Show Produce Market BUTTER First quality sweet cream lb Ib S 34 First quality I Ib lb 33 Second dU quality Ib g gNet 32 Net prices no discount EGGS EGOS Large white specials doz 24 Large white while extras doz 23 23 Large standards doz dOl 23 23 Medium white extras doz 21 CHEESE Full uil cream triplets Ib lb 17 17 I Pull Full cream longhorns Ib lb 18 Full cream 5 sandwich loaf loa lb Ib 18 Longhorns Longhorn western cured Ib 21 Triplets rp western e t cured Ib lb 20 20 h Longhorn n Wisconsin s cured e Ib lb 23 2314 Daisies Wisconsin I cured r Ib bI 23 NEW YORK TORE Feb 6 AP AP Butter Butter I Receipts pounds firmer creamery cream cream- ery cry higher than 92 score core and premium marks 92 score cash market market mar mar- I ket 88 to 91 score 29 30 c 84 to 87 score 27 Cheese e Receipts c pounds quiet prices unchanged Eggs EggS Eggs Receipts cases casu weak Mixed colors Fancy to extra fancy tancy 19 21 Vic c extras 19 Vic c i graded firsts 18 e current receipts 17 c i seconds c mediums 16 dirties No 1 I 16 c average checks 15 Q 15 c refrigerator standards standard 16 firsts c. c Whites Resale of prea premium pre pre- marks a 2314 near near near-by by and md raid mid western premium marks marka 21 Vi N specials I dali standards of exchange ex tx change to fancy heavier mediums medium 19 S mediums n lOc C. C B Browns Nearby Near r. r and i toB t- t midwestern fancy to extra fancy a 20 2014 t U 22 c 22 c specials standards mediums me me- 18 c. c Duck eggs Pa Pacific ie rifle enact coast whites Jumbo g and premiums specials P s standards 24 a hc mediums c c. c NEW TORK YORK Feb 6 Live CAP AP Live poultry poul pout try try try-By By freight Firmer strike continued chickens colored fowls fowl colored 20 Leghorns old roosters turkeys hens e c young toms 1 ducks duck lle ll 17 IS By hy boun express x Firmer chickens Rocks 22 W 23 Vie e. e crosses 21 colored southern 17 Reds Redl broilers Rocks crosses 19 1900 iw fowls owl colored Leghorns Leghorn 15 fi pullets e cr crosses and Reds old roosters rooster SI turkeys YS hens Fr Fresh Dressed Ws Boxes xer poultry chickens chicken e gr broilers Generally filers friers steady and d roasters routen unquoted Other fresh tresh and nd all ill frozen rozen prices unchanged CHICAGO Feb 6 8 AP AP Butter Butter Re Receipts Ip pounds f firmer m creamery 93 c re 8 93 score r 30 ic 92 score r 30 c 91 score r 3 90 score r 89 score 6 rf ed n 29 c 88 8 score 90 o score c centralized carlots carlota Eggs Eggs Receipts cases unsettled mfr fr market unchanged Live poultry poultry Receipts 31 trucks truck steady teady ducks small white lie colored joe other prices unchanged LOS ANGELES Feb 6 Produce tAP AP Produce exchange receipts Butter pounds Cheese pounds Butter Butter In In bulk Eggs Eggs Candled Candled large candled me me- candled small mall 17 c. c |