Show FIRM GETS 1 10 0 DAYS TO PAY UP IN SUIT M. M doing business as ashe the he Grand Central market was given iven 10 days addit additional onal to make returns in the Utah Poultry Pro Pro- Cooperative association garnishment t suit in an an order Issued issued Is- Is sued Thursday by District Judge Albert Ibert H. H Ellett In the garnishment suit filed January 13 by the association against members of the Amalgamated Amalgamated Amal- Amal Meat Cutters and Butcher Butch- Butch er r Workmen of America and affiliates affiliates af- af 10 days were allowed for returns on the sought Thursdays Thursday's order extends the time The association suit was an at at- tempt empt to collect a judgment grant 1 granted ed d by Third district court as damages damages dam- dam ages resulting from boycott I |