Show Jack Goodman's Cityview The Salt Lake Tribune E5 Sunday February 26 1989 Vintage but battered Temple Square Hotel will get new look If you've an eye for such things you will have noticed that the south-facinlower wall of the Temple Square Hotel looks as if it has been struck by a mortar round Since no shell crater is in evidence and since debris is occasionally piled onto strategically placed trucks you will have gathered quite correctly that this church-ownehostelry is being gutted and renovated Why this is being done to the modest and Temple Square Hotel while the big beautiful Hotel Utah remains shuttered is one of those murky local mysteries which seems to go unanswered among Latter-day Saints as well as gentiles But don't count on the likes of me for an answer — my chief involvement with the Temple Square Hotel long-sinc- e centered around Fred's Family on the north side of the establishment Fact is I misspent many hours therein and in Fred's hamburger spa in the 2CM1 Mall Fred's Burger Chalet on Social Hall Avenue and several similar gastronomic havens operated by Fred I never met the man but liked his coffee As to the Temple Square Hotel this rather unostentatious haven for tourists and weary businessmen LDS Conference-goer- s was born on the drawing boards of Ashton & Evans Architects in 1929 and was completed in 1931 A Depression baby as it were a structure with a bare minimum of upper-stordecorational filigree it opened and closed with 190 modest-sizerooms However photographs made in the palmy days shortly after it opened showed public rooms that might be characterized as at least One especially ing ykl 31 t4 k 11( Jack Goodman 4 d porters for the Deseret News may say otherwise of course but wage slaves at The Tribune and The Salt Lake Telegram never ascended above that spacious lobby of the Temple Square Peering into the past yet again one remembers when parcels from distant Evanston or Moab arrived aboard Continental Trailways buses and were retrieved in the bus line e loboffices adjacent to the by Was there a cigar and cigarette stand near the revolving door? I believe so but Laury Cracroft former crack salesman for Hemingway & Mosher isn't answering his telephone at the moment For at least a while during its heyday Grant Mabey managed the Temple Square in a period when it was called the Temple Square Motor Hotel circa 1970 It was then I believe that the South Temple marquee was removed and big "store front" style windows ensconced in a shiny marble base were placed on the ground levels of the facades north and But that modernization followed a more notable sounding refurbishment reported in a 1942 issue of The Tribune Somehow during that wartime year manager Clarence E Wonnacott was able to contact one Ruben C Brasz identified as an interior decorator who "for 35 years has worked on notable churches cathedrals public buildings and libraries in the nation" Decorator Brasz told our unnamed reporter the decor had become "Spanish Renaissance that style resulting from a mixture of Gothic with Italian Renaissance in new colors with choral blue gold red and orange on beams and arches" Really colorful Ruben This columnist wishes he could also have encountered the new drapes tastefully hung in the Sea Gull Room in the lower lobby an area designed as an private dining room for luncheon clubs Were alcoholic beverages served therein? self-sam- y d west-facin- "semi-luxuriou- structive newspaper illustration shows the Temple Square's lobby virtually awash in tall potted palms its carpeting in patterns you last saw in Grandma's parlor And a hasty count shows a total of six strategically placed ashtrays of various sizes and shapes in this singularly unrestful looking lobby Looking back over the years spent toiling for newspapers radio stations and television tycoons I cannot recall ever interviewing a single guest in the purlieus or parlors of the Temple Square Hotel When urasuch as Charnium lie Steen or even such staid mult- imillionaire merchants as JC Penney came our way newsmen journeyed with notebook camera or microphone to the Hotel Utah Re g ting the first time between 1970 and 1985 that women exerted a widespread influence on mainstream art" she said "This exhibition focuses on this turning point and on many of the artists who were instrumental in bringing it about" Rosen said the 1970-198- 5 period signaled a shift for women artists from a marginal role to one of participation and influence in contemporary American art -This important turning point coincided with two major developments the expanding role of women in American society and the opening of the art world to new directions" she said E-- 4 Por- trait" Also included in the diverse collec1:tion is an electronic signboard by Jenny Holzer that flashes new messages every few seconds and a life size sculpture of a horse that Deborah Butterfield fashioned from steel ualuminum wire and tar b IP Rosen said it hadn't dawned on her that women artists had broken Pthrough male domination of art until va few years ago when she was asked :to make suggestions for a general art 'show and about half the pieces she :chose were created by women "Although there have always been Lexceptional women artists it was for room 41 I 1 -- I t : :4113 4 434 - 14 6 Molding chocolate: 20 colorsflavors 1$1 Merckerts I'"1:4i Mt --- - 'i 1-- RoNyland : - - 1 t Alli i 1 t - - ' r 11‘ ler644ditie '1 k1 :: :!: l : 1:41:: ''I'' 4: '': 'It' t I t 09 3 t i I:''0 Jock Goodman N''' 1 4 $ 41 r:) r' ' ' I r--'- at 8:00 k 44 A f s : ) p I (401 :' - ' 'orf ' :: ::::-- t I t '‘ 0 i 1 1 1 N"4 i'lreZ$ 41:: l'ii-'''- :i :47- :40°1'' ':?4'' ' le'' 1 t ' ' ' '?' i 4't !7 '4: 4- t " ''! 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Ittl''': 17)1: - 41' '- ' 711P ' :5"":744- ' 4e' '4 v'v :47 'l ::: 64"1- 017":-- '" :$ :774: N -- ':: r ( k - I'''''''::'''''?:::(11:tl':: Itimeim1 1 - Aor '' :i 00' ' '1'4'4 1 tplre-44- ' ' to"4 ''''':- 4-1- e TV WORTH WATCHING 517'" 405 " i::':': 1 ''''''''''':A'":' ' 7:: :::'j rA 47' 1 ::1 KUED kle K r '4 - hfing) :xI-:I40:ir- ::':112k :1ift': f:T 411- kt17''4a :ir Nis Itiii414411itiariA0WkdliWAItt4A ::' I I Saints into an upscale "European-style- " hotel that is scheduled to reopen in 1990 Tonight -- F':: ' r 4 t - i '' 1''f:1111-' iii- - ' fV:::4it::37::::t t4Nii:4 ! tt:::::''10':: 0: :' ‘T 14''4 Y' V?? 4 :: t r Retrace the adventures of explorers who found Machu Picchu the most spectacular ruins in the world amid the mountainous jungles of Peru David Drew hosts :e4t 4 ct:1djuEop Fivde at the school for information iind a reservation Please call Karen - it c - - 1 The Lost City of the Incas : i:: 'zito-i- ' :7:5 its Call for a visit ti - : 1 - t1145r-g ille g IA " r4 1 1 Footsteps '' r"::::: t41 k"viiiti-77--ELN-7::- ' II Ik t to Ir ! I t t t 1 ' 7-14:- '' 4 V :4:jr 4 (1:i'!:kef available - I 0o 4-7- Lt4- a 4 - L - :''' f 4111!4' ' Sch 001 Main Building) )113i1 n LIIRIU 1 : L- :::l:: ' i::::i"''''''' (2 prop i i :::4:: - 1k' lit III Air P Timoi ‘ ::: A''' i OPEN HOUSE First Avenue A a s 47' '7' -- s- y ::)i::::icioo021 '4i rAVI'4 :":''''it tin 'i Lower School Toddler and ' II - t t : 1"' Al ft ri Nominations closed Feb 1 The principal prize consisting of a $100000 grant a medallion and a certificate will be made at a Temple Square rather unlike our own although like the Salt Lake Tabernacle the award site has a wooden roof The venue (as they say at the Winter Olympics) will be the Todai-j- i an Buddhist Temple located between Nara and Kyoto in Japan The Todai-j- i is considered the largest wood building in the world and it houses a huge bronze Buddha of almost record dimensions No word from Japan as yet as to whether the ceremonies take place on North East West or South Todai-j- i Temple streets The two 1988 architect-laureate- s were Gordon Bunsha ft of these United States and Oscar Niemayer of Brazil The Hyatt Foundations sponsors the Pritzker Prizes but its doubtful that a Hyatt Hotel will ever win such an award Perhaps well have a Utah winner — some day 40 ' 40$ 4 nt 9 ': ' 'ii-- 1 - ' - 71Nr : -- - c 487-330- 0 Wednesday March (parents only) Kindergarten - Grade o -Orientation 30 pm—Classroom visits to follow : 1- i ultra-prestigio- 01: 4(4e44 - rslattit Mg to acquaint the wmmunitv with its 1980-9Lower School progams '!-- Alp of- :e- ADDENDA: If you haven t as yet ' 0 :Avi! 71:'94 1::te iRk s announces i submitted your nomination for the Pritzker Architecture Prize awards you are too late :: 'cr tte Y11iif ote 410 - y '" 41cor $1694110 Lbs tmark9c - - — Modest '30s-er- a hostelry is being upgraded by Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-da- 14 :' 41'' "" I '- -f Oy : :::!:: ' all-- - '' ) 1 - ' 1 - - - — -- : : 11"er!" : S 2: i- 1- rfe6 - '" :strtf7 t'r4 - '4010 h- 367 W Paxton (1170 South) Salt Lake City Utah 84101 9 am-- 6 pm Hours: Mon-FSat 9 am-- 1 pm 40 ill mot $4 ir" b 30-- '41' 1 41' - Inc ' ' e4 t ittft S - '')111111:0t6444'(:::ll'rsr : 41'''::::''' - CeEC9 : - 4:' 4- I Ittis v tO VrlN t Candy cups and boxes 0 BAKERS 1'''' - ( el '''‘1'40' — - 11 - ' :74"4440040 ' t - Guittard Peter's Lindt Chocolates Merckens Mansfield Milk Chocolate ''''' °m'w77-1W:!AU- w 1-- - -- Easter cake pans and cookie cutters ri '1 2 :'''s N ' "'"'s- -- low - ki' eee 6) Easter molds for chocolate and hard candy sugar eggs 0 I -1 11 4 7 ‘ "4 - i - : I -- i -- P1L N oc'iTi ''7' ' it-::" lik to-- IA ill '' ds 1 V ot I ' 2' iim'Id:0J '' :Pil Fred's Alas no EASTER TREATS EASTER SWEETS i: ' -- doubtless suites : 61 14 - ''''' ' 111rill : ' - - - ( - 1:11N4 leg'P' 0: - - conveniently located for sitting Plus new plumbing new wiring upgraded air conditioning and "a small library on the mezzanine" I inch "Self -- d Major exhibition features ?American women artists :Continued from :haunting 7 - 1 d red-bric- k six-stor- y On a somewhat more practical note the business pages of this daily reported in the last month of 1970 that the fondly remembered Henry N Aloia then president and managing director of the Hotel Utah Co would manage the Temple Square Hotel the Hotel Utah and the new Hotel Utah Motor Lodge You may recall the latter as a sizable but awe somely ugly motel on West South Temple blessed with two hard-tofinlevels of underground parking conference rooms The late Hank Aloia manfully dealt with the total of 815 rooms in those assorted hostelries while the city and county fathers sought conventions to fill the of guest seeming overabundance rooms and exhibit halls The present battered look of the Temple Square Hotels rear flank results from reconstruction work slated for completion by the tourist season of 1990 Inc local architects and planners are currently concentratefforts on preparations for a ing -Carriage Court" on the building's south side planned as the hotel's main entrance The court entered through the requisite wrought iron gates is to have a patterned brick pavement and will be screened by walls and planters from the the adjacent Crossroads Mall parking terrace and the long-livemuch restored old Beneficial Life structure As you may gather from the grand new entry inspired perhaps by the Stanford Court in San Francisco the renovated Temple Square Hotel will be far more upscale than its predecessor It will have just 90 rooms as 190 All will be against the original -executive-clas- s European style" according to materials graciously tendered me by LDS Church publicist Don Le Fevre No more Gray Line or Trailway ticket office Instead the lobby will be flanked by a reception area main floor restaurant and banquet rooms There will be five bridal suites — very conveniently located for Temple weddings There will be five parlor sit- r ‘o :0: T '4' ' 11111fiet Vil‘1311111 A PlaceTt) Discover i rh ipatulg (3S5---48-- '531111ake Ph 268-285- 1 1m 01R oltkW 30 West 900 South Ph CityDowntown: Mon-F- Shop ri 10-- 9 Sat 10-- 6 Sun 364-29012-- 5 2 Cottonwood: 4850 HIgh1and Drve Ph 272-442- 2 Murray: 6230 South State |