Show I Strange as It Seems by John Nix Hix AI f to-f to le h IN AP APr I f r z 1 4 JoHN FiTcH J 7 WHo A 1 H JhO eD A R RAIlROAD GROAD t USED B 1 III y Ehe y 1198 1 To STATE ioNo loon L MoRa PER 1 r 4 Pt RE VOU ON t. t K 4 t p i M a. a r RIGHT OF REVOLUTION Strange as it seems Part PartI I Article 10 of New Hampshire's const constitution constitution recognizes the right of revolution in these words Whenever the ends of government are perverted and public liberty libert manifestly endangered and all other means of redress are ineffectual the people may and of right ought to reform the old ld or establish a new govern govern- ment The doctrine of nonresistance against arbitrary i power am and oppression is ab absurd urd slavish and destructive of the good and happiness happiness happiness happi happi- ness of mankind Near Near-by Connecticut makes punishable by three years' years Imprisonment imprisonment imprison Imprison- ment and 1000 fine the reading before more than 10 persons of of such measures |