Show TIlE THE BEST THERE IS IN j Valentines 1 1 IS AT Pembroke Pembroke's 24 E BROADWAY I It is always a pleasure to In buT STATIONERY at Our Store I I j If You Yon Plan to Build I I 1 i Make ake All AI Arrangements i I I NOW Defense needs of the nation daily becoming more Imperative are bound to have a direct effect on costs of home building including building including prices on materials of all kinds which naturally rise with increased demand a In view of this condition foresighted prospective tive five home builders will will secure their lot their building plans and arrange their financing NOW NOW- ready to go ahead with construction at the earliest time possible Come In and tell us ns your requirements We can fit a financing financing- plan plan a 90 Loan or our own First Security Low-Cost Low I Loan Loan to to your needs Nl 5 Whatever your loan requirements Ask FIRST at First Co Security Trust MAIN SIAU STREET OPPOSITE POSTOFFICE r rI I I II I I I |