you this is true The Interior Is II nice and cleanthe clean the lovely white sidewall tires tire can cant can't t be told from new the mechanical condition Is II the very best beet and the color Is a beautiful dusty dUlty grey so popular this year Has Hu an efficient heater beater ater and factory built built in In radio Cost New Over 1100 Bargain Price 6 9 CARLESON'S CARLESON South Main 4 1991 Low Priced Guaranteed T Transportation 32 Chrysler Sedan 31 Chevrolet Sedan 75 15 33 Chrysler Sedan 34 Nash R. R S S. S Coupe 35 Ford Sedan 35 Chevrolet Coupe 36 Buick 40 Sedan GRANT E. E HAYES CO STUDEBAKER DISTRIBUTOR 70 So Main 4 1817 37 Chev Standard coupe The car ur youve you've been looking for Driven very little tittle as 88 its motor and general condition will er I 1 lustrous testify t fi blue Equipped a finish s with I Easy a fine ete terms term heater heat So Main St. St 4 1939 HUDSON radio and heater 6 6 cyl 65 6 A 89 o only ly 65 1361 Main ha Dial t 55 AUTOMOBILES 55 FOR SALE ALE AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE fES AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE S1-LE S1 AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES FOR S SALE LE CHALLENGE Cn L G SALE SATIE i I i THRIFTY THRIFTY BETTER B E T T E R ICES PR-ICES P R I C E S Stop Shop p USED CARS CARS' t I FF jJ at t the h h e S. S Sign Ign PRICES PRICES PRICES' of the CUT SUT T TO TH THE E A A. B BV V E T T E R DEAL DEALUS D E A AL' AL L S S Scottie t i BONE BONE We Challenge Comparison om cot C o t e fr Dog US E D CARS C A R s j 1 il z jy t B BENNETT'S BENNETTS E T l N Ef EfT T S South Main Dial 3 1938 Ford 1940 Mercury S SEE EE WHAT Sedan 1 III Ton I 2 T on Panel P ane I Radio and heater A pride and Joy Oy for anyone to own and drive Car No 1400 lust Just the thing for a cleaning company 8 4 Car ar No I Challenge Price B BUYS Challenge e I Price prie 8 88 30 Ford Tr Truck tk 1938 De S 'S Soto to Car No 1379 4 Door 4 4 Sedan 2 29 9 Fo Ford Ford rd S Sedan d n Clean throughout This car 1 Is a a. honey I e a at this price Car CarCar No 1379 Ford d Car No 1403 I 19 1939 3 9 F or Challenge Price 3 Car f rd No 1422 Co u p e Maroon condition o finish Tudor d hot Car CarNo Sedan air heater 1322 pm perfect 4 9 8 a 4 CHALLENGE D DEAL AL Challenge Price Pric If e 1 1934 Chevrolet 1940 Ford Dhe 5 De Sedan 2 on ump Truck I rUCK Maroon finish fleish radio heater Our lose 1085 This unit t will tn glue excellent service Take Car your r J Na pin I 38 1386 Priced ICed 75 under the market it away It wont won't s stay long at t this price Ou Car N No 1106 1 9 8 Low Challenge Price Payments 19 1937 7 th 32 Plym Sed 1932 Coupe Car No I 2 1 II Ton l T on L L. L W W. B T Truck rue k Maroon finish rubber Very good This body will haul anything anywhere cal condition excellent Car Lar No R 1324 In and look it Car No 1352 Come over 3 3 D DeSoto e S oto Sed S e d 1 1035 CHALLENGE DEAL L e Car No 1332 Challenge Price 3 6 8 34 Ford Car Sedan No 1351 1345 I 7 2 2 8 B B E BENNETT'S BENNETTS N NET TS T'S AT THE BIG SIGN 51 0 SO MAT MAIN N CANNON- CANNON RALPHS FINE USED CARS So Main 35 Pontiac Sed R R. R H H. H 35 5 Terra Sed R. R H H. H H. H 35 5 Chrys Sed R R. R H. H 00 SO MAIN 4 BALLARDS BALLARD'S 37 Nash DOOR 4 SEDAN A de family Samily car fully equipped with heater healer and defroster Motor in infine infine infine fine shape beautifully finished hed and clean interior Good rubber Terms So Main St. St 4 32 CHRYSLER Imperial 7 sedan edam Side mounts heaters healers 2 tires Ures almost new Other r 4 good A steal at 74 20 First t come f first sf service I 6 or r see gee at 1887 So 80 lOth East 1935 INTERNATIONAL INTERNATIONAL pickup 1934 Chevrolet pickup U 1937 gR Chevrolet gt sedan delivery gg 1936 Ford Tudor t 1936 Chevrolet g roTe dg coupe coupe up d ci de l X gg 1936 Dodge de coupe radio 1938 Chevrolet sedan 65 MANY OTHERS RS IRV MILNE South Main 4 I 37 37 Plym PI m. m J Radio heater excellent motor clean n upholstery almost 08 new 1 tires na E f and jid a lustrous finish See this on one today Terms Term So Main St. St 4 FORD FOR 1941 Tudor d de e f factory drive drive- out So Main e j l M p R 1 r E T- T TT LJ T 1 T T 1 YS r tit IR I- I So at East East 6 South Mai Main MaGn DIAL 6 DIAL 5 5 ZY n Challenge Price WOW HURRY j See What HURRY H U RR Y t C 1938 1938 For Ford 1 Chall Challenge Price A l Lk 12 9 Coupe i 1 Heater Bt low W mileage top condition tUn 3 2 9 BUYS B U UY Y S o Challenge Price Price 1937 Ford 60 Sedan Sedan 1 19 J 34 3 4 Ford Fo rd i 2 9 g 7 Trunk Truce heater a daddy car v- v I IHas De Sedan Has radio and heater beater A good value 19 1937 3 7 Ford F Fo or rd d TRUCKS TR i T Tudor d S Sedan d S' S u or e an AT I. I lI Heater a swell swen running cU car r Ch Challenge a II enge P Price rice i it Challenge C h. h Price js 28 g 3 8 9 97 1 97 L' L J 1936 6 Ford 1937 Olds 1934 Chevrolet Chevrolet- t. t De lux Seize Fodor s sedan daa Trunk radio d' d I Ton 2 t 2 Ton St Stake ke Truck f t 7 heater beater new finish excellent tires Urea T Town own S Sedan e an I t. t f Heater beautiful finish A ear you youIt enjoy Cab and chassis long wheelbase S- S V Vt t t 1 Challenge Price CHALLENGE DEAL DEAL 59 1939 Ford 1930 Ford 1937 Ford Tudor Sedan Model A Coupe Coupe Wheeler 10 f bed Has radio and heater beater excellent condition A dandy running car You Tou cant can't beat Booster brakes nearly new bed beeL throughout this one A steal PETTY MOTOR MOJOR aa o 1 2 LOCATIONS 2 LOCATIONS 2 South Main f So at East x fk PLENTY MORE TO CHOOSE FROM ALL FROM ALL MAKES AND AND MODELS ALL AT CHALLENGE PRICES PRICES' s l A AT T FORD F. F O R D D DEALERS E ALE R S NOW 37 Ford A real buy In a DE SEDAN equipped with heater Motor very quiet Juiet Finish and upholstery like new Its It's fa a rare bargain So Main St. St 4 1938 WILLYS de sedan new tires newly overhauled party must I oIS sell Make offer f 4 MASTER MASTER DE DR 4 CHEV 1940 model 1019 Wilson Willon ave 6 1881 1937 FORD Tudor Sedan radio heater spotlight excellent condo cond throughout Roberta st. st 5 P p. m m. 37 FORD STATION WAGON 85 engine n all 1 owner 2449 4 So e W. W Tempe Temple f 1 1 37 Lincoln Zephyr J DOOR 4 DE sedan ledan Has radio heater immaculate interior line fine finish motor and tires r 45 sf South Main 4 1940 CHEV coupe Master 86 Low mlle mile 1 age Will WID sell sel reas E. E So 1 5 5 I 1939 9 BUICK coupe Low ml w mt A l throughout through through- out T Terms and trade Make offer 6 1940 DODGE 4 passenger blue coupe New i only miles mUel Must sacrifice sacrifice- l leaving city 4 evenings DISC DISCOUNT any new model make e ear can Substantial X savings saving s g. g Box A Trio Trio- Te Tel Tel r k 37 OLDS TOURING SEDAN fin finish On new tires Pw 1 owner e 2449 2440 So W. W Temple J 37 BUICK TOURING SEDAN finish A l A-l 1 cond coed 2449 So W. W Temple 56 TRUCKS 56 TRUCKS FOR SALE 34 Ford I 2 ton 2 on Panel 34 Chev ton l Panel 39 Chev J I ton h 2 ton Truck 37 Plym ton Ih-ton Panel 39 Dodge ton 2 C. C CC C. C 39 Chev ton 2 C. C CC C. C 37 Dodge D. D L L. Sedan 38 Dodge D. D L L. Sedan 37 D Dodge ge 4 Sedan 36 N Nash sh 4 Sedan 38 Chev 2 Ton C C. C. C INTERNATIONAL HARV CO LoU Loti So Main Dial 4 t Store W W. So Dial 4 2639 MONTH will buy my 1936 Chev Obey dump truck t No down payment Hy Hp- Hp hoist t. t new overhaul a Job b clutch u Henry Roach Bosch Center St St. 4 LG La stake e bode trailer tracer and duns dump body F Felt A Auto State f 4 4 rl 57 TRAILERS COACHES TRAILERS COACHES SCHULT Ie A UT DEALERS New S schult trailers up trailers trailer u uAEN up KEN AEN GARFF SO LAIN ill MAIN 4 Ui KE A L. L EA ARNOLD k LAS s VEGAS N NEV P 58 TIRES Parts TIRES Parts Tops Glass A AUTO UT and d truck aril a f tor wrecked UTa cars a Auto g Salvage 1 Co State f 4 PARTS ARTS for all al cars late units I Superior Auto Wreckage 15 State Slat 5 38 |