Show SALT LAKE CITY NEWS S IN BRIEF II s. s SL L L. L Winner inner o of t California f Scholarship hR D Delivers eli vers rs V Valedictory at t Coa Coast st t Mi High gh School Miss 1 Marian l fe Meyers rs dau daughter of of- Mr Ir and is is E. E M Meyers ers North Main street was valedictorian Plan rian at midyear graduating exercises exercises exer exer- rises at Woodrow Wilson high school Long Beach eel Oal her parent parents parents par par- ent announced Thursday An East high school student last year C r she was awarded a. the California scholarship scholarship schol schol- federation seal Reminds D Department Governor Herbert B. B Maw reminded remind remind- ed cd state department h heads 1 that federal law requires that they submit names and salaries of em- em of their division to the collector collector col- col lector ector of Internal revenue by February Feb 15 Art on the Hoof An Hoof An art class featuring the Impromptu work of Paul aul S S. S Clowes Fielding K Smith S S. S E. E Samuelson and John L. L Hanson Han son was a highlight of the Advertising Adver- Adver Using sing club meeting in IR the Hotel Utah tah under unde-r charge of Walter E E. Wagstaff president Ian Road noad Discussion Progress Discussion Progress of proposed highway safety legislation legislation legis legis- lation through the state legislature will willbe be discussed cd by y members of the ic executive committee of the Utah traffic safety council at 2 p. p m. m Friday at the capitol An engineering report on hazards also will be considered said Herbert Hebert B. B Simpson impson secretary Student Sl Slates t Talk Talk Marvin Marvin J. J Bertoch University of Utah law student will discuss Youth and the he Present Crisis at the Friday noon oon Exchange club meeting at the Hotel Utah Double Service Ser Man Nicholas Man Nicholas Louis Louts Strike son of Mr and Mrs Louis x uis N. N Strike West Eighth South street was a soldier and a sailor ailor Thurs Thursday ay While awaiting action on his application for a commission com corn mission as ensign in the naval na reserve reserve re reo re- re serve supply corps he volunteered under nd r the army selective service call caB Now training at Foft FoH McArthur thur lur San Pedro Cal he hc was notified notified noti- noti fied ed by the navy department that his lis comm commission ion has b been en approved Ward Marks Mark Founding Founding Founding-Cele- Cele 1 rating braUng th the thirty-ninth thirty anniversary anniversary anniversary sary of the founding of the Twenty- Twenty ninth L D S ward a four four day day reunIon reunion re- re unIon nion and homecoming program will open with a 6 p. p m. m supper Thursday at the ward chapel third North an and Tenth West streets Wet et 1 Year ar Recorded Recorded General precipitation for Utah during 1940 1910 recorded by 12 stations totaled 1578 Inches above the 49 49 year average J. J Cecil Alter federal fed era eral meteorologist shows In his annual report The total was the f t h hS S MARIAN MEYERS Wins Ins Honors on Coast greatest since 1936 and was exceeded exceeded exceeded ex ex- in only seven of the 49 years of record Precipitation Figure Figuro Falls Falls Falls- Utah's January precipitation was about 25 per cent belo below normal the hc state engineers' engineers report shows While Washington Sevier and Sanete San San- pete ete c counties uri lies r reported p as much as 50 per cent above average parts of Box Elder and Rich counties were 85 per cent below be Parts of Rich Morgan Summit and Wasatch Wa Wa- satch catch counties and western Utah areas ranged 25 23 to 50 per cent below be p be-p low ow average Salt S Salt lt Lake Davis and Cache s averaged from normal to 25 per cent above Seek Street Lights Residents LIghts Residents of Forty fifth South street asked the county commission to In Install Install in In- stall street lighting between Highland Highland Highland High High- land drive 1550 East street and Holladay boulevard r East street The The- petition was referred t to the he county electrician Launch Laun h Meat 1 Campaign The I second advertising and merchandising merchandising dising campaign of the American Meat institute was under way on Thursday having been launched at ata ata ata a a. a meeting of dealers in The Tribune Telegram m auditorium Pr Predicts Price Control Direct Control Direct or Indirect control of commodity prices will be exercised by the federal fed fed- eral govern government ent before tl e the end of 1941 Grant Calder University of Utah instructor in fn m business predicted predicted pre pre- dieted at a meeting meeting- of the Salt Lake Real Est Estate e board in the ut Utah h Wednesday ay Apostle Ret Returns Expansion rn of L D D' D S church hurch building activities and the church churco welfare program is attracting wide attention in the northern states mission area atea Dr Richard R. R Lyman member of the council of twelve apostles reported report report- ed on on his return from a three three- w week ek trip over the mission Maps Map Com Convention Convention Trip Trip Eugene Eugene G. G Pack Pack technical director of radio I Station will leave Friday for Columbus Ohio to attend a 8 broadcasters broadcasters' broadcasters broadcasters' broad broad- casters casters' engineering conference February 10 to 21 at Ohio State university Sees Seen Tourist Gains Increased Gains Increased tourist business will r result for the west from the European war W. W S. S Basinger Omaha general passenger passenger passenger pas pas- traffic manager for the Union Union- n Pacific railroad said during during dur duro ing a conference here with C. C H H. general agent passenger passenger ger department Notes Art Increase Paintings increase a Paintings f sketches and drawings are sup planting photographs for advertis advertising rUs ing purposes Jo John Jolln n L. L Han Hansen n commercial commercial com com- mercial artist told Advertising club members Wednesday at the Hotel Utah Dinner Plans Ilan Outlined Plans Outlined Plans for lor forthe forthe the the- annual banquet of f the Deseret Stamp cl club tb were discussed Wednesday Wednesday Wed Wed- night In the federal build- build Ing Charles A A. A Abbott chain said the dinner would be h held M 1 21 at the Newhouse hotel A Await Aal al Meeting l j- j Boy Scout Scot leaders who last u q completed training in the elc of will wll atten banquet l at f 7 po p p. p m m. Thursday Inc South Main Maln sir |